(fourth watch)

Xia Yuchen doesn't know the contradiction in Fang Xiaoyou's heart, but his heart is filled with joy and happiness.

Many men, often sandwiched between their wives and mothers, are difficult to be human. Having a harmonious family is a great happiness for most men. Because, as the saying goes, home and everything is prosperous. If the family often make a lot of trouble or family members between the cold, where is the mind to work?

Xia Yuchen is happy at this time. Although, he also felt that his mother was still a little unfriendly to Xiaoyou, after all, the relationship between them showed signs of easing, which is a good thing. Next, he will use it as a lubricant to coordinate the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, so as to restore the happy time of four years ago.

When it came to lubricants, he remembered that his mother actually liked children very much and began to talk about having grandchildren many years ago. If Fang Xiaoyou can have a baby as soon as possible, won't it fulfill his mother's wish? In that case, can't we really improve the relationship between our mother and Fang Xiaoyou?

Thinking of this, his heart suddenly lit up.

For the rest of the day, the atmosphere of the whole Xia family was very good. What the guests saw was a harmonious family, with father-in-law and daughter-in-law friendly. When the Xia family saw Tan Guiying take the initiative to talk to Fang Xiaoyou, they were very happy.

After dinner, my grandfather and friends all went back to have a rest, and the Xia family began to have a rest. Xia Yuchen drove his parents home, and then went back to his home with Fang Xiaoyou.

Originally, his father wanted them to stay in the Xia family, but Xia Yuchen said that Fang Xiaoyou had no clothes at home. Therefore, my father did not insist any more and let them go back. Before breaking up, Xia Zhenhua stops Fang Xiaoyou.

"Xiao you, don't work too hard. Pay attention to your body." Xia Zhenhua said.

Fang Xiaoyou nodded with a smile and said, "I know.". However, after so many things, the emotional rift can not be healed so quickly. Therefore, Fang Xiaoyou's reply is also very polite. Politeness, but no emotion.

On the way home, Xia Yuchen's mood is still so good, his face will always show a smile from time to time. She sat aside, looking at his nearly silly appearance, but felt pity in her heart. He's been waiting for this day, hasn't he?

As long as he is happy, nothing can compare with him! She thought, putting her left hand on his right. He chuckled, glanced at her and patted her hand.

In the two people's relationship, she has never occupied the initiative, has been in a state of being selected, by him, by his parents, waiting to be accepted by his family. The road of waiting seems to be too long. Even she doesn't know where to start.

Just when Xia Yuchen and Fang Xiaoyou won such an important victory, Zhao Gongzi, who stayed in the provincial capital, was not idle.

Last night, pan Rong sent the guests to the hotel, arranged a partner for the two men and left. And that young master Zhao, it seems that his mind has always been the appearance of Xia Yuchen's wife. Even when he is infatuated with his partner in bed, he asks him to change his name to Fang Xiaoyou. At that time, what he was shouting was Fang Xiaoyou's name. The partner charged pan Rong a lot of money, so naturally he didn't think about who he was temporarily replacing. He just cooperated with the performance.

However, doubles are doubles, and in the end, they are not as satisfying as I am. Nevertheless, there is a saying that "a little is better than nothing". If you can imagine it like this, it will still have an effect. That night, Mr. Zhao didn't know how long he worked on that "Fang Xiaoyou". It wasn't until dawn that he ended the night's deception.

Although he worked hard all night, Mr. Zhao was still very sober. Because, after that night, he realized how much he longed to meet the true one.

When that partner left, Mr. Zhao called someone and said, "please investigate Professor Fang Xiaoyou from Jincheng University. All her information should be reported to me as soon as possible."!

It is said that a friend's wife should not be deceived. In Zhao's eyes, this sentence does not exist at all. Besides, is Xia Yuchen a friend? This question is still open to question. Even friends, he doesn't care.

Sitting in front of the tall glass window of the hotel's presidential suite, Zhao lit a cigar.

Xia Yuchen and his wife didn't know this.

Back home, the couple are ready to go to bed early, but they receive a call from Pan Rong.

At that time, Xia Yuchen was taking a bath. Fang Xiaoyou heard his mobile phone ring, and he was ready to take it to him. She didn't want to interfere in his life, but when the phone rang all the time, she looked at it curiously. It was pan Rong who called!

In the middle of the night, it was strange for a woman to call, not to mention his ex-wife.

Oh, Fang Xiaoyou, how can you be so careful? Pan Rong gave up her love and made you and Xia Yuchen happy. How can you be mean?

"Ah, your phone!" After all, she gave the phone to Xia Yuchen.

If there is no emergency, pan Rong will not always fight like this. After all, she knows that he is married.

Xia Yuchen turned off the water, wiped his hand, and connected.

"Hello, what's the matter?" He asked.

"Oh, I'll be there soon." He said and hung up.

"I'm going out for a while. Sleep by yourself. I'll be back as soon as possible." He gave her his cell phone and cleaned up.

He looks very worried!

"Is there anything urgent?" She asked.

"It's nothing, just old friends going out for a little gathering." He said.

"Was it from last night?" She asked.


Lie, it's Pan Rong! She thought.

"Are you going alone?" She asked. She meant to remind him to take her with him. At least, she doesn't want her husband with his ex-wife in the middle of the night.

"You won't like that occasion. Besides, you are very tired today. You'd better have a rest early." He said he picked up the hair dryer and blew his hair.

His action was so calm that there was nothing unusual about it.

Do you think too much?

Well, trust him!

"Come back early, be careful on the way!" She said.

"Well, I know. You go to bed early." He didn't look at her either, just dressed as fast as he could.

Fang Xiaoyou restrained himself and helped him fasten the button.

Before going out, he even gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked away with a smile.

He is so happy, he should be OK!

She comforted herself so much that she went back to take a bath.

Pan Rong is back. It's the first party of Liao Fei's friends since his marriage. It's also a party in a bar. Xia Yuchen takes a taxi to get there when he goes out.

When I arrived at the appointed bar, I found that Pan Rong and Nie Yun were all there, but Zhao Haichao didn't come, neither was Ruxue.

"We still calculate, you should be regarded as the mother-in-law family or the mother-in-law family after all, finally, you are transferred to our camp!" Nie Yun said with a smile.

"My brother-in-law is an authentic lady. How can he belong to your camp?" Xia Yuchen said with a smile.

Four people sat face to face, two people sat on a row of sofas.

Because there were only three people before, Nie Yun and Liao Fei sat together. Pan Rong, a girl, sat opposite them. At this time, Xia Yuchen came and naturally sat next to pan Rong.

"That's why we made an appointment with you, just to flatter your brother-in-law. In the future, we should be fair and not be partial to our younger sister and wronged us Xiaofei!" Pan Rong said with a smile that she was slightly drunk.

Summer rain Chen looks at her appearance, estimate is to drink quite long.

"I've always been fair in my work. I'm not right about people, Liao Fei. You can rest assured." Xia Yuchen said.

"Xiaofei, hurry to stun my elder brother. If he says anything fair, he will face his brother if he is a brother!" It's Nie Yun.

The four sat in a corner of the bar, chatting happily. Fang Xiaoyou is at home alone, but he doesn't know where his husband went after answering another woman's phone.

Four people in the bar.

When four people are talking, Nie Yun says that he often lives apart from his wife, which makes him feel like a home.

"Let her work in Laizhou! It's impossible for you to be transferred back in recent years. " Xia Yuchen said.

"Can I persuade you?" Nie Yun said, "don't talk about me. If you had the ability, you would have taken Fang Xiaoyou to Laizhou. How could you have separated for four years?"

"Isn't he back now?" Xia Yuchen said.

"Tell me for yourself, don't you feel uncomfortable living together after four years apart?" Nie Yun is a little drunk and doesn't think too much about the result.

Xia Qi is preparing for pregnancy, so Liao Fei completely quit drinking and smoking. He only dares to drink less when he comes to the bar tonight. Among the four people, he drinks the least. Hearing Nie Yun say so, Liao Fei looks at Xia Yuchen and says with a smile: "brother Nie, you are really drunk!"

Xia Yuchen did not answer, but he was very clear that what Nie Yun said was the real situation. I haven't seen it for four years. In some places, in fact, many places, I really feel uncomfortable.

Pan Rong lies on the table, tilts his head and stares at Xia Yuchen. Even now her consciousness is not as clear as usual, what Xia Yuchen looks like is clear. He is not as happy as he once imagined!

"Well, so, two people still can't be separated for a long time. If they are separated for too long, everything will change." Nie Yun's voice reveals the desolation and helplessness brought by life.

Xia Yuchen knows that Nie Yun is not unable to arrange a good job for his wife, but his wife is unwilling to give up her career. Just as at the beginning, he asked Fang Xiaoyou to quit his job and go with him to Laizhou. He would arrange a job for her, but she didn't promise him. Only a few days later, the two separated completely, without any contact for four years. In fact, most of the time, he thought that if he didn't attach so much importance to her ideas at the beginning, he would have taken her to Laizhou and brought her to his side, wouldn't there be so many twists and turns?