On Monday, Xia Zhenhua went to work. Xia Yuchen stayed in the hospital to take care of her mother because she was still going through the transfer procedures.

In addition to the normal outpatient service, Ruxue is also responsible for part of the senior cadre ward. Therefore, she accompanies her aunt after work. Taking advantage of her son's opportunity to go out for air, Tan Guiying asks Ruxue if she knows who Xia Yuchen is associating with. In fact, she wants to know how many people know about her son and Fang Xiaoyou.

If snow is not easy to tell the truth, she is afraid that her aunt will know that the latter one is like illness, so she said, "I didn't hear anything special.".

"He didn't tell you about Fang Xiaoyou?" Asked Tan Guiying.

As soon as I hear Fang Xiaoyou's name, Ruxue concentrates.

Does my aunt already know something? Yes, if it wasn't for knowing that, how could my aunt be angry?

"Aunt, did anyone tell you anything?" Asked Ruxue.

Tan Guiying said it to Ruxue again. Ruxue never thought that Xia Yuchen would come here for real!

"What are you going to do? My uncle, he will support them Said Ruxue.

"What else? Never let them get married Tan Guiying said.

The reason why Tan Guiying told Ruxue about it in detail is due to their long-standing secret information agreement. Ruxue and Xia Yuchen are always playing together. Tan Guiying often asks Ruxue to report her son's news because she is worried about the estrangement between her son and Ruxue. Therefore, Tan Guiying trusts Ruxue very much.

"I think it's difficult!" Such as snow said, "Yuchen identified things, want to change, not easy."

"It's not easy to do. I can't let chen'er and Fang Xiaoyou get married!"

Ruxue thought about it and said, "aunt, do you remember pan Rong?"

"Pan Rong? Didn't she go to Beijing? What's the matter? " Tan Guiying said.

"Aunt, pan Rong has always been fond of Yuchen, but when Yao Jing was there, she couldn't help it. Now, Yuchen and Yao Jing are breaking up. If you make up, maybe -- "said Ruxue, and Tan Guiying fell into deep thinking.

"Isn't it a good thing to let pan Rong marry Yuchen? Moreover, Yuchen and pan Rong have always been close, which is easier to accept than Yao Jing. What do you say? " Asked Ruxue.

Yes, pan Rong really has a good relationship with Xia Yuchen. At present, it's impossible to match Yao Jing. Pan Rong, Xia Yuchen should not be too opposed. If you think about it carefully, pan Rong's conditions are also very good.

Tan Guiying thought and nodded.

"Now I'm afraid of chen'er, and he'll recognize the reason of death," said Tan Guiying.

"Don't worry, aunt. Pan Rong is very steady and smart. Even if you don't explain, she will understand. Besides, I think she still loves Yuchen! " Said Ruxue.

At this point, Ruxue can't tell how she helped pan Rong, but isn't her aunt also defected from Yao Jing's camp?

People are always so realistic!

When Xia Yuchen comes, his mother and Ruxue have planned for him for a while.

Tan Guiying hospitalized, let Fang Xiaoyou completely shaken and Xia Yuchen marriage idea. She didn't want to hurt anyone, let alone her benefactor. If aunt Tan has an accident, what about Uncle Xia and Xia Yuchen? She's the closest one to them!

The doctor said that Aunt Tan's illness should be quiet and not angry. If Fang Xiaoyou insists again, aunt Tan doesn't know what will happen.

She knew the pain of losing a loved one. Because she loved Xia Yuchen too much, she didn't want him to experience the same kind of pain as herself.

Lying on the bed, she looked at the invitation in her hand and fell into deep thinking.

These days, because of her mother's illness, Xia Yuchen did not meet Fang Xiaoyou again. Yao Jing also went to the hospital to visit Tan Guiying. As for Pan Rong, she left the city after Tan Guiying was hospitalized. Therefore, she was unable to visit.

On Thursday, the Organization Department informed Xia Yuchen to leave before next Tuesday. Tan Guiying also left the hospital on Thursday afternoon and went home.

Her mother is safe and sound. With Aunt Liu at home, Xia Yuchen is at ease.

I haven't seen Fang Xiaoyou for several days. Moreover, in order not to make my mother angry, Xia Yuchen doesn't dare to talk or send text messages to Fang Xiaoyou in front of her mother. She only makes a phone call when she goes out. On the phone, except for his mother's illness, it seems that the two people have nothing to say.

Back home on Thursday night, Xia Yuchen called Fang Xiaoyou and said he would leave soon.

"Get everything you need with you. Don't forget!" She said.

"Well, I'll start cleaning up later." He said.

She wanted to tell him, I miss you so much, I want to see you. But when I think of aunt Tan, I can't say these words.

"Have you decided which day you will leave?" She asked.

"On Sunday, Laizhou municipal government will send someone to pick it up!" He replied.

"Where are you going to live there?" She asked.

"Give me a house and they're ready."

It seems that without her, there would be no problem in his life.

"Then take care of yourself, don't be too tired! Let them cook for you whatever you like. Should someone be cooking? " She asked.


She stood at the window and circled her fingers on the glass.

Now, she didn't know what else to say to him. She was silent.

"When I get there, can you come and see me?" He asked.

She wanted to be with him, wanted to be with him, but it was impossible!

"You will come back during the National Day holiday! It's a long time She said.

"It's still a long time! I don't know yet! "

She did not speak, and he was silent.

"It's getting late. You haven't had a good rest recently. Go to bed early tonight." She said.

"Well, you too!" He said, waiting for her to hang up, but she did not hang up for a long time.

"Baby, I miss you!" He finally said it.

At that moment, she burst into tears and kept flowing.

She also wanted to tell him "Xia Yuchen, I miss you, I want to see you, I want to --", but she couldn't say anything.

"I see. Go to sleep!" She pressed her cell phone on her chest and wiped away her tears before telling him.

I want to listen to him again, to see him, to be held by him. However, all this seems to be farther and farther away from her.

Afraid of being found crying by him, she hung up without saying "good night".

When love encounters family affection, how hard this road is, only you know!

Fang Xiaoyou knows that she can't persuade him to be with her regardless of his mother. However, in the face of such great difficulties, do they still have hope to be together?

This night, like the previous nights, can't sleep at all.

When she thought of him, she would feel heartache, the feeling of stabbing back and forth. However, I don't know if adaptability has been produced. After a long time of pain, there will be no special feeling.

These days, Xia Yuchen didn't hear her mother mention it again. He knew that her mother didn't forget it, but didn't want to say it. He tried to persuade his mother, but he had no strength.

Mom, this is the only one. Once his mother leaves because of his selfish love, how can he face himself and his family?

He never believed that time would change a person. At this time, he prayed that his thoughts could change with the passage of time, although he knew that this was a coward's behavior.

Time passed day by day, but Xia Yuchen didn't meet Fang Xiaoyou again until Sunday afternoon.

At that time, Fang Xiaoyou was grading the students' exams at school when he suddenly got a call from him.

He said he was on his way out.

"Will you pass Huian East Road?" She asked.

He thought about it, put down his cell phone and told the driver.

"Yes, it's estimated to be five minutes away." He said.

Her heart flew out of her chest, dropped the test paper and went out.

Ran to the elevator, looking at the elevator door number slowly changing, she can't wait, rushed to the stairs, began to run down.

It's so quiet by my ears. It seems that I can't hear anything but my own breath and heartbeat.

She didn't dare to stop. She was afraid that his car would leave, but she couldn't see it.

Ran downstairs, she ran to the direction of the intersection, but, which side will he go?

Too late to think, she instinctively chose a direction and ran past, standing at the intersection, staring at the car with Laizhou license plate. She didn't know what kind of car he was in and how much the license plate number was. She had to wait foolishly.

In this car after car, there is always the one he takes.

What a fool!

Xia Yuchen's car passed Huian East Road, but he didn't see her. He asked the driver to go around again, and walked in another direction, only to see her standing on the side of the road.

The car drove slowly by the side of the road. When it passed her, he put down the window and saw her clearly, but he didn't stop or call her. And she didn't see him at all, still looking around.

At the intersection, the driver asked him if he wanted to go around again? He said no, so he called her. However, because she came out in a hurry, she forgot to bring her mobile phone and didn't receive his call. He thought she didn't hear, so he sent her a text message, saying, "I see you, time is too tight, let's see you next time! You don't have to work part-time any more. I transferred some money to your card. You can use it first. If you are free at the weekend, come to Laizhou to see me! Take care of yourself

Because she didn't wait for her for a long time, she felt more and more lost in her heart. I don't know why, she always has a hunch that today is the last chance to meet him!

I don't know how long she waited by the side of the road. She didn't leave until she thought she would never see him again.

On the naive too stingy, even a chance to meet them!

She felt the blood dripping in her heart, constantly dripping.

Back in the office, she wanted to see what time it was. Then she began to look for her mobile phone. She forgot to bring it and put it in her bag!

There are missed calls or unread messages, all his! She smiles and seems to see hope again.

It's so simple to be beaten and satisfied!