"Then these coiled bones should be the keel!"

Ning Tianlin narrowed his eyes and stared at these smooth jade like bones with cold air in his heart.

It's just a little strange that the dragon has no dragon body, but has all turned into bones. You know, the flesh of a combat master is immortal for thousands of years!

Even if you lie there forever, there will be no change.

He Ning Tianlin doesn't believe that this dragon will exist with low combat effectiveness. You know, a single dragon ball can exchange 10 million points of essence! But how did its flesh become like this? Now there are only a pile of bones left.

"Dragon ball!"

"Dragon ball is the essence of dragon! But this dragon has already lost dragon ball! Of course, the body will change."

"Besides, this ice dragon is just a young dragon. Its combat effectiveness is not very high. It has only exceeded a million."

The combat effectiveness system also explained at this time.


Ning Tianlin answered, but he was speechless about the combat effectiveness system. What is more than a million? The combat effectiveness is a million. Is it very low? He didn't know how long it would take Ning Tianlin to get there.

"The keel should feel good."

The keel was milky white, but it exuded a green color. It was faint and cold. Ning Tianlin stepped forward, bent down, stretched out his right hand and pressed it against a bone on the keel.

Keel, the bone of the legendary dragon! Touch may bring good luck!

"It's so cold!"

This is Ning Tianlin's first feeling, but it's worse than the dragon ball in the magma. If the keel is cold, the dragon ball is cold, and the two are not in the same grade.


Ning Tianlin didn't think much. He was ready to break a sternum and take it in his hand to see if it was heavy. He also wanted to know the structure inside, how different it was from human beings, and how much essence could be exchanged for this sternum.

But to his surprise, the sternum, which seemed to have fallen, was extremely hard, and there was no change under his slight force.

"So hard!"

Ning Tianlin knows that although he doesn't exert much force, he is a hard diamond, which can definitely turn into slag under this force. I don't know how many years I have stayed in this place, but there is nothing.


As if he didn't believe in evil, Ning Tianlin used his strength. If you don't let me break it, I'd like to see how hard you are! But with his strength and pull, the whole keel began to shake.

But he didn't care at first. He thought that the keel shaking was driven by his own strength, but in less than two seconds, his face changed, because he had faintly felt something wrong.

The shaking amplitude seems to be a little big!

I can't help but stop trying, but the keel doesn't stop, and it's still shaking, and it's getting more and more violent! Even all the bones were wriggling, making a click in the small cave.


Ning Tianlin's face changed and he couldn't help but step back. He was shocked and looked at the shaking keel. He had never seen the bones move automatically! Is there still life on this keel?

Can you still move when you're dead?



But these keels didn't stop and kept wriggling. In less than 20 or 30 seconds, they changed from crouching to stretching. Even the head had been raised and the body began to swing. Even the tail full of bones was shaking.


Even finally, the dragon, which was all bones, suddenly opened his eyes. Although there were no eyes, just two deep pits, Ning Tianlin could still feel the chill inside.

Even two ghost fires of Youlan are beating!

Although the two eyes did not stare at Ning Tianlin, they also made him feel a fear. It seems that the dragon made of bones is alive!


Especially a moment later, the bone rose up in the air, suspended in the small cave, stretched its body, and made a long cry. The whole cave was shaking.

Many mountains and rocks are falling.


"The dragon with all bones is alive!"

Ning Tianlin's face has changed several times. He didn't expect that the keel flew up when he moved. It's like living. Can the keel claim to be one when the dragon is dead!

But Ning Tianlin didn't leave, because when the keel changed, he had asked the combat effectiveness system whether the place was safe. Was he the opponent of a dragon made of bones?

Because he vaguely felt that although the pressure on the dragon was great, it was as if there were nothing, and it was extremely unstable. It seemed that he could not control it very much. Especially in the end, he was completely able to resist this pressure.

He may not be the opponent of this keel!

It's just a bone. What's he afraid of! What's more, it's a big deal. Although he sent it away, he doesn't believe that a newly awakened bone can mobilize the power of heaven and earth to arrange the array.

Moreover, the answer of the combat effectiveness system also let him down, although there were only two simple words, "it's okay."

"I... I woke up..."

"Unexpectedly, I really woke up..."

A moment later, the dragon made of bone spoke. Although it didn't even have a body, it was full of words. In particular, Ning Tianlin noticed that its mouth didn't move and made a sound. Obviously, it was caused by God.

The dragon has a divine mind. Is it still alive?

"Ha ha!"

"I'm awake! I'm really awake!"

"My experiment succeeded, I was right! Ha ha!"

To Ning Tianlin's surprise, the dragon was like crazy, laughing, swinging his body and tail randomly, swinging on the stone wall, and throwing the cave out of a big hole in an instant.

And mountains and rocks keep falling.

"Is this the strength of the dragon?"

"How strong!"

"How strong!"

"Ha ha!"

What made Ning Tianlin even more puzzled was that the voice laughed again, and it seemed that he didn't know he had so much strength. Just suddenly, he frowned, because he felt that his strength seemed to be unable to play completely.

It's like feeling like a big man with boundless strength, but some can't play out! This feeling is very strange, but it's real. It's like he knows he can move 100 kilograms of goods, but he can't do it!



"I woke up early!"

"I haven't completely fused with this bone!"

"My experiment didn't really succeed!"


He couldn't help turning his head and staring at Ning Tianlin on the ground. He looked like he wanted to eat him. He said angrily, "it's you! You woke me up, didn't you!"