The two boundary mountains are so big that they are incredible.. More visit: ШЩЩ 79。

So that, in the two boundary mountains, there is even a sea.

You are right. There are inland seas in the two boundary mountains, just as there are inland seas in the earthly world.

However, the area of the inland sea here is not small. I don't know how many square circles it is. I can't see the edge at a glance.

When she came to this inland sea, it was this time that feiruo Xun received the task. She said with a smile, "here it is!"

"That's it?"

Liu Qian was a little surprised and said, "but our task says that we are looking for Hejiao rhinoceros. Don't tell me that Hejiao rhinoceros lives in this sea!"

"It's really here, believe it or not?"

Feiruoxian seems to be very confident, but how can Liu Qian believe this? He Jiao rhinoceros literally means rhinoceros. How can rhinoceros live in the sea? Isn't this bullshit?

Although the two boundary mountains are full of all kinds of amazing miracles, the rhinoceros can still live in the sea. Liu Qian didn't believe it.

"Let's go."

When you look at the shimmering water, you can't help but laugh and step in.

"Wait a minute --"

Liu Qian stopped her and said, "I'll come as soon as I go. Wait for me for a while."

Feiruo was stunned for a moment. Although Liu Qian could run after the last lesson, she was obedient and stood in the same place. She watched Liu Qian drilling into the woods not far away. She was really waiting here.

Between the blue sea and blue sky, there is indeed a large forest. At this time, Liu Qianzheng was standing in a bush in the forest. Through the crevice of the Bush, he could clearly notice that he was standing on the edge of the coastline, stepping on the soft beach.

After watching for a long time, Liu Qian sighed and said, "I don't know whether it's true or false. Forget it, who makes brother Qian feel soft."

On one side, Liu Qian grabbed a huge leaf. Then he took the leaf to feiruoxian's side and put it under his feet. Feiruoxian in front of Liu Qian said, "are you standing in front or behind?"

Although the leaves are very big, they can only stand two people apart. It's better to make clear the order. Later, the provincial government will say that brother Qian takes advantage of other people's younger sister.

In fact, when I was just selecting leaves, there were also big leaves, but brother Qian didn't take them, so he took this one.

Feiruoxian smiles and says, "I stand behind, you stand in front!"


Liu Qian was stunned, but he nodded.

At their level, each other can feel an idea. It's really hard to sneak attack from behind. For example, people at their level, except facing the enemy head-on, can't even betray people close to them.

After all, no matter who it is, even if it is hidden in the good, at a critical moment, there will be a violent "exposure" of killing intention, which can be easily avoided.

Unless it is bound, otherwise, really want to cause him harm, too difficult. If she had not found Liu Qian, she would have stood on the leaves so carelessly and exposed her back to her. Although she knew the truth, she didn't plan to really treat Liu Qian, but Liu Qian's attitude really made her appreciate it.

When Fei ruoxian, who stepped on the leaves, was about to stir up the real Qi and walk on the waves, Liu Qian had already pushed the real Qi to fall on the leaves. On the one hand, it could protect the leaves, and on the other hand, it could make the leaves gallop on the sea where the wind was calm, but the waves were dark.

The speed of falling leaves is very fast, and the wind around is also very strong, blowing up Liu Qian's hair. At this time, Liu Qian is not hiding, let alone changing his face. His snow-white hair is flying high, hiding the little girls behind him.

She stood silently behind Liu Qian and looked at his generous back. For a moment, she seemed to have a lot of things on her mind. However, she unconsciously went to the back of Liu Qian and held him with her hands around his waist.


Liu Qian was stunned again, and frowned strangely. But seeing that the beauty behind him didn't speak, he couldn't refuse. He couldn't break the hands of other people's younger sister. It's too heartless.

A leaf, in this way, rides the wind to break the "waves" and rolls up the "waves" and "tides" on the sea. The gifted scholars and beautiful ladies stand on it, go boating on the sea, and look at the beautiful scenery around them. It's beautiful for a while.

To tell you the truth, Liu Qian didn't want to have anything to do with this feiruoxian. At this time, he couldn't bear to break the beautiful atmosphere. For a moment, he was also a little tangled.

"I'm not happy that I'm so eager to be close to you?"

It's a pity that now people don't know her, recognize her and love her.

But inexplicably, with his side, she has been very contented, and, she did not rise to the people around Liu Qian, how to think, how to love, how to love, this point, there is nothing to doubt.

"Er - no, who doesn't like beautiful things? It's just that it's somewhat unnatural. After all, your appearance is too sudden."

After thinking about it, Liu Qian said, "women pursue men and separate heavy gauze. Besides, you are so excellent. To tell you the truth, my resistance to you has really dropped to the freezing point. If you are attacking, I'm really afraid that I can't defend my own city."

All Liu Qian said was the truth. Any man with a heart of steel can't bear the entanglement of soft fingers. As for those depicted in the "female" frequency, Liu Qian can only ha ha. How many men in this world are not cheating?

"Yes, but you don't care about me. You know, what I long for is that you are really willing to accept me. In fact, I don't mind and so on. It's like what you said. Take your time, ha ha, don't worry. I'm really not in a hurry. I can take my time."

She was behind him, whispering softly, and her little brain was tightly attached to the back of Liu Qian's black "color" warrior suit. Her face was full of tenderness.

"But don't you think it's very unfair to you?"

Liu Qian gently frowned and said, "I have a wife and children. Although there is no so-called monogamy in this world, the more it is like this, the more I feel uneasy. To be honest with you, I'm very happy myself, but I'm bound by vows, so I'm sorry."

"Don't be in a hurry. Don't be in a hurry to draw a conclusion so quickly. Don't you forget that we are here today, but we are adventurous!"

It was only with a chuckle that Liu Qian suddenly thought of it and said, "yes, we are here to catch the rhinoceros, but it's been so long. Why haven't we seen its shadow yet? Isn't it here?"“ It's here, but we haven't found it yet. "

If not for a smile, in fact, they had already arrived at the territory of Hejiao rhinoceros, but she used her own ideas mixed with Qi to drive those Hejiao rhinoceros to the edge, at least so that she could stay with him for a while.

If she didn't really like it, then why did she turn back after she had crossed the pub? In fact, for her, it's still fate.

It's just that when it comes to fate, some people will catch it, while others will let it go, or lose it.

But she won't. now that she has met her, even if she is obsessed, even if she can't get anything in the end, she is eager to enjoy the process. She doesn't want to lose her hand, let alone miss it.

As long as people live for a long time, many of what they have seen will disappear, and their hearts will be more lonely. If they can't get anything in the end, at least, they can still miss something when they are old. If they don't even have something to miss, what else can they do when they are old? For a moment, her heart will tremble, live well and love him, He's really content.

"Well, don't worry."

Feeling what was behind him, if he had been chased by such a beautiful "woman" in the secular world, Liu Qian would definitely be happy.

Perhaps he has passed the age of pursuing love, or he has really grown up. In general, he has realized the importance of "sex" of responsibility, or the burden given by his family makes him dare not admit that he is a good man of fraternity.

Now he doesn't know what is in his mind, whether to accept or refuse.

Two people nestle together, galloping in the endless sea, occasionally you can see fishing boats passing by from one side.

These are extremely huge, similar to the existence of ancient warships. They are wrapped with very thick steel plates, like those warships in the secular world, but they look bigger, more powerful, more majestic, giving people a mountain like feeling.

Inexplicably, Liu Qian thought of the scene in the Titanic and said with a smile, "I'll tell you a story."

"You say, I listen."

Fei ruoxian, who nestled behind Liu Qian, nodded seriously and listened attentively.

Liu Qian only described the story of "Rou" silk and Jack on tiedani. Inexplicably, as soon as someone opened the conversation box, his words were a little out of range, so that the art portrait on the sofa was also told.

This story, only one listen to his back embrace his feiruoxian, face scarlet scarlet, this guy, or as always bad.

After all, this bad idea is deep into the bone marrow and soul, and can't be changed or erased.

"Please, what I just said is art. You don't have to pinch my soft meat, do you?"

Liu Qian grinned bitterly. It seems that all the things about women pinching men are common. It seems that every "woman" can do it. And most importantly, the girl behind her has great strength. When she pinches her, it's really painful. Instead of being pinched by the same "woman", she won't feel anything.

What's more, it was pinched for a while, which made Liu Qian's heart itch. After all, only the closest couple would do it. How nice it would be for ordinary people to do it. It's a bit inappropriate“ It's time to strangle you. It's so bad. It's up to you to link that with art. "

"You know, in fact, I'm more eager to get into your" chest "to experience the wonderful taste, but I don't think you will - well --"

To feiruoxian's surprise, he suddenly turned around and held her in his arms. She looked up in consternation and her big eyes flickered at this "fan" like man, a little lost.