"Let you stand there with a balloon. What are you doing?" She said, he laughed and shook his head, she said: "I just casually said, who went to the zoo for a date? You choose! "

He thought about it and said a popular answer, that is to have tea.

"No problem! You decide where She said.

He didn't say it was too far away. For convenience, it was near her home.

Soon, she arrived at the community where she lived. She asked him to stop at the gate of the community and get off.

On the way home, Zhang Zheng laughs at his behavior tonight and even proposes an appointment. It seems that there has been no such experience for many years.

When he got home, the living room was dark. He carefully closed the door and went upstairs, but he was stopped at the entrance of the stairs.

"At night, do you want to scare the devil to death?" As soon as he heard it was his sister's voice, he said.

"Ah, how about Pan Qiang's sister?" Sister asked with a smile.

"It's a nice, smart guy." He said.

"Ye Hui told me that the girl is very nice. She's calm and steady. She's good for your appetite." Said the elder sister.

"You collude?"

"It's so hard to say. We are all for your good. That -- "the elder sister followed her upstairs and continued to ask. He quickly said," I'm going to sleep. You'd better go back to your room. "

Said, quickly ran upstairs, into the room, locked the door.

"This boy, he's very fast!" My sister said to herself.

Back in his room, he remembered that he didn't even have pan Rong's phone. It seems that I haven't done this kind of thing for a long time and I'm unfamiliar with it.

Pan Rong lies on the bed, takes out the mobile phone, wants to dial for Xia Yuchen, several times has not pressed the launch key.

All of a sudden, pan Qiang's phone call came, asking about her and Zhang Zheng.

"You really are, too, doing such a thing." She said strangely.

"Silly girl, it's all for you. Zhang Zheng is very good. You should seize the opportunity! " Pan Qiang exhorted, and asked about dating. Pan Rong didn't expect that his cousin, who was determined to kill, had such a mother-in-law side. She didn't want to retort, just closed her eyes and agreed.

It's so easy to wait for her brother to finish nagging her that she thinks it's a mistake to promise a date. Mingming has no feeling for Zhang Zheng. Why should he promise? This kind of dating is totally different from that kind of friend. Some people say that communication without marriage as the premise is playing hooligans. This sentence is not only for men, but also for women. Although it's not as serious as playing hooligans, at least it's playing with feelings. She doesn't want to play with other people's feelings, and she doesn't want to waste her time.

Forget it. We'll meet tomorrow. Let's make it clear!

Reason? She is too rational, rational even their favorite people have lost, this is not stupid?

This is Pan Rong and Zhang Zheng's "let's go up! I've made a reservation. " He said, standing in front of her.

I don't know if it's because of her sitting. Pan Rong finds that Zhang Zheng is very tall and has a big skeleton. Today, his casual clothes are very casual and free.

He didn't treat today's meeting deliberately, which made her relaxed. Maybe, like her, he didn't expect anything in particular!

When he went to a small private room on the third floor, he asked her what kind of tea she liked to drink, and she said, "flower tea is fine.".

When the tea set came up, Zhang Zheng skillfully sat in his seat and began to make tea. Pan Rong looked at him, she knew that today's people like this is not a few, and she, how many years is not to develop such a temperament.

"We seem to have forgotten something last night." He said and took out his cell phone.

She asked with a smile, "leave a number for the next date?"

He didn't answer. She wanted to refuse, but she didn't. Even if you don't associate with him, it's always good to leave contact information.

This first date is a very strange one. It's totally different from the blind date in Pan Rong's imagination, but it's like two people chatting at will, and it doesn't involve any feelings or hobbies. Chatting, I found that there was a lot to say. To pan Rong's surprise, what she doesn't want to admit is that it seems easier for her to chat with Zhang Zheng than with Xia Yuchen.

Perhaps, we are facing the person we like, more or less always some can not let go. Once the opponent is regarded as a "safe" level, those lines of defense will automatically become invisible.

Then, unconsciously, it was lunch time, and they forgot everything.

"Why don't we have lunch here?" Zhang Zhengwen, she also agreed.

This is the first encounter. It is different from her previous blind date, and the ending seems to be different.

"And then?" Asked Xia Yuchen.

"Later, er --" Pan Rong recalled.

After lunch, Zhang Zheng asked her what she thought of him?

She was a little stunned, but it seems that this is a necessary part of blind date! If they like each other, they will continue to meet. If they don't like each other, they will say goodbye.

How is he? I think it's very good, but she doesn't want to develop with him in the direction of girlfriends and girlfriends——

"Well, that's good, you man, that's good!" She said it honestly.

"And then?" He asked with a smile.

She looked at him and said seriously, "you are very learned, but very modest, very talkative, but not wordy, very --"

He chuckled, took the cup and drank it, looking at her.

"You are excellent. But -- "she continued.

"Do you have someone you like?" He interrupted and said.

She was stunned, but still nodded.

He nodded slightly and said, "what a pity."

She said nothing and looked at him.

"You're the most special girl I've ever met, er, on a blind date." He said, "I feel like you're good, too."

"Thank you Pan Rong said with a smile.

"The person you like is so happy!" He said.

Is it? Is he happy?

Pan Rong looked at him, took a sip of his tea cup, thought about it, and said, "if, I tell you, I have a secret love for that person, pure Acacia. Moreover, I have loved him since I was young, and he has always been alone. Do you think I'm stupid? "

"Yes, silly!" He replied.

She laughed.

"But it's also enviable." He said.

"Envy? Why? You are the first to say that She said.

"It's a very happy thing to love someone persistently, even if it's unrequited love." He said, pan Rong smile.

"But I don't understand why the man --" he said.

"Why don't you like me?" She asked, and he nodded.

"He just regards me as a good friend!" She said.

"This man is a little ignorant of good and evil!" He said.

Pan Rong smiles.

"What are you going to do? Waiting for him all the time? " He asked.

"I don't know! His first love broke up long ago, and now he is separated from a girl. He loves that girl very much, but his parents don't agree with them and force that girl to leave. So, "she pauses and breathes out a long breath," now seems to be my chance. "

He nodded and said, "are you going to take this opportunity?"

"I don't know! I look at his pain, my heart is very sad, I think he and the girl together, so he will not be painful. However, I -- "she said, looking at him," in fact, I am a very selfish person, I also want to be with him. "

"No, that's normal. It's just, "he paused and looked at her," I don't think you really love this person! "

Pan Rong was stunned.

"Why do you say that?" She didn't understand that she loved Xia Yuchen so much, but the man in front of her only met him twice, that's all——

"If you really love that person, you will fight for him. Even if he doesn't pursue you, you will find a way to get him. But you don't do that. It seems that you don't make any efforts to be with him, just watch him by his side. So it's not so much that you love him as that you think you love him. " Zhang Zheng said.

Pan Rong's face changed.

"I'm sorry, I'm a little blunt, I --" he apologized.

She stood up and stared at him for a while, unable to speak.

"Pan -" he stood up and called her name.

"I'm sorry, director Zhang. I think we should not meet in the future! Thank you for your lunch With that, she picked up her bag and left.

Zhang Zheng looked at her back and sat down slowly.

He thought, he hurt her.

Sitting in the car, pan Rong did not tell Xia Yuchen the following paragraph, which involved her Xi ǎ om ì Mi, she doesn't want him to know, maybe to keep her dignity, maybe to make each other no longer embarrassed, even if she can't hold hands with him in this life, can't let him know her love!

"You refused him? After dinner, he refused? " Asked Xia Yuchen.

Pan Rong nodded.