He didn't answer directly, but he laughed and lay down.

Neither of them spoke, but looked at each other by the light at the head of the bed.

He reached out and stroked her face. Initially, it was gentle. Gradually, the strength increased. The hand simply reached directly behind her head and pulled her towards himself. Then, his lips were precisely pressed on her.

She stretched out her hands, reflexively to push him away, but the moment she touched his chest, she did not force.

He was almost gnawing her lips, so powerful that her heart beat faster and faster. When his tongue rolled around her, she felt almost suffocated.

Clearly separated only a few days, how the body to touch each other, it seems to be separated for decades, the same feeling, that kind of missing, that kind of desire!

His fingers were inserted into her hair. Her hair was soft and thick. Although it was less thick than four years ago, it still felt the same.

He seems to be very greedy for her taste, as if for a long time did not kiss her like this, when his lips and tongue intertwined, he found that they could not be separated at all.

Tonight, there is no language, only the longing and missing for each other.

This time, tonight only this time, but it lasted for a long time. She didn't know how long it took, only remembering that she lost consciousness again and again and woke up again and again. Every time she woke up, it was him in her eyes!

In the past four years, every time he thought about her and longed for her, the shadow of that event shrouded him. Now, he wants to forget and face the future again.

Tonight, when he was completely released in her body, when he was trembling and panting on her, she clearly heard him ask "do you hate me"!

What he said was not love, but hate!

How could she hate him? There is no moment to hate him! And he asked, but let her into confusion.

Afterwards, as in the past, he got up to take a shower. She lay quietly on the bed, but tears rolled out.

When he came back from the bathroom, he found that she was asleep, so he gently printed a kiss on her forehead, turned off the light, lay down and put out his arm to hold her, just as in the past.

She opened her eyes and looked at the darkness before her. Tears fell silently.

The next day, both of them got up early because they had to rush to work.

Before going out, he said, "I'll go to my parents at night. You don't have to wait for me."

"Are you going to live there?" She asked.

"Well, I haven't been home for a long time. And now, there are many things to communicate with them. It would be better to live there! " He said.

She just gave a "um" and went out with her computer bag on her back. She didn't wait for him any longer.

If you can go out early, the bus will not be so crowded, unlike now, even a station is difficult to find.

Over the years, she has been used to thinking about problems in transportation, work and life. At the moment, what she missed was not the warmth of last night, but his words.

Some people say that love is as deep as hate. She didn't understand why hate was used to measure love? Clearly is opposite two kinds of feelings!

Why did he ask that? Didn't he know that she never hated him? Even when I left four years ago, I didn't hate him! At that time, her mind was full of thoughts for him, and those thoughts supported her through those four difficult and lonely years.

She grabbed the rings on the bus and stood there quietly, listening to the middle school students chatting and talking about the green love.

Back at work, she started her busy work. And at night, the family is a person!

That empty house is always her home!

It was almost time to go to bed when he called to tell her to have a rest early. She said the same thing. After that, neither of them spoke, waiting for the other to hang up, but no one did.

It was not until she was silent for nearly ten minutes that she said, "I'll go to bed first. Goodbye!"

He gave a "um" but didn't hang up.

She was waiting for him to end the call, but she didn't.

Finally, she couldn't help it——

"Xia Yuchen, I miss you, I miss you --" she said, tears flowed down and kept flowing.

He could hear the faint sobs clearly.

And the call, finally cut off!

Her heart, as if lost something, suddenly become empty!

She looked out of the window at the dark sky, outside, it began to rain.

Xia Yuchen, I miss you!

In his memory, there are few such experiences of rushing home on a stormy night. The most recent one is that Fang Xiaoyou was hospitalized four years ago. At the moment, driving the car in this stormy night, his mood was no more relaxed than that time. To some extent, the mood is the same, but tonight, the tension seems to be a little more practical.

Think of last night, although he has been taking the initiative, but her refusal, he still felt. He deliberately ignored her, forcing her as many times in the past. Because he was afraid that after he was rejected by her, he would be farther and farther away from her.

Although he married her, in fact, he was more flustered than her. Looking at her occasional sadness, he often felt that he had hurt her. In this marriage, his initiative is far greater than hers. In fact, to a large extent, he forced her, at least, from his feelings. He thought that he had considered everything, but after all, he could not enter her heart.

Looking at her, he will always think of the past years, think of her smile at that time, let him feel happy and comfortable smile. Now, that feeling can't be found any more. He can only relive it from the photos in his mobile phone and computer.

He felt tired. The marriage did not make him feel happy at all. On the contrary, it brought him all pressure and pain. He is always busy with work. When he comes home every day, his mind is in a mess. He just wants to go home and take a hot bath. Because he had just got married and had not been with her for four years, he also wanted to spend time with her. However, her reaction made him angry and helpless, and he didn't know how to deal with it, so that he came home to face her and didn't have as much to say as before.

What's wrong? Can we say that the four years have changed everyone? Or is it a mistake to wait these four years?

Together, always do not know how to deal with, once separated, full of her mind.

Maybe it's because I'm too active and ignore her feelings. In order to verify whether she will miss him or not, he hasn't called her or sent a text message in the past few days of business trip. Therefore, he keeps turning on the power 24 hours, even when meeting, it will be turned to vibration. Every time his cell phone rings, he opens it eagerly, because he doesn't want to miss any of her concerns and greetings. However, he was wrong. She didn't contact him for three days.

Even so, he boarded the plane home after the meeting, hoping to see her earlier. It was impossible for him to stay one more night in the capital. Although miss her, stubborn he still didn't tell her to go home in advance. Perhaps, he felt that she didn't care when he would come back, or maybe, he wanted to give her a surprise, and he was still looking forward to seeing her in his heart.

That night, when he entered the house and saw her sleeping on the sofa, his sweet face brought him back to the days four years ago. And yesterday, her face was covered with red happy words, which made him feel more happy. However, later, his good mood disappeared.

He thought he could ignore all the bad hints. In fact, he found that he could not. He couldn't ignore her and live on his own.

Tonight, he told his parents that he planned to live with Fang Xiaoyou in the family home of Jincheng university instead of living with the municipal Party committee. Parents are very surprised, do not know what happened to him. Mother even thought it was Fang Xiaoyou's meaning, so she said, "who do you think you are when you amuse others like this?"

"Mom, it has nothing to do with her. I think it's inconvenient to live there. However, I have already told my sister-in-law to leave her alone. Fortunately, she hasn't started to clean up yet! " Xia Yuchen quickly excused Fang Xiaoyou, but he didn't believe it at present.

"You like her. She feels right and good in everything she does. It's up to you." Tan Guiying said.

In fact, he understood his mother, but he didn't agree with her. There are conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in every family. How to deal with them depends on him as a son. For now, he can only work hard to defend Fang Xiaoyou in front of his mother, hoping that her mother can accept her as soon as possible.

Because he hasn't been home for a long time, and he feels estranged from Fang Xiaoyou in his heart, he doesn't want to go back to see her today, so as not to feel uncomfortable again.

Like a few days ago, she still didn't call him. Maybe, she thought he was at his parents' home, so she couldn't call him! Therefore, he also understood her. So, after returning to his room, he took the initiative to call her, but did not expect that she finally said the three words. Before the doubt and guilt suddenly collapsed, the sun of hope will shine on him.

More than a second seems to bear, want to fly to her side.

Fang Xiaoyou doesn't know why he hung up. Is it because he doesn't want to hear her say that? Is she too pretentious? But, really miss. This kind of Miss was born in the morning when he left four years ago. For four years now, it has sprouted in her heart. The root is too deep to pull out. But these days two people cold get along with, lets her suppress nearly collapse. She didn't want to live like this any more, she wanted to laugh, she wanted to treat him thoughtlessly and live with him as before.