Tears are pouring out of Fang Xiaoyou's eyes uncontrollably. She presses her cell phone on her chest and closes her eyes to the window.

Just a few seconds later, she wiped away her tears and said to her mother, "Mom, there's something I want to discuss with you."

"What's the matter?"

"Mom, I, I want to quit my present job and review the exam." She said.

Mother was silent for a moment, with a smile on her face, and said, "since you think so, do it! Mom supports you

Fang Xiaoyou is also silent, she did not tell her mother why to resign, her mother did not ask her why, perhaps, the mother has guessed what it!

"Mom, you don't have to worry. I'll go to the graduate school for a doctor's degree. It's free of charge," Fang Xiaoyou said.

"Don't think about money. Choose where you like. Now we've paid off all the money we owe. I'll save my salary for you, and I can pay your tuition! " Mom said.

Fang Xiaoyou endured the urge to cry, nodded and said: "Mom, don't be too tired. I'm too old to be supported by you any more. Don't worry, I'll support myself! "

"Bing Er, are you back from vacation?" Asked his mother.

"Well, I'll come back!"

"Grandma and I are waiting for you. Let's do this first. I'll go to class!" Mom said that and hung up.

A lot of times, when we were injured and couldn't stand, our parents and family always helped us!

Yes, I quit. I'm no longer bullied by these people! I will try my best to let these people know how dirty and mean they are one day!

Fang Xiaoyou stood at the window, looking at the pine trees outside. The big tree is so tall that it blocks the sight.

A tree always grows, even if there is only a ray of sunshine. Shouldn't people be the same? You can't hide your heart in the dark clouds just because you can't see the sunshine now.

Tan Hongyu is right. It's time for me to go out. Release all the bad memories of the past and start again! I'm young, aren't I? I still have a lot of time, more than all of them!

The glass on the window was not clean enough to reflect people's smile, but she knew she was smiling at herself!

Turning around, she walked slowly towards the office on the second floor.

She was going to tell the villain how he continued to be hypocritical.

When she went to Mr. Zhu's office, she didn't say that she wanted to resign, but respectfully told him that she didn't look at the mailbox in the hospital these days, so she didn't know that he sent an email.

"Mr. Zhu, Mr. Fan from the personnel department asked me something just now. I wonder if she mentioned it to you?" She asked.

In fact, that's what Mr. Zhu said, because he is very familiar with Mr. Fan.

"What do you want to say?" Mr. Zhu's face was calm.

She said the matter again and said, "Mr. Zhu, since someone said that, I think it must be that I have not done well in this period of time. There will be a lot of time in the future. I will work hard and not let these rumors spread any more. "

Miss Zhu glanced at her and said coldly, "whatever you want!"! After that, he continued to stare at the computer and chat with others on MSN.

Fang Xiaoyou's heart is full of disgust. She wants to tear his face, but before she has no power, any words and actions are just a battle between trapped animals, which will not change any status quo at all.

Out of teacher Zhu's office, she sat at her desk, her eyes blank.

Next Monday will start to take the National Day Golden Week holiday, she wants to go home to see her mother, also to see Xia Yuchen.

There is a saying that misfortune never comes alone, and happiness never comes together. In fact, many things in the world should prove this.

These two days, her life is still the same as in the past, teacher Zhu is still indifferent to her. When she comes home every night, she feels very tired and has a slight ache at the wound. Maybe we should really rest at home!

However, she took time to go to the security office and borrowed her registered residence card, waiting for Xia Yuchen to come back to get the marriage certificate. Maybe, this is the only thing to be happy recently!

Tan Hongyu is on a business trip. He occasionally calls or sends a text message to ask about her recovery. Knowing about her and Miss Zhu, Tan Hongyu didn't want her to go to work, but he couldn't persuade her. You have to deal with your own affairs!

Xia Yuchen called to say that since that night, there has been no more rain in the upper reaches of the Luan River, so the water level began to drop, and the danger was relieved. Just because the low-lying areas have been flooded for a long time, it is necessary to rescue people's lives and property. Coupled with the disasters caused by the debris flow caused by the rainstorm, he always goes back and forth between the resettlement sites and the places where the accidents happened.

He was so busy that she didn't want to tell him about herself. She just told him to pay attention to his health every time.

On Thursday afternoon, uncle Xia called her and asked if she was free. She didn't know what it would be, so she agreed.

Uncle Xia invited her to a very high-end Chinese restaurant. There were only two of them in the big box.

I don't know if it's because the table is too big or something. She thinks uncle Xia is so far away from her. Perhaps, it was very far away, but she never paid special attention to it.

Uncle Xia asked her to order her favorite dishes. She said she could do anything. Uncle Xia ordered some of our famous dishes. The names are so elegant that I can't guess what they are.

Although she had had dinner with Uncle Xia many times before, today's atmosphere was grand, which made her have a bad feeling.

"Xiao you, how are you?" Uncle Xia asked.

"Not bad!"

"That's good."

Fang Xiaoyou drinks a cup of tea and listens to Uncle Xia ask again: "chen'er, has he contacted you recently?"

"He called several times and said that he was very busy and tired every day." She said.

"Chen'er, this is the first time to deal with these emergencies directly. Of course, she will be very tired. It will be better to experience more later." Said uncle Xia.

Fang Xiaoyou did not speak.

"Xiaoyou, you love chen'er, don't you?" Uncle Xia drank tea slowly and asked.

Fang Xiaoyou looked at Uncle Xia, nodded and said, "I love him. Although we don't spend much time together, I love him!"

Uncle Xia smiles, looks at Fang Xiaoyou and says, "Xiao you, you know what we expect of chen'er. You know that he will go this way all the time. Therefore, we will do a lot of foreshadowing for his future, including his marriage. "

Fang Xiaoyou probably guessed the purpose of Uncle Xia, but she didn't know that uncle Xia would really stop them from getting married.

"Chen'er told me that he wanted to marry you very early. In fact, I always wanted you two to get married. Because your father and I said at the beginning, if only we could form a family. So, I support you. However, Xiaoyou, public opinion is very important on the road to politics. If it's not this time - "Xia Zhenhua looks at Fang Xiaoyou, and there is a flicker of hesitation in his eyes.

Fang Xiaoyou knows what uncle Xia is going to say, but she doesn't say anything. She just listens.

Minister Xia Zhenhua stopped for a while, and the waiter just served.

"Xiaoyou, I know you are a good child, and I believe that child belongs to chen'er. Just because of this, you will be used to attack chen'er. He is just the beginning of his career. "Xia Zhenhua's speaking speed is very slow.

"Uncle Xia, you don't have to say any more. I understand Fang Xiaoyou held back his heartache and squeezed out a smile.

Minister Xia Zhenhua stares at Fang Xiaoyou and does not continue this topic. He introduces the dishes to Fang Xiaoyou.

Fang Xiaoyou where can eat, just according to minister Xia's command, put a few dishes in the plate, put in the mouth, simply unable to chew.

"Uncle Xia, thank you for taking care of me for so many years. Here's to you with tea instead of wine!" Fang Xiaoyou swallowed the tears in his eyes, stood up with his teacup and said to minister Xia.

"Xiao you, why are you so polite all of a sudden?" Minister Xia was surprised.

Fang Xiaoyou's action completely plunges minister Xia Zhenhua into deep remorse.

Fang Xiaoyou finished, no matter how Xia minister, she poured a mouthful.

"Uncle Xia, what do you want me to do?" She asked quietly.

Minister Xia hesitated and finally asked quietly, "what do you want?"

Fang Xiaoyou never thought that one day his respected uncle Xia would negotiate terms with him, and the terms were still for her love.

Yeah, what does she want? What does she want except Xia Yuchen? She didn't know.

"No matter what conditions you put forward, I will promise you!" Xia said.

At this time, Minister Xia was no longer the gentle and smiling uncle Xia in the past, but a high official. The official is negotiating with his son's fiancee to persuade her to give up marriage. And his son is working hard for his official career in the distance!

"Uncle Xia, you've already given me a lot, and I can't pay off that. As for what I want, you can't give me any more. So, you, you don't have to say that. You want me to leave him, don't you Fang Xiaoyou is surprisingly calm. She doesn't know that she can be so calm. Is it because we have been hit so much that we have no hope for the future?

It doesn't matter what the reason is. What matters is that she has to choose a way, whether she likes it or not.

This is life!

Anyone will sacrifice others mercilessly for their own interests, no matter who this person is! This is the true nature of the world. Sometimes, only in this way can we understand the world.

There is a song called invisible wings. Fang Xiaoyou suddenly thinks of it. Can you fly when your wings are broken?

Outside the window, it seems to rain again.

The raindrops slapped on the windowpane, and Fang Xiaoyou looked out.

Xia Yuchen, is it raining there? Are you still busy?