Chapter 80

I'm thirsty! Really thirsty! If someone doesn't have long fucking eyes and prevents me from drinking water at the moment, I must be anxious with him, and it's the kind of life-threatening.

At the moment, Cheng Chong, who plunged into the river like a hippopotamus, opened his mouth and poured water into his throat. When the first saliva rushed into his thirsty and almost smoking mouth, it was so sour that he couldn't believe it.

However, he soon felt that the river was not fucking sour at all. It would be salty and have a fucking bitter taste. Where is it sour and cool?

Cheng Chong said wrongfully.

However, so what? Applying the popular advertising words of mineral water, it can only be said that the mineral content of the river is high.

Right! High mineral content!

As for whether this high content of minerals is good for people's health, those advertising words don't say. Cheng Chong can't care more at the moment, no matter whether it's good or bad. Anyway, it's the most important to quench his thirst at the moment.

This is like people who have insomnia for a long time. They don't care about the side effects of sleeping pills. As long as they can make themselves fall asleep, even if they take a few more tablets.

Cheng Chong not only satisfied himself, but also greedily filled the soft leather water bag he carried with him. He has been short of water for a long time. In order to make himself stick to this dry desert Gobi desert for more time, it's better to have water than no water! Even salt water that's not so good to drink.

However, at this time, Cheng Chong deeply felt his existence.

Cold! Dead cold! Unforgettable cold!

At the moment, he really felt that the river would be so cold. It was really cold and drenched people's heart. Now that he had drunk the cold river, he immediately shivered and trembled.

The almost irresistible cold seemed to sharpen the head and drill straight into the crack of human bones.

The temperature difference between day and night on the desert Gobi desert is huge. It is still summer during the day, and it becomes winter at night. It is hot enough to cook barbecue during the day, but cold enough to make ice cream at night.

Cheng Chong was so cold by the cold river that he almost didn't look back and climbed back to the bank.

However, there are a large group of covetous enemies behind. Although they have not found themselves at the moment, this period of time is extremely limited. Once they react, they will condescend, and they will be completely exposed to their guns, so they must cross the river as soon as possible. At the moment, he has no choice, even if he bites through his lips and breaks his teeth, We must also clench our teeth and stick to it.

He didn't stop for a moment, but endured the cold of the river and all kinds of discomfort brought to his body by the cold, and began to swim quietly to the other bank desperately.

The armed swimming crossing uses breaststroke, because the breaststroke action is small and easy to hide, and the breaststroke is labor-saving and durable. Relatively speaking, it can swim farther and easier.

Cheng Chong was specially trained in this subject during the last scout backbone training. Although his attitude during training was not serious, his swimming foundation was not weak since childhood, so his results in armed swimming were among the best in the whole training team.

In addition, during the armed swimming training at that time, a single soldier needed to bear 20 to 30 kilograms. At present, the weight of his whole body will not exceed 15 kilograms, which is a lot easier. But the river was too cold at this time. Moreover, his stomach was filled with the cold river, and his whole body was shivering and shivering with cold.

He endured, he overcame, he insisted

In any case, he didn't stop for a moment.

Cheng Chong swam to the opposite bank as small as possible, stroking and pedaling to overcome the cold and strive to move forward. At the same time, he swam to the opposite bank as soon as possible. After all, in such a low-temperature River, the time to stay can be as short as possible. Otherwise, when his hands and feet cramp or freeze directly, it will be a bad thing.

On the river surface, the waves are sparkling. In the dark night light, there are scattered weak white lights. Under the river surface, dark waves are surging and torrents are surging. God knows whether there are all devouring undercurrent, sharp water chestnut, reef that will take human life at any time, and even water monsters that look strange and have never been recognized by human beings in the river in the hinterland of the deserted Gobi desert.

Cheng Chong, who was in the middle of the night, had to consider the existence of these and had to guard against them. Moreover, there were a large group of armed elements with rifles behind him, and he had to be very careful to prevent being discovered by the other party.

This dangerous and frightening armed swimming was a great test of his courage and perseverance.

Fortunately, the river was not very wide. It was only about 70 or 80 meters wide. Cheng Chong tossed carefully in the water for two or three minutes. However, when Cheng Chong was about to swim to the other side of the river, the gunfire in the back suddenly made a big noise.

The group of armed men had bravely rushed up the mountain which was now empty. After shooting wildly and wildly, they found that they had been deceived in the dark. Then the angry yelling and roaring noise rushed into the sky and almost filled the sky.

They soon found the existence of the river, and then in the dark night, they vaguely found that there seemed to be a shadow shaking in the turbulent fluctuation of the river. Seeing this, the group of armed men shouted for a while, quickly turned the muzzle of their guns and opened fire at the empty figure. Countless bullets intertwined into a huge barrage and rushed towards Cheng.

Da da Dada dada

At this moment, just as Cheng Chong swam to the other side, he felt that countless bullets roared at him at high speed, carrying a hot heat wave and a frightening smell of death. The sharp and piercing sound of breaking the air sounded in his ears one after another, as if he was getting closer and closer to himself, Almost every bullet blew past his body.

Bullets poured into the waters near Cheng Chong like a ladle. They hit the water, hissed, and hit the rocks on the shore.

Cheng Chong was shocked. The danger was great this time. Now they were condescending and completely occupied a favorable position. Although their vision was poor at night, they couldn't hold them. Dozens of people opened fire on themselves at the same time to cover them without dead corner fire!

At this time, almost every inch of water or land around us will have an impact point. Under such a dense elastic net, who can be lucky to be a fish out of the net?

These bastards must be crazy. They must take this opportunity to kill me.

However, it's not that easy. You have miscalculated and want to kill me. You still lack a good pair of fucking teeth.

Although Cheng Chong was surprised at the moment, he was not panic. He saw that there was a two meter high embankment on the Bank of the river. With the help of his arms, he climbed to the bank at a high speed, then jumped up with his hands and feet, and then rolled forward quickly and continuously.

However, at the moment he rolled forward, his body suddenly shook violently, a violent energy penetrated from his back at a high speed, and a violent tearing sound suddenly sounded. At the same time, he felt a strong burning pain coming from his right armpit at a high speed and hitting the brain center through nerve conduction.

A strong sense of foreboding arises spontaneously and invades the whole body in an instant.

Stunned, Cheng Chong instinctively stretched out his hand to the right armpit, and his fingers soon detected the sticky liquid. His fingers immediately wiped the corners of his mouth, and a smell of fishy and sweet immediately occupied all his taste buds. In a moment, an extremely terrible idea jumped out.

Ah! I was shot!

Cheng Chong was immediately frightened! I was shot! Then, will I soon die by the river in the hinterland of the deserted desert Gobi?

Cheng Chong, who had climbed up the riverbank and lay flat on his back in the low-lying place behind the riverbank, soon thought of death. Then a sad feeling invaded his body. He lay quietly by the riverbank, his face was pale, his whole body had no strength, his eyes blinked aimlessly, looking at the dark blue and infinite deep sky with almost nothing, but his thinking did not stop.

Are you really dying? I didn't expect it to be so fast!

I am still so young, not yet 19 years old, but now I have come to the end of my life. I haven't even had time to take a good look at this beautiful and prosperous world and get to know this colorful world. Unexpectedly, I'm leaving in a hurry.

Leave here! Will you regret it? After all, there is only one life for anyone, which is pitifully rare, extremely precious and difficult to buy.

However, I don't regret it, and I will never regret it. I acted privately in serious violation of military discipline and went through thousands of hardships to avenge my dead comrades in arms? Before I acted privately, I had long ignored my life and death. What can I regret now?

Moreover, they have destroyed their secret bases and eliminated a large number of their armed personnel.

They have paid several times or even dozens of times for their sins, and this task can be regarded as a successful completion. Since the task is successfully completed and the blood feud of my comrades in arms is rewarded, what else can I regret? Even if I die immediately.

If I have to say regret, I regret that I failed to destroy all these bastards and did not exterminate all of them, so that they are still unbridled arrogance and ignorant arrogance. If I have to say worthless, I will die in the hands of these humanoid and inhuman bastards. I'm fucking worthless and unwilling!

But now, I have no choice!

Thinking of Cheng Chong here, he suddenly felt dejected.

He still lay on his back quietly, his eyes staring at the boundless sky, the gunfire in his ears was still crazy, the bullets hit the riverbank, the sound of wheezing was heard, and the group of militants were still shooting endlessly.

However, after a long time, Cheng Chong didn't see death coming to him. He was still lying in the low-lying place behind the river embankment, and his body didn't see any abnormality.

This made him feel particularly puzzled. Isn't Lao Tzu a fatal injury? Or something else?

As soon as the idea jumped out, Cheng Chong was so excited that he almost jumped up. He reacted quickly and quickly recovered his normal consciousness. He quickly sat up low, took off his backpack, untied a corner of his coat, and began to examine his wound carefully.

In the dim light, Cheng Chong vaguely saw that the wound under his right armpit was still gurgling and bleeding. After making sure again and again, he found that his injury was really not very serious, not fatal at all. The bullet came from his back, pierced his backpack, and then came out obliquely from his right armpit. The bullet flying at high speed only scratched a not very deep wound under his armpit. It was just a flesh and skin wound, and did not hurt muscles and bones and hit the key.

After understanding the truth, Cheng Chong was excited for a moment, as if he had escaped a disaster, narrowly escaped death, and picked up a life with a blank.

However, this excitement did not last long, and soon calmed down and returned to the tense fighting state again.

Since he is still alive, the battle is far from over.

Fight to the end, except the dead!