Accompanied by the piercing sound of flesh being torn, those apprentices brought by Yin Wo to the Thunder God project headquarters grew fangs in an instant, and the nails on their fingers became as sharp as knives.

From their red and bloodshot eyes, Yin Wo saw the changes in their bodies. They all turned into vampires and began to attack people around them indiscriminately.

The only one who can maintain the status quo is probably only Kaidan next to Yin Wo. He, like Yin Wo, has a legendary rank. Fortunately, he was spared from this catastrophe. Except for the two of them, everyone who was originally peaceful, Now they are all gone, and a pair of blood-congested child holes are staring at the two of them.

"Do not……"

Kaidan seemed to realize something, and let out a mournful cry. Seeing that all his companions who had lived with him day and night and survived the catastrophe turned into undead at this moment, he felt uncomfortable at all. The feeling at the last moment almost tore his heart apart.

"What's going on? This is impossible..." Beside Kaidan, Yin Wo also showed a look of surprise. If he hadn't seen this scene with his own eyes, he would never have believed that such a thing had happened. The evil power that turned into a vampire was simply beyond his imagination.

If it weren't for the abnormality in the sky and the darkness that would completely engulf the imitation sun, Yin Wo might think that those apprentices before were all vampires in disguise.

"It's Rhodes...he came here." Kaidan gritted his teeth.

The kind of power that turns people into vampires, Kaidan once felt in the battle of Bracada. Called the Lord of the Undead, the terrifying existence that slaughters all living beings can take the life of others in an instant and turn them into vampires just by looking at them.

What an evil power that is, Kaidan just thinks of it a little, and unstoppable fear will appear in his heart, and he has no thought of being an enemy at all. The entire mage empire has been defeated by that person. Do something?

Kaidan just wanted to escape far away, to a safe place. He didn't expect the evil that followed him like a shadow, but he didn't want to let him go. He survived, but those who trusted him and regarded him as a leader Everyone in the workshop was not so lucky, even Master Nawen did not escape this catastrophe, and also turned into a hideous vampire.

From the howls of the vampires, Kaidan could hear the pain in their hearts. Turning into an undead is a process full of sorrow. He raised the sword, ignored Yin Wo who was on the side, and turned to face the vampire with the blade. Put an end to their pain with your own hands.


Hearing the name from Kaidan's mouth, Yin Wo's heart trembled for a while. During this period of time, Rhodes was the most popular existence on the entire continent. What puzzled Yin Wo was, shouldn't he marry another doomsday overlord in the Snowy Land? How could you come to Eri at such a time?

In any case, the arrival of Rhodes also means that evil is approaching, which is like a signal, enough to awaken the vigilance of all forest creatures. Just hearing the name of that evil being makes the creatures in the forest tremble, and his painful memories of Eri are even higher than the elemental monarch.

In Eri, no one seemed to be able to suppress the evil Lord of the Undead, even the guardian of the forest, he had nothing to do with him. The giant dragons who helped the elves resist foreign enemies in the past have completely left the elf kingdom, and even put themselves in the hands of Rhodes' fiancée, Dragon King Morrill. For the forest creatures, this is even worse news.

Looking at the deep darkness above his head, Yin Wo's eyes also revealed a bit of firm light.

When evil covers the world, there will be righteous heroes who stand up, brave and unyielding heroes, who will fight against the aggressive evil to the end, and heroes will win the final victory.

Yin Wo is also a hero, but he understands that he is by no means the hero who is full of courage and fights against evil to the end. All he can do is to call back the old hero and build a hero for him. The stage, the last hope of the world, is handed over to the hero.

The hero Tula Leon, if it is him, all enemies will be wiped out, and all evils will be wiped out. He is the most powerful hero in Eri for countless years, and he shoulders the mission of fighting against evil to the end. He'll save Eli again, just like he did countless years ago.

With the appearance of that evil aura, the entire headquarters of the Thor Project fell into disarray. When the vampires were raging, the remaining forest creatures wailed continuously. The news quickly reached the ears of the forest guardians. Those who showed up one after another.

Seeing the arrival of strong reinforcements, Yin Wo felt relieved. He didn't mean to stay here to fight the enemy together with the guardians. He had more important things to accomplish. He was going to find the last court musician. Now Eli needs a real hero.

And in mid-air, under the shroud of boundless darkness, Rhodes was brandishing the Titan Arrow, piercing the lightning core left by Somura with a sword, which is the imitation sun in the mouth of the elves.

Accompanied by a loud roar, the lightning cores in the sky exploded, and the terrifying lightning energy, which even the space could not bear, burst out one after another. The damage is more terrifying than the thunderbolt, enough to destroy all nearby enemies, but Rhodes in black robes, and the Shadow Lady hugging him, were not affected by the turbulent electric current, and were even quite shocked. With spare energy, he danced the Titan's Arrow with a sword.

"Including this, I have already destroyed three large light sources. Even if all the flames in the world are silent, it is not difficult for people to find new ways to emit light."

In the deep darkness, Rhode raised Titan's Arrow with one hand, shook off the cloak behind him, made a rustling sound, and embraced the person in front of him with one hand, as if dancing with her.

"Not enough, I need the world to be darker, and I need the light to die before I can raise the Shadow Realm to the level of a demigod." Sally pursed her lips, her eyes revealing a strong desire, she has already seen the threshold of being promoted to a demigod.

When the world is shrouded in darkness, her shadow domain can exert unprecedented power, and she can also take advantage of this general trend to make herself a demigod.

Rhodes is not the only one who can take advantage of the general trend of the third expansion. Those doomsday kings are all speculators of this expansion. With the help of the general trend of the expansion, they can easily achieve achievements that were once unimaginable.

"I feel the gap with the Elemental Monarch. Her mastery of the domain is superior to mine." Looking at Rhodes who is close by, Sally's words are full of deep unwillingness. Opened my shadow, which is the greatest shame on me, she saw my face."

Rhode looked at her with some helplessness. Sally seemed to be stimulated by the actions of the flame girl before. When he destroyed the large light source, such as the imitation sun at present, Sally kept thinking about this matter. .

"Does it matter? Didn't I also see it?" Rhodes shrugged, as if he didn't understand why Sally became so angry after the Shadow Domain failed.

"You are different, you follow the rules of the shadow." Sally chuckled, and reached out to caress the cloak behind Rhodes, but when she thought of the flame girl, her expression sank again, "Aren't you angry? Only you are entitled to see my face, but now she sees it. Damn elemental monarch, I will goug out her eyes..."

Listening to the vicious words in Sally's mouth, Rhodes couldn't help but let out a dry cough, and he had no doubts about Sally's determination to do so. As the leader who leads the thieves to build a dark world, her methods are more cruel than Rhodes'. For her, these methods have long been commonplace, and Rhodes does not want any conflict between her and Fromm.

"Don't do this, you have to get along well with her, she will be our powerful help in the end." Rhodes had no choice but to persuade.

Listening to Rhodes' words of persuasion, Sally couldn't help but give him a blank look. No one can change her will. Anyone who dares to disobey her will experience deep despair. Only Rhodes' words can penetrate her deeply. In her heart, she is also willing to change for it.

"Okay, I'm just saying casually, since you've asked for it, I won't do anything out of the ordinary. Anyway, she is also the real elemental monarch, an ancient demigod who shaped the world, and I will keep Due etiquette." Hearing the worry in Rhodes' words, Sally waved her hand, comforting him instead.

The corners of Rhode's mouth twitched. Judging from Sally's gnashing of teeth just now, she didn't seem to be joking, but since she said so, Rhode didn't need to remind him anymore. Proper.

"Now she can still use the power of flames to break through the domain around me, but this time will never be too long. When I am also promoted to become a demigod, the power of the shadow domain will be further improved, even if she With all the flames in the world, it is impossible for her to see me in the shadows." As if thinking of something, Sally's eyes became firm.

From the changes in her expression, Rhodes also seemed to understand why Sally was always so urgent in the process of destroying large light sources around the world after leaving the Magical City.

Thinking of the seemingly unintentional actions of the flame girl before, it has deeply stimulated the shadow lady in front of her. She is lonely in the dark, but she can't allow her domain to fail. She must be promoted to a demigod, and then she will teach her back. Only then can the hatred in my heart be relieved.

Looking at Sally, Rhode couldn't help scratching his head. He remembered Sally at the beginning, so he wanted to find someone who could break through the shadows and see her figure. He didn't expect that the fire elemental monarch could really do this. After one o'clock, she seemed so angry that she wished she could be promoted to a demigod right away, and fight back fiercely in front of the elemental monarch.

Sensing the urgency in Sally's heart, Rhodes didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing. Under the stimulation of the flame girl, it might not take long for Sally to fully grasp the ultimate power of the shadow. The earth is completely shrouded in darkness, and she can also become a demigod in the darkness. Rhodes can also add another demigod-level existence, which only stimulates her motivation to complete the promotion, and a large part of it comes from the fire elemental monarch .

Regarding this matter, Rhodes is still a little worried. He remembers Sally at the beginning, but once threatened to get rid of other people around him, but finally changed, and there was always that deadly threat on her body. And temptation, even Rhodes seemed very helpless.

In any case, being able to complete the rank promotion is of course a good thing, which is why Rhodes is willing to spare no effort to help Sally.

After leaving the city of magic, Rhodes successively crossed Cruelod, Erasia and other places, and finally came to Eri to destroy the large light sources emitting light so that Sally could be promoted earlier.

Putting it on other people, it would take an unimaginable amount of time just to cross those areas. By the time the final promotion moment arrives, I am afraid that I don't know how long it has passed. Destroying light sources is not an easy task, and it requires extremely high strength. Just how to find light sources that exist all over the world is enough to stump countless existences.

And Rhodes can easily do this. Under the supervision of the Eternal Demon Eye, the surface of the entire continent is not even half-secret to Rhodes. He can see what is happening anywhere on the surface. Rhodes knows exactly which area is lit up and which area is in darkness.

The existence of the Eternal Magic Eye endowed Rhodes with incomparable convenience and saved him a lot of time in collecting information. Even Sally, who controls countless thieves, wanted to collect information so quickly in a world shrouded in darkness. Information on light sources in various places is also a difficult thing to do, but Rhodes only needs to open the Eternal Magic Eye to see everything.

Knowing the location of the light source, what to do afterward is even simpler for Rhodes. With the blessing of Burning Domain, Rhodes' Flame Escape doesn't have any cooldown restrictions, he can go to any area in the world anytime, anywhere, and even bring Sally with him.

One moment, Rhodes was still in Erathia, struggling with the priests who were emitting light, and the next moment, he had come to the deepest part of the jungle, destroying the imitation sun in the sky.

Neither space nor intelligence can stop Rhodes' actions. If Ms. Shadow finds him at this time, it can be regarded as finding the right person. It can be said that no one is more suitable for this task than him.

Even Sally, after seeing Rhodes, destroyed those large light sources that bored her unceasingly. After she became a demigod and became more and more hopeful, she looked at Rhodes with a few more eyes. A faint smile.