
A roar, earth shaking. Fastest update access: щщщ 79。

All over the sky, Cheng Fang's "shooting" and "sex" return to their state. They turn into virtual shadows in mid air and roll fiercely towards Liu Qian, who is fixed in front of the monkey.

This "stick" comes out with hatred!

This stick, rolling wind and thunder and lighting fire, is the strongest one that monkey will win. It will kill Liu Qian once. It doesn't want to fight any more and uses the strongest killing move!

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom——

Almost for a moment, at least thousands of sticks were all smashed on Liu Qian. This time, no matter how fast Liu Qian was, he couldn't escape because there were stick shadows everywhere, just like substance. Moreover, there was a super level leap between the two. In the eyes of monkeys, Liu Qian's leapfrog challenge was just a joke.

The same kind of people, Liu Qian what capital leapfrog challenge!

Even if he has white hair, even if he has golden hair on his head, who knows if it's dyed——


When the monkey's stick was no more than a mile away from Liu Qian, the monkey was shocked to see that the fourteen hairs under Liu Qian's "Milky" white "hair were shining with a touch of golden awn. Then, it was even more horrified to see that the fourteen hairs were like the supreme, wrapping Liu Qian's body, closely following Liu Qian, who had narrowed his eyes slightly, After taking at least a few hundred sticks, he opened his eyes when his lips were bleeding.

In Liu Qian's eyes, the light golden light came out. Behind him, the six pairs of wings suddenly rose and seemed to grow bigger and bigger. Following these wings, they stirred up fiercely, and the wind knives appeared in a flash, and Liu Qian rose at the moment when the monkey's stick was about to fall, Hit the monkey on the stick.


With a loud noise, the two figures fell back one after another. Liu Qian fell heavily on the ground, and was "made" by the powerful impact force for hundreds of meters before he stopped. On the ground, there was a deep gully, which was ploughed out with his body. It was extremely terrible.

It seems that the monkey is also extremely uncomfortable. After being hit by this, his whole body flew upside down and hit a cliff, smashing a big "hole" out of the cliff. The scene was terrible.

Only, there is no silence!

Liu Qian suddenly raised his wings from the ground and rose to the sky in an instant!

The monkey also flew out of the cave again. One was burning blood and the other was burning Qi in his body. Almost in an instant, he decided to die!


It's a collision again. It's still flying backwards, falling heavily on the ground, raising a large amount of smoke and dust. It's not too much to say that it's flying sand and rocks. Birds and animals all over the sky are running away quickly. After all, the fight between the two is really terrifying and frightening.

"Oh, suck it ray --"

Liu Qian stands up again from the ground. In his pale golden eyes, the light of anger is self-evident.

The monkey is the same, blood red eyes, body ragged, embarrassed to get up from the ground, again soared into the air, not long, two figures, and meet in midair.

"Boy, you are very strong. No wonder you can fight with me for such a long time without losing. It turns out that you are the kind of person. I really misunderstood you. I thought your blonde hair was dyed!" The monkey took a deep breath, but when he looked at Liu Qian, he was full of greed, as if he saw the treasure, and his eyes were shining.

"Hum --"

Liu Qian, with a dull hum, didn't know that the monkey had taken a fancy to his body. As Diao Chan said, the monkey must have thought about himself. After all, according to Diao Chan, Liu Qian is a walking treasure.

"To tell you the truth, I really don't want to hurt you. Now, I'll give you two choices. First, I'll burn up my real Qi and die. Second, I'll smash you alive!"

The monkey looked at Liu Qian with exasperation. His body was golden and his hair stood up, like a monkey who had been electrified.

"Oh, you want to clean up my anger?"

Liu Qian suddenly heard this, but he patted his head and said, "how can I forget this move? Recently, I've always been hot blooded. I like to fight alone. I'm good at group fighting."

What's this guy muttering about? Monkey how to understand what Liu Qian is talking about, what single, what group fighting, ya you can group - group - group——

The monkey can't say the word "group fight". Why?

Because it feels like it's "dazzled". No, it's just "dazzled". I NIMA, how can there be so many Liu Qian!

Yes, I can only see Liu Qian's figure everywhere.

At this time, the monkey stood in the void and became a central point surrounded by countless Liu Qian.

"Monkey, don't you want to clean up my genuine Qi? Now I can tell you responsibly that this time, I've almost exhausted all my genuine Qi to fight with you. If you can beat me, I have nothing to say. It's up to you to kill or scrape. But if you die, hum --"

A sneer came from the corner of Liu Qian's mouth, but it was what Liu Qian said all over the mountains, in the sky and in the earth.

Now, the monkey is like a wretch wrapped in a golden bell by Liu Qian. He looks at Liu Qian around him foolishly. The angry monkey roars, "don't cheat me with the illusion. I won't kill you!"

The talking monkey is about to move, but just when it moves, Liu Qian moves at the same time. Yes, at the same time, almost like a bullet, he is still Gatling, but he is hundreds of times faster than Gatling. Every second, almost every Liu Qian can leave a heavy scar on the monkey!


At this time, Liu Qian, with a pale face, sat on the top of a big tree and looked at the scene behind the scenes with a loud finger.

Countless Liu Qian, in an instant, collided with the monkey.

It seems that this is no longer a collision, this is bullying!

It's like a person's speed is very fast, and he can trample an ant to death with one foot, but he doesn't want to. On the contrary, he tramples around the ant constantly. He wants to use the deterrent force to frighten the ant to death. Although he only tramples around the ant, he will accidentally leave unspeakable wounds on the ant, It's not easy.

Whoosh, whoosh——

Fast even sound barriers are broken, again and again, wave after wave, almost like endless bullets, all over the sky, you can only see a light gold "color" flash, you can't see Liu Qian's figure under the movement track. It was the monkey's figure who tried hard to resist, but it didn't seem to be useful. It seemed that every Liu Qian was real, and every cold moon in Liu Qian's hands was real.

Each knife rolled merciless firepower, whistling, hit the monkey's body is left, right clumsy, simply unable to resist, again and again was hit up, and was trampled down, so fell into a dead cycle.

This kind of situation, almost provokes the fighting spirit strong to a certain degree monkey, is also the heart like death ash.

Too fast, too much, too terrible!

Even if it is, at this time is also a face of chilly, was Liu Qian a knife and a knife in the body pulled out a wound.

What's terrible is that these blood were strangely sucked away by the armor on Liu Qian's body and the knife in his hand, and there was no trace left.


I - I'm not willing——

How can I be defeated here by the descendants of the monkey with arms? I'm not willing, I'm not willing——

Resentment emanates from the monkey's body surface. The most terrible thing is that these invisible resentments are suddenly defeated by waves of impact.

Yes, the original I can not see through the resentment, but also under the strong attack of Liu Qian, defeated!

This scene makes the monkey unable to speak, and its body has been swaying to the extreme. Even if it wants to fall, it can't fall down. Liu Qian beats it up again and again, and tramples it down again and again. It seems that this scene has fallen into a dead circle.

But in this dead cycle, every rise and fall, the blood in its body will be swept away a lot, and the true Qi will spread out a lot.

Although each time is not too fatal, the little makes the more, the quantitative change produces the qualitative change.

Even if it's made of iron, even if its hematopoietic function is very powerful, it can't bear to be beaten and consumed like this. It's killing people!

Liu Qian, who was resting on the treetop at this time, threw the remaining half pack of beef "meat" into the small world. Then he suddenly soared into the sky. He even rose to the commanding height, holding the cold moon wantonly. Behind him, a crescent moon suddenly appeared in the night sky, which seemed to be as bright as the sword of the cold moon.

"Monkey, today, I will send you back to the West!"

Liu Qian, who had enough to eat and drink, was almost back to his peak. Holding the cold moon in his hand, Liu Qian roared and didn't use the nihilistic martial arts such as real Qi chopping. He just came down from the sky with a violent impact like an arrow and stabbed the monkey in an instant.

If it's just a poke, it doesn't seem to be that simple. Seeing the golden "color" light like an arrow, the monkey is directly pressed down and landed on the ground, smashing a huge pit.

Poop, poop, poop——

All over the sky, Liu Qian began to dissipate one after another, not long, in the absence of his figure.

At this time, the atmosphere in which the battle had been "excited" fell into silence.

Only the deep pits on the ground are present, black but not in the middle of winter, black but not at the bottom. There are many monkeys on the monkey mountain. They look here, but the distance is too far to see clearly!

There are many wild animals and birds looking towards this side, but they can't see anything. It's dark and terrible!

Kick, kick——

The sound of footsteps came slowly, step by step, which was also mixed with the sound of water drops falling to the ground, drop by drop, drop on the ground, fall eight petals, very clear, as if this water drop is that bead, will be broken.

After a while, a figure slowly came up from the underground. He looked at the surrounding environment. The color of God was cold. In his hands, a bloody head, a pair of unwilling eyes, red and red, could not be closed. He could not close his eyes!