Liu Qian was able to make a breakthrough before the last martial arts performance, but considering the injury after the breakthrough, he didn't do it. Now Li Nian and his party are just entering the northern border. Li Nian's robbery is very important, and he will be well prepared. Liu Qian has enough time to make a breakthrough, and then recover his body.

Naturally, everyone had no opinion about this. Yin Litian asked, "are you going to the snow mountain?"

He also didn't care about the scene, and Yin Fengmian directly told the story of Daxueshan. Now that he wants to cooperate, he should show his sincerity.

Yin Fengmian was stunned for a moment and asked, "big snow mountain, where is it?"

There were many snow mountains in the Shang Dynasty, but there was only one place called big snow mountain, which was the place where xuenu lived. Although the big snow mountain was in the territory of the Shang Dynasty, it had been frozen for thousands of years, and most people could not survive in that place. So after xuenu occupied this place, the Shang Dynasty turned a blind eye to it. Anyway, there was no way to cultivate it, What's more, snow girl is also a strong person in the sky. They don't have to fight against such a strong person.

Yin Litian shrugged and said, "nature is the big snow mountain where snow girl is."

Yin Fengmian was even more surprised in his eyes. Looking at them, he said, "snow girl has always been indifferent to the world. How can you two get involved with him?"

After he asked this, he looked at Liu Qian with a smile in his eyes and said, "Liu Qian, you are worthy of being a saint of love. Even the snow girl has been included in the bag. I really admire you."

With that, he looked at the Xiuling clan, and Ruan Xixi, whose face was almost written "accept me as an apprentice".

"I think" Liu Qian subconsciously said the real thoughts in his heart, but before his voice fell, he felt a murderous look on himself. He quickly swallowed the second half of the words and didn't say it. Turning around, he saw Ruan's smiling face and said, "Liu Qian, you are very capable."

"Ha ha, it's all a misunderstanding. It's just a misunderstanding. The snow girl and I are clear. You are clear."

Liu Qian laughed twice and joked. How could xuenu like herself? He even suspected that this woman's heart was made of ice. It seemed that she had no normal feelings at all.

Liu Qian looked at the three Xiuling people who were also laughing and said, "well, you don't have to hide your identity."

With a wave of Liu Qian's hand, the three returned to their original appearance. They were still handsome, but there was evil spirit in them

Yin Fengmian had a guess in his heart for a long time. He saw that they were showing their original shape now. He was not surprised. He just looked at the three people's appearance and sighed, "the appearance of Xiuling people is really unique."

Although Yin Fengmian was praising the beauty of the three, there was no color in his eyes, but only the appreciation of beautiful things.

The other two are used to it, but Meng Li is a little bit gloomy. The first thing that the other person pays attention to is not her strength, but her appearance.

He thought that his cultivation had been very good, but since he came to Luoxuan City, it seems that no one around him is weaker than himself. Needless to say, Liu Qian and Zhongshan are totally abnormal. They may not even have any room to resist themselves.

People in this garden, even sun Qian and Daosheng, who seem to be the weakest, feel very dangerous and can obviously threaten their lives.

Mengli was frustrated by this discovery. She clenched her fist and thought, "if it wasn't for the incomplete inheritance of the holy king, how could this happen?" the careful thinking of Mengli made no one pay attention to them. Yin Litian looked at them and said to Yin Fengmian, "they are my allies now. In fact, this time the demon clan came to Luoxuan City, a large group of people came together, You've seen the leader, Zhong Shan. "

Yin Fengmian snorted coldly and said, "I've seen this man before. I'll never forget his appearance in my life."

But Zhong Shan almost killed him. He had to admit that even in his heyday, he might not be able to beat Zhong Shan, but he had a long way to go. He couldn't fight now, and he said that he would never be able to fight in the future.

"This time when they come to Luoxuan City, it seems that they have something very important to discuss with Yin Renfeng, but Mengli's level is still too low to know what they are discussing."

Yin Litian takes out the information he knows now and shares it with Yin Fengmian. He knows that his intelligence network is not as good as Yin Fengmian. Telling Yin Fengmian about these things and letting him follow up may achieve some good results.

Yin Fengmian gave a hum and lowered his head. It seemed that he was thinking about something. A pair of eyebrows wrinkled tightly, forming a Sichuan character. Although the Terran and the demon clan had been fighting for tens of thousands of years, their secret cooperation had never stopped. But this time, he actually let Zhongshan come to Luoxuan city to cooperate with the prince of the demon clan, It's a very taboo thing.

Finally, Yin Fengmian shook his head. He couldn't figure out what it was for, so he said, "now I can only keep watching. When the boat comes to the bridge, it will be straight."

"The most urgent thing is Liu Qian's breakthrough. The sooner the better. After the breakthrough, go to Lu Linshan early to stop Li Nian's breakthrough."

They all nodded, and Liu Qian said, "I can go to Daxueshan alone, so it won't be too much. They can't guess what I'm going to do."

This is also reasonable. Now Yin Renfeng must be keeping an eye on each of them. If several of them leave, it will arouse his vigilance.

Yuan Shoucheng said, "one person is not safe after all. Let me go with you. I will protect the law for you."

Liu Qian wanted to refuse, and Yin Fengmian said, "Liu Qian, let a Cheng go with you. Although I don't know what's the relationship between you and xuenv, I always say that he has a strange temperament. If something happens, a Cheng can deal with it."

Liu Qian gave a bitter smile. Xuenv is a master of the heaven level. The level should not be too high, and xuenv's strength is not in the attack, but in binding others.

Yuan Shoucheng should have no choice in the past, but after all, it was the other party's good intentions, and Liu Qian could not refuse, so he had to nod his head and agree.

Now that they have a plan, they don't stop and leave Luo Xuancheng in the dark.

Just when Liu Qian and his wife disguised themselves and walked out of the gate, someone came to baihualou and told Chunlin the news of their departure. After hearing this, Zhongshan stood by the side and said with a frown, "send two people to follow them and see what they are going to do."

With a sneer, Chunlin frowned more tightly, turned his head, looked at Zhongshan and asked, "what's wrong?"

Zhong Shan shrugged his shoulders and said, "if these two people really want to leave Luoxuan city quietly, do you think the city watchmen can see them? They let you see them on purpose. If you ask them to go there, it's right in their heart. They will kill your men within three steps of going out of the city gate, so it's a little interest."

Zhongshan's voice was cold, and his mouth was full of mocking smile. But Chunlin had to admit that what Zhongshan said was very reasonable after hearing it. He hesitated for a moment, looked at his subordinates and said, "first tell the news to the people above, watch the change, and don't touch them." The man nodded and left.

Chunlin also realized that he had just made a mistake. What happened these days made him upset, and even some basic judgments were wrong.

He didn't know why Liu Qian and Liu Qian left Luoxuan city. Seeing Zhongshan's clothes were so leisurely, he asked with a glimmer of hope, "Zhongshan, what did they leave Luoxuan city for?"

Zhong Shan rolled his eyes and said, "I'm not a roundworm in Amen's stomach. How can I know?"

Chunlin asked for nothing, and he didn't talk. Zhongshan really didn't know. He didn't have a clue. He suddenly left Luo Xuancheng, and he didn't know where they were going. He couldn't speculate.

Speaking of Liu Qian and Liu Qian, after they left the city, they found that no one came after them. They were disappointed. Zhongshan perfectly predicted their hearts. They just wanted to seduce them to kill them and charge a little interest first.

Yuan Shoucheng looked at the way, some pity tunnel "was seen, no one came."

"Forget it, if you don't come, you won't come. Even if you come, they should be small characters. It's no use killing them. Since they don't follow, let's go directly to Daxueshan."

They hid their tracks and rushed all the way. However, in half a day, they had already arrived at the big snow mountain. Looking at the towering snow mountain not far away, Yuan Shoucheng was well-informed. His face was still a little surprised. He was covered in silver, and it seemed that there was only white left between the heaven and the earth. Yuan Shoucheng said with a bitter smile, "after living in this place for a long time, there must be something wrong with his eyes."

As soon as they set foot in the snow, they felt a strong breath appeared above them. Yuan Shoucheng's face was more dignified, which was the breath of the strong in the sky.

They looked up and saw a gorgeous woman standing in the air, but her temperament was cold, and she was the snow girl.

"What are you doing here?" Snow girl asked directly.

Liu Qian also knew that it was better to deal with such people straightforwardly. He said, "I have an important thing to do, and I have to break through to the saint realm. You are a safe place, so I come here to make a breakthrough."

Snow girl nodded, a cold face, way "then you help yourself."

End of this chapte