Sitting on a private plane taking off in the Pacific Ocean at this time, Liu Qian watched the red wine swaying in front of him like blood, but his face was very careful.

Just got the news has shown that the airport does not seem to be particularly good penetration, the other side's vigilance is also very strict.

There are more than a dozen men in ancient household clothes who are always on guard near the airport. If something is wrong, they will scare the snake. This is not what Liu Qian wants to see. Therefore, without informing Han Zixin and other "women", he has already set off by plane with a yin and others.

Liu Qian also knows that this is a little sorry for Han Zixin, and a little "private", but he has to do so, because he is a man!

Liu Qian, who took a deep breath, said to ah Yin, who was also a little worried on the other side, "how's it going?"

"Don't think about it. I'll let them stay there at ease. Those servants should have nothing to do with them. We can't afford to gamble this time. We can't act rashly."

A Yin shakes her head gently. The last time Liu Qian dealt with several servants when the devil of death came, she also knew that, so she didn't order to shoot.

"It's a bit difficult, but now I have a dream to kill, and I don't know how much power I can exert."

Liu Qian gritted his teeth and looked out of the window at the white clouds floating in the blue sky. For a moment, he was also a little distracted.

Inside the plane, tiannu qishatian and others were all on guard. After all, this mission was not very difficult. They all had to fight with 120000 spirit and dare not slack off.

"Brother Qian, it's done!"

At this time, is buried in front of the computer's stupidity, took off the heavy eyes, hehe a smile.

"Well, it's done. Tiannu, inform the captain's room and go straight to alpha's private airport!"

Liu Qian nodded to Tian nu. Tian Nu, eh, turned around and went to the captain's room. They were very convinced of their stupidity. Playing high-tech computer networks, there are few people in the world who are better than him.

I just felt the plane vibrated a little, quickly turned its direction and flew straight to the Alps.

Liu Qian lit a cigarette, breathed a sigh, and said, "everyone, get ready. We'll be in combat in half an hour. This time, I'll do it first, and you'll watch. When the artillery bombards us, we'll clean up together!"


"I know, brother Qian."

"All right, verdict!"

A group of people nodded cautiously, while Liu Qian was looking at the sky outside. In his mind, he had already conceived the picture of getting off the plane later, practicing again and again.

Sometimes, this kind of hypothetical "sex" exercise will help Liu Qian avoid many crises in actual combat, and even save himself from danger in many cases.

After all, everything in the Alps has been captured by satellite, and all the data is in his mind. It's easier to imagine at this time.

Just when Liu Qian was designing one set of combat plans after another, the plane had stopped on the tarmac of the "private" airport at the foot of the Alps.

Without waiting for Liu Qian and others to get off the plane, the plane was surrounded by more than a dozen men dressed as housewives, as well as some staff members and guards with live ammunition in their hands. They all looked on guard“‘ Give it to me

Liu Qian nodded to a group of people who were on guard at this time, then walked towards the back of the plane, where there was a dark door to go down.

In order not to scare the snake, Liu Qian must be careful. In case of no bombardment, the enemy would have noticed that they had all run away. Then this time, all the plans would be ruined. How could Liu Qian make such a low-level mistake!

"Get off the plane!"

With a large microphone, a servant started to shout at the purple colored plane of the "private" company, Bo music, which had no movement at this time.

Just let him how to shout, the other side did not move a bit.

"Get off the plane, do you hear me? This is a private airport. Either go away or get off. If I count from one to ten and you haven't heard from me, then don't blame us for being rude!"

When talking, the servant was very arrogant, like a dog's leg.


However, when the servant put down the microphone, took over the K held by the guard on one side, and "shot" the plane, a whip "leg" came suddenly. When he heard the sound, his people had already been kicked out.

This is not the end. After the servant was kicked out, Liu Qian's figure, like a ghost, came directly to the position where the servant was about to land, and hit him with a heavy fist!


The servant didn't even have time to scream. In an instant, he was smashed in the head by Liu Qian. He couldn't die.

However, it seems that all this is just the beginning. When a kind of servant just came back, Liu Qian's dream of taking life was completely playing his role at this time.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom——

Many servants only saw a phantom coming, which was faster than they knew. When they really saw the shadow, all the servants could not help flying.

However, this is not a normal flight, but was kicked, and was severely hit down, killing at this time is also the beginning of its prologue.

"This is the speed of moving brother --"

"Fast, even I can only catch a shadow!"

"I can't even see the shadow. These guys are also unlucky, but when did brother Qian become so powerful?"

"Isn't it good for him to be strong?"

"It's very good, but if we go on like this, we are really getting farther and farther away from him."

"Yes, it's really getting farther and farther away. Now he's growing too fast."

"However, is this the real power of dream killing foot, if we also practice it!"

"It's hard to imagine, but it's really my greatest honor to meet a verdict in my life. After all, he can get the best things to share with us, and I'm really satisfied."

On the plane, in addition to a Yin standing at the window, surprised by Liu Qian's burst of power, the others were glad. To be honest, there is no regret in this life!

Especially now, when Liu Qian killed the servants who were not even their rivals, he started with his hand and fell with a high speed. It was only a minute before and after that. All the servants were killed by Liu Qian, leaving no one alive.

As for the staff and guards, Liu Qian called, followed by a large group of mercenaries from the outside to control.

Liu Qian is not a murderer. He only kills those who should be killed. Therefore, he thinks he is reliable.

"It's done!"

Tiannu and others got off the plane and took a look at the servants who were hit in the head by Liu Qian's fist. They were also cold on their backs.

After all, Liu Qian's performance is too tough now, but they are more thankful, so that they will not be constrained in the face of such terrible performance, because they know what kind of person he is.

For his own people, Liu Qian can be fearless and have no problem with everything. But for the enemy, he is the bloodthirsty and cruel wolf. Everything can't escape from his power!

"Well, it's done. These guys are not simple either. Each of them has the same power as death."

Liu Qian took a deep breath. At the same time, he had a deeper understanding of the alpha family in the Alps. After all, these are only the servants who look at the door like dogs on the outside. It's impossible to cultivate them too much. It's not easy to have such strength.

"So strong!"

Tiannu and others naturally know that Liu Qian's devil God of death refers to those who have been promoted by the alpha family. To tell the truth, although they have never been against each other, they can also know each other's terror degree from Liu Qian's words, which is definitely not what they can deal with now.

"Well, it's really strong. Now you know who we're going to deal with next!"

Liu Qian said with a smile, "according to the clues given by the devil before his death, the current group of alpha family members seem to be focusing on what they are doing. Otherwise, where do we have a chance to live until now? Maybe these guys have already killed us."

Liu Qian is also very sorry to think of this. Fortunately, these guys have something to do. If they all went out at that time, the consequences would be unimaginable to Liu Qian.

After all, the other side is too strong. Even now Liu Qian can't guarantee a fair fight with the other side. After all, they are seven brothers and sisters. Although Latin is not here now, others are there.

"Report to the commander, the artillery position is ready for bombardment at any time!"

"How are the coordinates adjusted?"

"The coordinates have been adjusted!"

"Well, good."

After Liu Qian ordered a cigarette, he took a look at a foreign mercenary who came to report. He nodded solemnly and said, "Damn it!"

"Yes, damn it!"

"Blow the bastards to death!"

Qi Sha Tian and others also clenched their fists one after another. In this battle, either you die or I die. They have been ready for a long time and are bound to make a contribution“ Yes, chief

The mercenary nodded and led Liu Qian and others to the artillery position that had been opened at this time.

When he saw this position, Liu Qian also had a headache. It seems that the demons hate the alpha family and his death, which makes these guys in the demon mercenary regiment hate him so much. Just like his position in the blood wolf, the demons have a deep position in the demon mercenary regiment, and they are very loved. Now that he died in vain, his subordinates will not watch him.

Therefore, there will be a super lineup comparable to the position of a strengthened artillery regiment, which is presented in front of Liu Qian and others. q