Under the order of Rhodes, soon, the scholars manipulated a huge five-person puppet to come to the two of them.

Different from the regular type of titan golem, the ordinary titan golem will be equipped with a certain amount of armor to protect the joints that exert power, and the weapon used is also a lightning blade imitating the titan arrow.

Similar to the artifact Titan Arrow owned by Rhodes, the ordinary Titan puppet can also shoot the Lightning Blade as a Lv2 Titan Arrow, but only one. Before retracting the Lightning Blade, the Titan Puppet can only Unarmed combat.

The huge puppet in front of him has an upright shape similar to that of the Titan giant puppet. There are three large thorn discs on the chest and abdomen from top to bottom, and the two arms have also been transformed into irregular saw blades entwined with chains.

"That's your new puppet? It doesn't look as strong as a mage's creation."

Recovering from the shock caused by the lightning, Moriel looked at the new puppet in front of her, and then showed a look of disdain.

This type of puppet, I am afraid that Moriel can completely destroy it by waving the dragon claws. Even if other giant dragons are used to fight, I am afraid that it will not take much effort to dismantle the puppet.

In addition to the appearance is synchronized to the latest? turn off sync