Chapter 45

Early the next morning, a big ass warrior Jeep gasped and drove into the hospital to pick up Cheng Chong.

Cheng Chong has gone through the relevant discharge procedures, and the eagle warrior who has been kept by Yu Yue for nearly a month has returned to his original owner.

Cheng Chong smiled, took the dagger, pulled out its sheath, looked carefully and played with it, and then reluctantly returned it into the sheath, as if it were an extremely beloved thing and recovered.

"Virtue! Look how promising you are!" Seeing this, Yu Yue flattened his mouth into a beautiful arc.

In fact, this flying eagle warrior is not rare unless Cheng Chong treats it as a treasure himself! At least for nearly a month, Yu Yue didn't take it seriously, and didn't even have the interest to take a more look.

It's just a dagger. What's rare, isn't it?

It's really hard for others to understand this strange person who loves knives like life.

When she went out and got on the bus, Yu Yue followed her and sent her out. Seeing that the patient who was almost a cold body when she was sent had now fully recovered and was as alive as before, she suddenly felt a full sense of achievement. After all, it was inseparable from her careful care.

"Goodbye! Cheng Chong!" When waving goodbye, there was a blush of shyness on Yu Yue's white face.

"I don't want to see you again! Who will say goodbye to the hospital! I'll never see you again!" Cheng Chong made a mischievous face and joked seriously.

Suddenly, Yu Yue's face became more red, and he wished he could tear Cheng Chong up on the spot.

I knew you were so unreasonable and amorous. At that time, I should give you more needles and use a large syringe, preferably the one used by veterinarians.

Get on the bus and sit down. After taking a look at Yu Yue, Cheng Chong's heart is beautiful! It's incomparable. After a long while, dark Le leaned out his head, coughed his throat and said politely, "Yu ban! Bye! And you look really beautiful when you smile!"

Cheng Chong then turned his head with a bad smile. He couldn't bear to look directly at Yu Yue, who almost wanted to eat himself alive, but he was happy in his heart.

The warrior Jeep roared and sped out of the hospital!

Yu Yue was left alone in the summer morning. His face became more and more crimson in the wind. You know, Yu Yue insisted on the title of "Yu ban" for nearly a month, but Cheng Chong refused to call. As for the beautiful smile! That's nonsense. I'm beautiful when I don't laugh, isn't it?

The driver was an old third sergeant who had been in the army for more than ten years. He was very talkative all the way and talked about some anecdotes of the military region. From the No. 12 commander of the military region to the groups of soldiers who come and go every year, from the old weapons and equipment in the past to all kinds of new weapons and equipment today, from not even having enough food before to paying attention to nutritious and delicious food now

Not to mention, it almost covers the bumpy development history of the army over the past ten years, and the more you speak, the more excited you speak, spitting and nagging.

Veterans! I like to talk about the tradition of the army and some old things in the past in front of the recruits, so as to explain my old qualifications and prove my inviolable authority.

These are recruits. Cheng Chong has never known anything about them. Naturally, their interests are bursting. Therefore, the more they talk, the more they talk, the more they fall in love, and they almost kowtow on the spot.

"Hey! That's all about the Scout training! It happens once a year. It's no big deal and no mystery. Anyway, if you want to go further in the army, you probably have to go through such a process. Many of the backbone cadres at the grass-roots level of the military region have had such an experience. In fact, what do you have? You know what to shit when you pucker your ass , who in the army doesn't know who! " The third phase simply summarized the Scout training in a few words, and the tone vaguely revealed that the peers were light.

This is also a long-term veteran Youzi's one-sided understanding of the intensive training of scouts.

Cheng Chong frowned when he heard the words of the third phase. He said it was better to listen. The third phase is called lifting heavy as light, but it is clearly blind arrogance. The reason is very simple. If you see more, you may not be able to prove that you will be a professional. Otherwise, the school workers in the university should be highly educated talents.

While they were talking, the big ass warrior Jeep roared into a large dense forest. It was summer, and the trees grew more and more green and dense. The fresh smell of nature emitted by herbs and woody plants came to his face.

The muddy dirt road meanders to the depths of the forest. Gradually, all kinds of heavily armed soldiers begin to appear on both sides of the road. Along the muddy road, they sprinkle their sweat heartily, look pale, open their mouths and breathe heavily. They look exhausted. The soldiers in hard training are far less handsome than the honor guards who dress neatly and only play positive steps, So natural and unrestrained.

I don't know how many times I turned, or how far I went forward. At the dense forest and the mysterious training base of the northwest military region, I still appeared in front of Cheng Chong with a PI fence.

It was a very quiet place surrounded by mountains. Several simple buildings of different heights served as temporary dormitories for soldiers, and the rest was a large area of training venues and training equipment. This includes several crude and tall simulation buildings, undulating tactical fields, and all kinds of standing training equipment.

The soldiers in training are burning their youth in full swing. There is a scene of fighting and killing in full swing in the whole training base. In a moment, Cheng Chong seemed to return to the former tiger regiment, the passionate recruit company, and the sweaty training ground with his comrades in arms of the recruit company. I couldn't help sighing: This is the real army, this is the real nature of the soldiers.

All this has never happened at the plateau border post.

"Wait! I'll find someone to report!" As soon as the car was parked, the third phase took the lead in jumping out of the car, told Cheng Chong, turned and walked towards a simple building, which soon disappeared.

Cheng Chong didn't stay in the car honestly, but got out of the car and looked at the scene he hadn't seen for a long time. The blood in the body was soon ignited, and the mood immediately surged. I wish I could join the training team immediately and compete with those comrades who chewed steel and iron.

I'm back!

Cheng Chong almost shouted! The pride and posture are almost as good as when Hu Hansan came back.