Since the combination of Titan's arrow was uncertain from the beginning, in the process of placing the artifact parts, rod placed the four artifact parts into a quadrangle according to the common placement method in mystics.

Before he picked up the sword of Titan, rod noticed that the surface of the four artifact parts was shaking violently, but they didn't merge as he expected.

Obviously, if rod didn't do anything, the four artifact parts in front of him would not be combined by himself. In order to make the combined artifact really take shape, rod must deal with the artifact parts in front of him.

After picking up the sword of Titan, the trembling of the sword body did not decrease, on the contrary, it became more and more intense. At the same time, rod could clearly notice that there was an attraction in his hand. The direction of the attraction was the three artifact parts still placed on the ground.


Following the attraction, rod brings Titan's sword close to the other three artifact parts on the ground, but when the distance between them is close to a certain extent, the original attraction turns into repulsion, pushing Titan's sword away from them.

It seems that he noticed something. In order to keep Titan's sword balanced in the horizontal direction instead of shaking all the time, rod took the initiative to adjust the position of the three artifact parts below. The pattern formed by the three artifact parts changed from a quadrilateral without a mouth to a triangle.

Holding Titan's sword upside down again, rod's power from Titan's sword was much stronger this time. At the same time, rod noticed that the shaking of the three artifact parts below was more intense, and the ground vibrated slightly.

Finally, at a certain height in the center of the three artifact parts, rod seemed to notice something. Some premonition in his heart made him take the initiative to release the sword of Titan.

After the release of Titan's sword, it did not fall down, but was suspended in the air under the action of inexplicable force.

The next moment, a bright blue light flashed on the blade of Titan's sword, followed by a strong current, which began to spread to the surrounding areas.

The sudden drastic change was unexpected by rod. What makes rod extremely concerned is that the strong electric current around him does not harm himself, on the contrary, it brings him a sense of affinity.

Although the current signal from the perception is so, in order to prevent accidents, rod stepped back a few steps away from the center of the changing artifact.

In this process, rod's eyes were always fixed on the center of the change. As he was still in the acid fog, rod was not worried that other creatures would notice the abnormality here.

The current along the Titan's sword has spread to the other three artifact parts. Under the gaze of rod, the other three artifact parts begin to emit strong white light. Even in the acid fog, the white light is extremely dazzling, making rod have to avoid sight.

Many lightning, one after another from the sky, hit the center of the sword of Titan, followed by a dull thunder.

The blast from the lightning strike made rod have to distance himself from the center of the transformation, and put on the Qi magic for himself.

As for the artifact parts hit by lightning, rod was not worried about them.

The indestructible attribute determines that artifacts can only be destroyed by things of the same class, such as other artifacts. The rare immortal heroic will can also do this. In addition, it will not be destroyed for any reason, let alone the artifact parts themselves that attract lightning.



However, even rod, who has been watching all this all the time, can't tell which of the other three artifact parts changed first.

Before that, the intense white light had already dissipated. The generation of white light seemed to activate some characteristics of the three artifact parts. When the white light dissipated, a very special change began to take place in the three artifact parts below.

Bursts of small white light began to gather from the position where the artifact parts were placed to the center, marking three bright paths in the air.

With the surge of electric current, the number of light spots does not decrease. On the contrary, the number of light spots increases sharply, and the convergence speed is faster and faster. Then, the artifact parts originally placed below have become illusory, and may disappear completely in a short time.

The sword of Titan in midair, after absorbing the surrounding light spots, emits more brilliant blue light, and the body of the sword becomes thinner. It is only a real artifact and begins to spread around.

In the drastic changes of artifact parts, rod can feel the existence of magic elements all the time. Even with the master level wisdom and the mastery of Magic Elements in previous lives, rod is still hard to understand how these magic elements operate.

This is a special ability that only belongs to artifact parts, and rod can't explore and understand it in his own way.

Just as he had seen the transformation of curse armor on the soul tower before, at that time, in addition to feeling the fluctuation of death energy, rod still could not get anything from the transformation process.

Relying on his own attempt, rod found out the transformation steps of Titan's arrow, which he was very satisfied with and no longer cared about the transformation process of artifact.

The transformation process of artifact was the most intense at the beginning, and then gradually leveled off. When Rhode's perception, there was no more vision coming, which also announced the completion of the transformation of artifact.

At the center of the transformation, a sword body twists and turns, like a number of lightning signs in mysticism, end to end, emitting bright blue light. At this time, it is floating here, and the rest of the artifact parts have disappeared.

Rhode knew that the thing in front of him was the combined artifact, Titan's arrow, which he had been collecting.