But many members of the invincible cult are also curious. Did Liu Qian find anything?

Although the villa is brightly lit, but it is empty, in addition to furniture, now there is no one inside.. шщш 7910s。

Liu Qian is now in the past, there will be no gain at all.


Suddenly someone thought that in addition to Zhuang Yan, the remaining six invincible Dharma protectors seemed to be in the villa.

They are the full-fledged planners for Liu Qian this time, and even the religious leader may be in it.


Rush to protect the Dharma!

Go to hell, you have to sacrifice your life to protect the Dharma. It seems that no fool wants to do that. Everyone swallows their saliva. Let those Dharma protectors go to hell!

Every one of them is as arrogant as a 250000 or 80000. Now they are in danger. If you want them to go to the back, you really think everyone is a fool.

Many members of the invincible cult have no choice but to care about the life and death of the Dharma protector. This is not a matter of care, but a matter of ability.

Obviously, many people don't think they have that ability, so let those self righteous Dharma protectors go to hell.

In the hall of the villa, there is a round table. At this time, there are six ugly people sitting on the table.

They did not expect that the result would be like this, step by step, step by step, but Liu Qian came over like this, as if he could predict the future, predicting all the dangerous sprouts!

Especially the impact of the heavy truck, especially the bomb in the taxi, this scene is like a miracle, which is a little too far away from the mark.

In their opinion, even if Liu Qian could not die in the first step, what about the second step?

"Do these" bastards "want to betray my religion?"

One of the Dharma protectors stood up and looked out at Liu Qian, who was walking in step by step. His "color" became extremely ugly.

For nothing else, just as the most devout believers of the so-called invincible religion showed at this time, they all stood outside watching the play as if nothing had happened. This NIMA wanted to kill these high-level Dharma protectors.

"It's still useful to say that now, copy the guy, do it with him!"

"Why? How to do it? "

"Don't forget that we've practiced, too!"

"But we can't do it!"

"Have you forgotten the fourth step?"

"Step four!"

"Well, do it with him!"

At this time, all the Dharma protectors went to the side where they looked like weapons for watching, and selected their most suitable weapons.

If Liu Qian is killed by several of them this time, the fourth step will not appear. However, it is obvious that this task is more difficult for them than hell epic. Liu Qian has come to the villa. His blood red eyes, red "color" inverted triangle tears, pale face "color", and the peculiar shape, as well as the two daggers in his hands, always give people a kind of oppressive feeling, a very uncomfortable feeling.

"Liu Qian, I didn't expect you to come here. You have the ability!"

"But being able doesn't mean you can go to the end!"

"The truth!"

Six men, holding weapons such as double knives, long swords and black iron bars, surrounded Liu Qian in front of the big "door" of the villa.

"Look, our Dharma protector has moved!"

"Do you think our Dharma protector can win?"

"Grass, which one of our Dharma protectors does not exist as a hundred. It's not a matter of minutes to kill Liu Qian. This time, it's good. It's saved."

"It's good to be one hundred Dharma protectors if you can be two. It's just like you. You can't see that the so-called means are all tricks and tricks."


"Forget it, I can't explain it clearly with you stupid" force ". Let's go to the theatre!"

"No, who are you talking about?"

"I said you were stupid. Is that right? Brother, can you tell me if he is stupid?"

"Of course it is!"

"Hum --"

Outside the villa, countless members of the invincible cult, one by one, opened their eyes and looked into the villa. From time to time, some people would quarrel in a low voice. Obviously, this seems to give outsiders a very united invincible cult, which is not unbreakable.

"The airs are pretty good. Come on, let's see what you're good at."

Liu Qian narrowed his eyes slightly. The dagger in his hand was like a flying butterfly 'flower'. It kept spinning in his hand. The gorgeous scene was just too dazzling for people to stare at.

Several Dharma protectors looked at each other. Someone snorted and said, "let's go together!"

"Two fists are hard to beat four hands, and" Luan "fists beat the teacher Fu to death, killing him together!"

Another yelled, adding a lot of courage to the six people. At this time, all the people gathered together and rushed to Liu Qian. They wanted to rush to him at the first time and create a "chaos" situation, which made Liu Qian unable to fight back and let him "chaos" himself.

It's just that before they could rush one by one, Liu Qian had already moved.

His speed is very fast. It's too fast. The dagger in his hand is like a bloody tusk, after his body avoids the attack of an invincible Dharma protector's Double Daggers!

Gently scratched on his neck, accompanied by Liu Qian's figure behind him, the Dharma protector reluctantly dropped his double knives, and his two hands desperately covered his neck.


There was a long and thin wound on the neck, which was not thirsty for repair because of the blood groove on the dagger. At this time, blood was pouring out continuously. He desperately wanted to cover his neck and stop the blood flowing, but it seemed that his action was like a fool, which could not play any role“ Mom -- "

At this time, the nearest person beside Liu Qian, carrying the tungsten iron stick in his hand, smashed it at Liu Qian, and swept it. He wanted to make contributions!

However, when the iron bar came, Liu Qian's figure suddenly became short. His whole body was lying on the ground in a strange posture. This scene made his Dharma protector stunned for a moment, and then he was shocked to see that the stick in his hand didn't stop at all. The Dharma protector who had been slashed by Liu Qian at first was now a hapless one.

With such a powerful stick, he directly "forced" his partner to live!


A cry of sorrow came, and the Dharma protector looked at his companion with a deep look of resentment. He had no strength to block the wound with his hand. Why, it hurt!

"I don't like your father's --"

The old man, who was beaten by the stick, fell to the ground with a shudder and a scream.

"I, I didn't mean to --"

Another Dharma protector is about to cry. If he doesn't play with him, he is fighting Liu Qian!

But at this time, many of the Dharma protectors around didn't look right, as if they were looking at a traitor.

I'm not a traitor!

The guy's face was helpless. In order to prove that he was not a traitor, he aimed at Liu Qian again. At this time, Liu Qian, who was lazily standing up from the ground, roared and said, "I'm going to kill you, uncle."

With a roar of anger, he pounced on Liu Qian. He pulled out one stick after another from the long stick in his hand. Each stick was extremely tricky and rolled to Liu Qian. He wished he could kill Liu Qian alive.

However, Liu Qian let him dance a long stick hit, slowly step by step toward him, the hands of two daggers, suddenly in front of a throw.


The Dharma protector, who was dancing with a long stick, saw that in the blink of an eye, the long stick in his hand was about to hit Liu Qian. He was still happy to see that Liu Qian could not avoid it. However, when Liu Qian's two daggers came, he had not recovered, so he had two sharp blood "color" daggers in his heart!

Without waiting for the long stick to hit Liu Qian, he was already kneeling on the ground, unwilling.

But what if you don't want to?

Having lost his last breath of life, he had an ugly twitch on his face. With a bang, he fell to the ground without getting up.

At this time, Liu Qian, who came to him, slowly took out a pack of cigarettes, lit one, and breathed. Then he looked at the four remaining Dharma protectors in front of him, and said, "go on!"


The remaining four Dharma protectors looked at each other. How can they continue?

Fight with Liu Qian, a pervert. If you continue, don't you be immortal!

None of them wanted to continue fighting with Liu Qian. One by one, they screamed, dropped their weapons, turned and ran.

At this time, many members of the invincible religion who were watching the scene outside were even dumbfounded. These Dharma protectors, who are usually able to show off their power in front of them, are just like those who were described by Liu Qian as Guisun at first. Even their running posture is so similar to that of Guisun.

After swallowing their saliva, they watched Liu Qian kneel down on the ground and pull out two daggers. They stepped back several times.

Bang Bang——

At this time, some people can't wait to run to the big "door", carrying the machete in their hands, cutting at the big iron lock.

No one wants to die, and no one wants to die here.

It seems to have become everyone's last chance of survival, and everyone wants to grasp it.

But just then, a bald man, wearing a cloak made of gold colored silk thread, came step by step. As his steps came, suddenly there was a buzzing sound in the sky, deafening.

"Here comes the leader!"

When many people see this bald ladle, their hearts tremble and they are saved!

Especially when they saw the tough man with a Gatling behind bald ladle, their hearts were even deeper.

Liu Qian should be finished now!