

In the endless starry sky, a huge dark black spaceship flies at superluminal speed. Where I passed, I couldn't see it with the naked eye, that is, in the void, there was not even a ripple left.

It's real, like the vibration of root space.

"Thanks to the spacecraft provided by the Qataris."

"If not, rely on yourself and don't know when to fly."

In the spaceship, Ning Tianlin sat cross legged and maintained the posture of meditation.

After three years of practice, he felt that under this posture, he would enter a spiritual state faster. No wonder Chinese Taoists and alchemists like this posture, even Indian yoga.

All have commonality.

"Last time, the Star Wars award gave me a spaceship."

"But compared with this ship, it is completely a sky and an earth."

Ning Tianlin still remembers that the last spaceship can not be called a real spaceship, because its level is only level F, which is divided according to the level of abcdefs.

Strictly speaking, it is only a short-term aircraft. It is a kind of flying saucer. The most suitable is the movement in the planet and the short communication between the two planets, which is suitable for short distance.

This time, Ning Tianlin is going to conduct a real interstellar voyage, which is not suitable.

Finally, I thought about it and left it in my home to facilitate the passage of my family.

The level of the spacecraft he is now riding is three-star, which is much higher than the F-class.

Abcdefs, level 1 is higher than level 1, and above them, there are one star, two star, three star, four star and nine star.

Nine stars, also the highest level spacecraft in the Milky way, is only one, which is the special aircraft of the Lord of the Milky way.

Because the nine stars represent the same meaning as the nine star strong, they are the strongest to play, and can reach 900000 combat effectiveness! If a spaceship of this level is bombarded, any planet will be destroyed and turned into slag.

Samsung spacecraft, that is, the highest combat effectiveness can reach more than 300000.

It is also one of the pinnacle ships owned by the Qatari family of the silver blue prince.

But now, it has become something in the bag of Ning Tianlin.

And every star ship, which has been officially certified by the galaxy, will spray several golden stars on the surface of the ship to represent its level. The surface of this three-star spacecraft is painted with three golden stars.

Wind and rain, can not kill.

"Just this time, I left in a hurry. I can only give some general orders."

"I hope you can do well these years."

"Moreover, before long, the whole earth will be owned by Chinese people."

Ning Tianlin has many thoughts, although he has left the earth for three months. But I will always think of some people and things on earth.

Especially about his wedding.

After all, this is probably the happiest day of his life.

Ning Tianlin's wedding was not grand. Only dozens of people attended. But everyone who comes here is a figure who plays an important role in today's China, even stamping his foot, and the whole China will shake.

There are Hua Lao in the Forbidden City, the core of the Chinese people, Shi Xiaojun, the vice leader of the hero alliance, Niu Yun and Niu Teng in the business community, etc.

Originally, Ning Tianlin wanted to give Shu Yishan a grand wedding. After all, in his heart, he can only do these now. In the next few years, he won't accompany her. This wedding must also leave him good memories.

But as a result, Shu Yishan refused.

The reason is very simple. Now the whole country is in great mourning. It's too luxurious and will be scolded.

One third of Beijing's northern city was destroyed and hundreds of thousands of people died. At this time, if a grand wedding was held, even if it was not scolded, it would be gossip. Although Ning Tianlin doesn't care at all, Shu Yishan doesn't want someone to talk about her husband.

Moreover, Shu Yishan told Ning Tianlin that as long as he was in his heart and always admitted that she was his wife, it was enough.

In addition, the time was really tight. Finally, helpless, Ning Tianlin nodded and agreed. But even so, there are fewer people, but every item on the wedding banquet is invaluable.

Even dishes are made by Ning Tianlin and robot chefs with natural materials and earth treasures rich in aura.

Every dish, eaten by ordinary people, can prolong life.

It also made the dozens of guests who came here enjoy themselves.

Although Ning Tianlin did not return gifts to the guests at the wedding banquet, he went to many places three days before he left.

One is to leave a hard disk for HuaLao in the Forbidden City, which contains countless advanced technologies. Dozens of intelligent robots are left to assist HuaLao in the rise of earth technology.

Finally, 100000 hero League points are left to reward those who have made outstanding contributions to China.

Second, Ning Tianlin gave an account to the vice leader Shi Xiaojun and strictly controlled all heroes. In case of hindsight, Ning Tianlin didn't take the red fire Golden Dragon away when he came out, but left it at home.

To prevent uncontrolled heroes on earth.

Third, Ning Tianlin also went to hell. And this time it was very easy to go in. It was not blocked by mysterious forces as last time.

There, he talked a lot with the king of hell. Although he still didn't know why the king of hell didn't rescue himself, he also knew that he was forced and had his own difficulties.

Moreover, from the mouth of King Yama, he got a very shocking news. The Emperor Qin Shihuang of that generation was actually his own disciple of King Yama. He just lost his memory after drinking Mengpo soup.

After something happened on earth, he left the earth in a spaceship.

The king of hell did not see him for some reason.

It's just that King Yama asks Ning Tianlin. If he meets Qin Shihuang in the Milky way, he hopes to take care of him.

He knows the nature of his apprentice. Although he has drunk Mengpo soup, his nature has not changed much. It is easy to suffer losses when wandering in the universe.

This matter also shocked Ning Tianlin for a long time. He didn't expect this result.

However, the last thing that King Yama asked, Ning Tianlin still didn't promise, that is, the nine turn reincarnation towe