Get married, get married, come so fast, but so hard!

Child, child, is your leaving bringing marriage to me? What am I supposed to do?

This night, she can't sleep. She will be discharged tomorrow and get married the day after tomorrow——

These days, the Xia family has been very quiet about Xia Yuchen. Now, everyone knows that Xia Yuchen has come back and is still staying in the hospital. What does this mean? We all know it by heart. About Xia Yuchen's marriage, the Xia family officially faced it.

When Xia Yuchen's grandfather asks Xia Zhenhua and his wife what's going on, Tan Guiying repeats what Xia Yuchen and Fang Xiaoyou said when they went home that day.

"Maybe he's serious! Otherwise, I would not fight you like this! " Grandma said.

"Marriage is a life-long event. He and Fang Xiaoyou have known each other for only a long time, so they say they want to get married? Besides, it is said that the child belongs to Hongyu. How about chen'er -- "said Aunt Xia Yuchen and Ruxue's mother.

"That's what I mean. You should be careful when you get married." Tan Guiying said.

"Zhenhua, what do you think?" Xia Yuchen asked.

"Since chen'er loves Xiao you so much, it's good for him to let them get married!" Xia Zhenhua replied.

"Xiaoyou, that child is very clever, and I like it very much. Marriage is a big thing. You should listen to chen'er's opinions. " Grandfather said.

"Dad, but Fang Xiaoyou and Hongyu --" said Ruxue's mother.

"Do you believe that people outside are making a fuss? Fang Yan's daughter won't do that! " My grandfather snapped.

The crowd stopped talking.

"Oh, by the way, how did the hospital disclose the patient's information? Did you not pursue it? " The old man asked Xia Zhenhua.

"Hongyu has been looking into this matter, so let him handle it." Xia Zhenhua replied.

The old man nodded and said, "you are all old. Don't follow others in everything. You have no backbone. Anyway, I'm on chen'er's side. If you're parents, you're against going. "

"Dad," said Tan Guiying.

"Gui Ying, children's happiness is our greatest wish as parents! What's more, chen'er's work is not without spectrum. Why can't you give him a little freedom? You don't want to think about it. After a hundred years, he will be older and his children will not be around. Shouldn't the people who accompany him be the ones he trusts most? When you are young, you can go about without caring for your family. When you are old, you have no family to share the joys and sorrows with. How can you live Said the old man.

The crowd was silent.

"Zhenhua, yingzi, don't force chen'er away. If he's gone, it's no use for both of you to make your intestines blue! " Said the old lady.

Tan Guiying did not speak, but Xia Zhenhua nodded: "Dad, mom, don't worry, we will deal with it!"

Back at home, Tan Guiying asked her husband why he didn't clarify his position in front of her parents.

"Do you really want chen'er to marry Fang Xiaoyou? Why don't you think about the consequences? Chen'er is young and doesn't understand. Are we going to let him make mistakes and watch him regret in the future? " Tan Guiying said.

"If you don't agree with him, what if he really runs away from home? These days, he lives in the hospital, and he can't go back to his home. Don't you feel uncomfortable? " Xia Zhenhua Road.

"My son is my lifeblood. How can I not feel bad? But I don't want to see Fang Xiaoyou ruin his future! "

"Don't talk so dead! It doesn't have to be like that. " Xia Zhenhua drank water and said.

"Why not? Even if there is a misunderstanding between Fang Xiaoyou and Hongyu, but the public opinion is so legendary, how will the outside world treat chen'er in the future? How does the organization view him? Besides, I don't believe that Fang Xiaoyou is really only with chen'er. " Tan Guiying said.

"Don't talk nonsense, Xiao you is not that kind of person!"

"Why not? I've learned in private these days that Fang Xiaoyou and Hongyu did meet many times alone. Moreover, they either went to Hongyu's home or two people went outside. What do you think she and Hongyu have to talk about? Why meet in secret like this? In this case, who can guarantee whose child is? " Tan Guiying said.

Xia Zhenhua looked at his wife incredulously and frowned.

"Zhenhua, I know you like Fang Xiaoyou, and you feel ashamed of Fang Yan. However, we don't have to let Fang Xiaoyou and chen'er marry to repay our kindness! Now that this is the point, it's still too late for us to find a way to remedy it! " As soon as Tan Guiying saw her husband's slight change of expression, she immediately stepped up her offensive to persuade him.

"Remedy? How to remedy it? " Xia Zhenhua asked.

"That day in the hospital, I think Hongyu was still very nervous, Fang Xiaoyou. It's been so many years since Shujun's incident. This is the first time that Hongyu is attracted to another woman. What's more, if he can sign the operation consent in that way, doesn't it mean something? Let's find a way to make it up. Maybe there will be a play! " Tan Guiying said.

"What are you? Hongyu is over ten years older than Xiaoyou. They are all of uncle's generation. You can think of it! No, absolutely not Xia Zhenhua objected.

"You, what's a teenager? Don't you know that girls nowadays like older, more mature men? I don't know how many people want to get married! If the two of them are brought together, Fang Xiaoyou won't be able to rely on them all his life? We are worthy of Fangyan, don't you think? " Tan Guiying said.

This night, Tan Hongyu sat in a rocking chair, holding a wine glass and looking out of the window at the night.

If only someone could enjoy the beautiful night with him?

All of a sudden, his mobile phone rang. He reached for it and connected it.

"To be discharged tomorrow?" He asked.

"Well, I want to tell you, he proposed!" She said.

"Yes?" He asked.

"We'll register the day after tomorrow."

"When you come out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, let me know!" He said.

She gave another "mmm.".

"Girl, if you think clearly, don't regret it!" He took a sip of the wine.

Regret, who will regret?

It was a thunderstorm in the middle of the night······

It rained heavily that night, and no one noticed. Until it was almost dawn, Xia Yuchen's mobile phone suddenly rang. Because he was too tired, he fell asleep, but Fang Xiaoyou woke up. When she woke him up, he sat up and quickly picked up the phone.

"What# 8226;;# 8226;;# 8226;; Oh, I'll start right away! " With that, he immediately went to the bathroom to wash.

"What's the matter?" She handed him the towel.

"The water level of Luan River has risen sharply. I'm afraid something will happen!" He said.

Luan River is a main river flowing through Laizhou City, which causes flood alarm every summer. This time of year has passed the flood season, but last night's rainstorm caused the water level to soar, and some villages along the river have been flooded.

"Secretary Liu went to Beijing to study yesterday. The city called and asked me to go there quickly. It's too late for them to send a car. I'll drive myself later! " He was in a hurry and changed clothes much faster than usual.

She brought him a glass of water and said, "be careful, it's still raining outside."

"Well, don't worry." When he got dressed, it occurred to him that she was going to leave hospital and they were going to get married.

"I'll call Liao Fei and ask him to take you out of the hospital." He said, and quickly called Liao Fei. Liao Fei let him go at ease. He went to the hospital as soon as possible.

She put his computer and books in order and put them on the table in the living room, waiting for him to go out and take them away.

He came out of the bedroom and watched her covering her abdomen and bending down to tidy him up. His heart could not help but ache.

"After these days, I'll come back immediately. Let's get married! You wait for me at home He took her in his arms and said.

She raised her face, gave him a bright smile, said: "you go busy, don't worry about me, I will wait for you to come back!"

Gently raised her chin, he gently kisses her, long reluctant to separate.

"Come on! Drive carefully She pushed him away and said softly.

He nodded, picked up the bag and walked out of the ward.

She walked slowly to the door and watched his back disappear in her eyes.

When he comes back, he will be waiting for him!

Less than an hour after Xia Yuchen left, Liao Fei came to help Fang Xiaoyou tidy up. In fact, she had nothing to clean up. They waited for the doctor to go to work.

Liao Fei saw the ring on her hand and asked, "are you going to get married?"

She smiles and nods. Because of the operation, she can only smile slightly.

"Congratulations Liao Fei said.

"Thank you

"Yuchen is a very special person," Liao Fei said. "Although he has been with Yao Jing before, he will not have that kind of idea about other women before they break up. So you can rest assured about that. As long as he decides to marry you, he won't do anything like that

"Why did he break up with Yao Jing? Aren't they from childhood? " She asked.

Xia Yuchen never mentioned this to her.

Most young people tell their past love experiences when they are in love, but Fang Xiaoyou and Xia Yuchen are getting married, and they know nothing about each other's past. For people who are in love and married, this is rare. Fang Xiaoyou has never been in contact with any boy. These love stories are all heard from Han Xiao.

"He didn't say that?" Liao Fei is a little surprised. He thinks that according to Xia Yuchen's feelings for Xiao you, he should say that. However, these are all things in the past. Maybe he doesn't want to mention them because he thinks they have nothing to do with them now.

"I listen to him, too." Liao Fei said, "at the beginning, Yuchen, Yao Jing and pan Rong all went to London to study. Yuchen and pan Rong went to London to study politics and economics, and Yao Jing went to Cambridge art school. Yuchen is a very serious person. He often studies with Pan Rong. Even during the holidays, he goes to work as an intern in a company or a government department. Maybe he is alienated from Yao Jing. "