Looking at this scene, Xia Zhenhua and his wife are in a mixed mood. Xia Zhenhua goes to another room and calls his son.

Xia Yuchen is in a meeting when his mobile phone suddenly vibrates. He took a look, it's his father's, so he pressed it out, ready to call back later.

Xia Zhenhua went back to the ward and said to his brother-in-law, "Hongyu, you are also busy. Go back to rest and go to work. I asked Xiao Liu to take care of Xiao you! "

"Zhenhua," said Tan Guiying.

"Xiao you, don't think about anything. Have a good rest. I'll let your Aunt Liu come to accompany you later! Don't tell your mother for the time being! " Xia Zhenhua Road.

Fang Xiaoyou nodded. Xia Zhenhua asked his wife to go with him, but Tan Hongyu was not ready to leave and stayed there.

After Xia Zhenhua and his wife left, Fang Xiaoyou's mood suddenly dropped a lot.

"Girl, I'm sorry about that. I didn't expect that they knew about it." Tan Hongyu said.

Fang Xiaoyou shook his head and said, "don't say that. If you hadn't signed for me, I'm afraid I would not be here. Say, I also want to thank you! Thank you for taking care of me like this! "

"Do you want him to come?" Asked Tan Hongyu.

Fang Xiaoyou wry smile, said: "now this situation, he came how?"? Aunt Tan still won't accept me! I don't want him because I'm in a row with his mother! "

"Well, you don't want to think about anything now. Have a good rest. Your body is the key!" Tan Hongyu advised.

Yes, what else can we do if we don't rest now?

Xia Yuchen, why aren't you here?

On the way out of the hospital, Tan Guiying asked her husband how to deal with her son and Fang Xiaoyou.

"Small you for Chen son wound become so, we want to abandon her to ignore?" Xia Zhenhua Road.

"That child after all is Chen son's, also two say. Why do you believe that? " Tan Guiying said.

"Do you think your brother will be with someone his nephew likes?" Xia Zhenhua looked at his wife and said.

"But --" Tan Guiying thought of the news, "even if not, so what? Now it's spread that the outside world thinks that the child belongs to Hongyu. How can you let chen'er and Fang Xiaoyou be together? Marry uncle's lover, do you still let chen'er work? "

Indeed, now things are like this, we have to consider the pressure of public opinion in the future on Xia Yuchen. Even if they are married now, who knows if it will affect their feelings in the future?

Xia Zhenhua was silent.

When Xia Yuchen finished the meeting, he called his father back and asked what happened. His father only said, "you haven't called for a long time. I'll ask you how things are going there."

"Now the work is not easy to talk about. I've sort it out." Xia Yuchen said.

"At the beginning of a new environment, it's like that. Don't worry!" Said the father.

"I see, Dad, you don't have to worry about me!" Xia Yuchen said.

Asked the next parent's body, Xia Yuchen hung up the phone.

When I think of it, I haven't heard from Fang Xiaoyou for a long time, so he called her by the way.

Tan Hongyu connects her mobile phone to Fang Xiaoyou. She looks at the screen of her mobile phone and can't press the answer button.

"Is that him?" Asked Tan Hongyu.

She nodded.

"Tell him, he should know!" Tan Hongyu said.

"So what? It won't help With a sad smile, she put her cell phone under her pillow.

Xia Yuchen thought that she was very busy, did not receive, hung up.

However, after a while, Liao Fei's call came.

"Yuchen, are you free recently? Can you come back? " Liao Feidao.

"I'm afraid I can't go back. What's the matter? " Asked Xia Yuchen.

Liao Fei is still hesitating. He doesn't know how to tell Xia Yuchen. However, that is Fang Xiaoyou's business after all. It's not good if we don't say it.

"Yuchen, there's something I think you should know!" Liao Fei said, "something happened to Fang Xiaoyou."

"What? What happened to her? " Xia Yuchen got up from his chair.

"It seems that ectopic pregnancy is hospitalized!" Liao Fei said.

"Gong -" Xia Yuchen can't believe that Fang Xiaoyou is really pregnant!

But, how can ectopic pregnancy?

"And now?" Asked Xia Yuchen.

"I don't know yet. I'll go to the hospital to see her after work!" Liao Fei said, "besides, Yuchen, there are some rumors outside now. You'd better --"

"Hearsay? What's the rumor? " Asked Xia Yuchen.

"Yuchen, I don't believe those. I hope you don't believe them either. You should believe Fang Xiaoyou," Liao Fei said.

"What is it, say it quickly!"

Liao Fei tells Xia Yuchen the news in the newspaper. Xia Yuchen is completely confused!

He believes in Fang Xiaoyou, but why does uncle write like that? Why does my uncle appear in the hospital? What a coincidence?

"Yuchen, Fang Xiaoyou is still in danger. I think you should come back to accompany her. When something like this happens, no one can replace you! " Liao Fei said.

Xia Yuchen doesn't speak, he doesn't understand. Why doesn't Fang Xiaoyou tell him about his pregnancy? Why don't you call him when something goes wrong?

"If you can get away from your work, come as soon as possible." Liao Fei advised.

"Well, I know! Thank you for telling me! " Xia Yuchen said.

His children, even in his ignorance of the situation did not! And she, unexpectedly experienced such a terrible thing!

At this time, Xia Yuchen suddenly regretted why he had to accept the order. If you stay in the provincial capital, you can at least take care of her! Instead of letting her bear it alone as she does now!

That guy, always. No matter what happens, it's up to you. Why, am I so unworthy of your dependence?

Xia Yuchen didn't want to wait any longer. After talking to the Secretary of the municipal Party committee, he immediately went to the provincial capital.

Along the way, he called her several times, but no one answered. At this time, what he didn't understand was why my brother-in-law wrote that on the consent for surgery?

Distance, is close or far, no one can say clearly.

At this moment, Fang Xiaoyou has foreseen the future of himself and Xia Yuchen. It was a game doomed to no end!

"It suddenly occurred to me what you said to me." Fang Xiaoyou looked at Tan Hongyu, "you said, Xia Yuchen and I will not have a result. At that time, although I knew that what you said was likely to be reality, I felt that as long as we worked hard enough, all difficulties would be overcome. Now it looks like you're right. If I had given up earlier, it might not have happened so much! "

Tan Hongyu laughed and said, "I'm a prophet. Do you believe me?"

She also squeezed out a smile and said, "I believe it!"

"This prophet has a prediction now, that is, you will have a bright future, you will become an excellent woman!" Tan Hongyu said.

"I don't believe that!"

"You see, your questioning attitude is not right. Since I believe it, I should believe it all the time. You believe selectively, you don't have a sincere attitude Tan Hongyu said jokingly.

She laughed and tears ran down her eyes.

"Girl, you can only grow up through setbacks, everyone is like this!" Tan Hongyu said.

"I know. However, I've been really unlucky recently. If you think about it carefully, has God already reminded me not to be with Xia Yuchen? I've had a lot of bad luck since I met him. What a disaster he is She said, laughing.

"If you don't mind, you can tell me." Tan Hongyu said.

Grievances are indeed full of grievances. All sides of the pressure, what is really not smooth!

She said a lot about her work, about herself and Xia Yuchen, about Meng Yao. From the beginning to the end, Tan Hongyu just listened and did not express any opinions.

When she finished, he asked, "what are you going to do?"

"I don't know. So much has happened that I don't have the strength to hold on. Maybe I'm too weak and I don't have much experience. These days, it seems that I've spent a little of my life accumulation in the past 20 years. " She sighed.

"Maybe it's not worn out, but you need to learn more. Every stage of life has something to learn, just like a computer. You need to expand to your memory now, and when the memory increases, you'll be able to accommodate more experiences. " Tan Hongyu said.

"That makes sense! I also want to try to live on my own At this point, her heart can not stop pain, but still with a smile.

Tan Hongyu sighed.

Just then, his secretary brought all the news about him in today's newspaper to him, and then left.

"I didn't expect you to be so famous!" Fang Xiaoyou looked at the newspaper and said with a smile.

"Ah, life tired of fame!" Tan Hongyu said, looking at her with a smile.

She laughed, too.

"Thank you for being a celebrity, or I'll never be in the newspaper in my life!" She said, "I have to keep these newspapers. Maybe I'll never be noticed again! "

She suddenly thought, Xia Yuchen will also see these? If he saw it——

Just then, Liao Fei came. Seeing that Tan Hongyu was here, he was a bit stunned!

"How are you doing now?" Asked Liao Fei.

"Not bad. You just have to lie like this. " Fang Xiaoyou replied.

"He'll be here soon. Don't worry!" Liao Fei said.

Fang Xiaoyou is suddenly afraid. She is afraid to see Xia Yuchen. She has never felt this way!

"Why are you so stupid? Why don't you tell him? " Asked Liao Fei.

She did not answer.

Yeah, why didn't she tell him? At this time, shouldn't we inform him first? Why didn't you tell him all night?

Is it because he's gone and there's no news? Or blame yourself for not protecting that fragile little life? Or, other reasons?

Those other reasons, which could not be explained, dominated her thoughts in the development of the whole thing.

On the way back to the provincial capital, Xia Yuchen's mood has been difficult to calm down. He couldn't imagine how she got through the night and how she got over the line of death. Why did no one tell him that except Liao Fei? Why should everyone keep it from him? Even she didn't want to say it.