Yanshan had already used all his skills in that battle, but the casualties of the demon clan were about one third,

There are still nearly 300 people alive, and they are still very powerful.

There are about 50 saints. These saints are no big problem. There are not many people who can hurt them in Yanshan. Yuan Shoucheng only killed a few of them, and the other demon generals only blocked some of them.

As for the other holy steps in Yanshan, two of them have been killed.

However, the morale of the demon army's camp is not very high, and all of them walk around aimlessly in the camp with their heads down, just like a walking corpse.

In the tent in the center of the camp, Bai Chong and Zhong Wu sit opposite each other, and the atmosphere between them is very dignified.

Zhongwu's eyes are meaningful. He looks at Bai Chong and says, "why do you want them to retreat?"

He came down with the order to attack. As the highest commander of the army, he has the right to decide the wrong decision. But now Bai Chong challenges the right to decide and makes the decision when they lose the ability to think. He does not let the whole army retreat directly through himself.

In the army of the demon clan, this is a big taboo. The deputy is the deputy. When the general is still sober, he can't be good at advocating. This is challenging the authority of the general.

Only when the chief General has lost the ability to judge, can the Deputy give orders directly, and even so, without the consent of some other officers inside.

What Bai Chong does is to challenge his majesty. If he can't give a reasonable explanation, his face will be swept away.

Bai Chong looks at Zhong Wu without hesitation, and suddenly smiles. He seems to want to ease the atmosphere here, but it doesn't work. Zhong Wu is still expressionless.

In this way, Bai Chong also restrained his smile and looked at Zhong Wu in this way.

Zhongwu's heart leaped.

"This kid's strength is going up to a higher level now, and I'm seriously injured. Now I'm going to have a tit for tat with him. If this kid's heart is evil, I'm in trouble."

Although he knew that the possibility was very small, he had to take precautions. In the eyes of outsiders, he was seriously injured enough to threaten his life.

He and Bai Chong are not related, and their positions are not the same. If Bai Chong has the chance to do it himself, he may not give up easily.

"Of course, if we attack for another period of time, we will be able to fight down."

At last, Zhongwu spoke first

Seeing Zhongwu open his mouth, Bai Chong smiles again. The dignified atmosphere between them has finally eased. Bai Chong says, "at that time, our formation was already very messy, and Yuan Shoucheng and Liu Qian's attack also caused a great blow to their morale. Even if they fight hard, the casualties will be great. It's really not worth the loss. In this case, it's better to retreat for a while, The casualties on the other side of Yanshan are much greater than ours, and their crossbows and arrows are almost used. The next attack, as long as we launch a strong attack, they will be defeated directly. "

This explanation is quite reasonable. Zhong Wu's face is a little better. He doesn't put the key point on why Bai Chong is good at advocating without his permission. Now he has a good reason

Zhongwu nodded and said, "yes, there are some reasons for what you have said. Call the other people in and study what to do next. Yanshan must fight down, otherwise I can't swallow this breath." Bai Chong sneers in his heart, but he doesn't mean to expose Zhongwu. After this trip back, it's certain that Zhongwu's face is on the floor. This one is not right. Up to now, he has lost more than half of the people, but he hasn't even seen the appearance of Yanmen pass.

He is an adjutant, and will inevitably be punished after he goes back, but the big head is still on Zhongwu.

The army of the demon clan gives the highest authority to the highest army. Correspondingly, their responsibility is also the highest.

So Zhongwu would never give up fighting Yanshan. Even if they were under Yanmen pass, they would not be able to do anything.

If we can win over Yanshan, it's still a thing of the past. After all, Yanshan is rich in materials. In fact, the demon clan is very envious and always wants to win over Yanshan. This is also an opportunity for him to win over Yanshan. Even if we don't get much credit, we can at least talk about the past and cope with the interrogation of the senior management in the past.

The saint officers outside also slowly squeezed into the tent, and their mental state was not good. They were all sad.

Zhongwu took a look at them and frowned, "you look like what kind of system is it?"

These saints are smart. Although they stand up straight, they can't hide the emptiness in their eyes.

Bai Chong also frowned. Now the morale of these officers is so low. We can imagine what their soldiers look like.

It's no wonder they know the situation, and Bai Chong and Zhong Wu also know it.

First, they came here for two reductions, and these two reductions were inexplicable, which caused a great blow to their morale. They didn't even see the face of the enemy, but so many people died. People are always afraid of the unknown.

They were already very scared. They were in a wrong mental state. They were scared every day when they marched. They were afraid that something strange would suddenly appear in the next second, and then they killed a lot of them.

In this offensive and defensive battle with Yanshan, they were the same. At the beginning, their morale was good, but after a long time, they couldn't.

Bai Chong knew that under such circumstances, he had to promise them some benefits, otherwise these people would not have any more energy.

After thinking about it for a while, Bai Chong said, "now the order has changed a little. We don't need to go to Yanmen pass any more. The most urgent task now is to bring down Yanshan."

These officers raised their heads when they heard the words, but they didn't change much. Now, whether they are fighting Yanshan or under Yanmen pass, there is no big difference for them.

Zhongwu's eyes were white, but he didn't speak.

And Bai Chong continued, "it promised us that after the battle of Yanshan this time, the booty can be collected by ourselves. You can take as much as you can, and all the people you catch will belong to you."

After hearing this, the dead eyes of these officers finally lit up a bit of brilliance. What are they fighting for? First, they want to build meritorious service and go to a higher place.

But there are also a lot of people who come for the spoils.

When the demon clan is in war, in order to encourage the morale of the army, they will let their subordinates plunder wantonly, which is used to improve the army. It's a matter of trial and error. This time, it still worked. Knowing that they could dispose of their booty at will, these people got motivation again.

"The attack was a little hasty this time. I didn't expect that there were so many weapons on Yanshan mountain. The power of those weapons was really extraordinary, but by now, all the crossbows and arrows should have been used up. Close combat, these people are definitely not our opponents. When we come to the next attack, as long as we touch them, they will collapse directly."

This point, demon clan all people are confident.

"They just caught us unprepared. As long as we settle down and launch another wave of attacks, they are absolutely unstoppable."

Bai Chong was crazy about these officers, and they just liked it. After hearing Bai Chong's words, their eyes began to shine.

Zhongwu also said, "yes, if you can win Yanshan this time, you will not only be able to deal with all the spoils, but also be rewarded when you go back. Naturally, rewards will not be lost."

The two of them have decided to carry out the deception to the end. There is no order from the above. As for the praise, it's impossible. But now they will do anything to stabilize the morale of the army.

The morale of the demon clan officers was really much better. After they got out of the camp, they went to their subordinates and began to publicize all the news they heard.

Bai Chong and Zhong Wu were silent. They cooperated very well at this time.

"At present, we can only use this method. They have no morale at all. According to the current situation, there is no possibility to defeat Yanshan. Now, we should encourage them. After they defeat Yanshan, we should really give them something."

Bai Chong said with a smile.

Zhongwu nodded. As for the reward of the high level of the demon clan after he went back, it would be later. If he really got there, it would be a big deal if he paid for something for these people.

Two people look at each other, the eyes are some flicker, they understand each other's heart at this time.

In fact, they have no hope that this army can go back. There are too many things they don't know. After they go back, everyone will know about their embarrassing experience in Yanshan. This is not what they want to see. Compared with this, if all these people die in this place, it is very convenient, The two of them can get all the resources of Yanshan, and naturally they don't need to fulfill their promise after they go back.

Although both of them didn't speak, they could see this from both sides' eyes, but they didn't make it clear.

This kind of thing, it's good to know it by heart, but it's meaningless to say it.

End of this chapte