"If you leave like this, you will only give him more words to slander me! I don't want to go now, I want to prove myself with my own actions! " Her tone was unusually firm.

Yes, she understood that now is not the time to leave, even if she did not listen to Meng Yao say these things, she would not leave.

It seems that it is impossible to persuade her from this aspect!

But Meng Yao didn't want to give up.

"That man, how come he never heard of you?" Meng Yao said.

"It happened very quickly, so I didn't tell you." Fang Xiaoyou said.

In fact, Meng Yao doesn't want to ask again. He doesn't think Fang Xiaoyou is deceiving him! At this point, it was hard for him to persuade her.

"Fang Xiaoyou, I don't know who that person is, but I really hope you can think about it. Opportunities, once lost, are hard to have. But an opportunity, often can change person's destiny. You are a girl with a dream. Are you willing to give up like this? " Said Meng Yao.

Indeed, she was unwilling to give up like this, and she wanted to go abroad for further study. However, she did not want to rely on others like this. It was better to say that she was too stubborn. In short, she did not want to.

Opportunity, not necessarily only this time, as long as efforts, there will be in the future!

She smiles and says, "thank you, elder martial brother! But, I think, forget it! "

It's useless to say anything else. Meng Yao knows this too well. However, he is still unwilling to give up.

Back to the office in the afternoon, Fang Xiaoyou's mood is very complicated.

This job is arranged for her by Uncle Xia. Although the salary is not very high, it is enough to support her. In this way, for the family, it can be regarded as solving a problem. But once she resigned, it would be very difficult for her to find such a decent and stable job. Moreover, at that time, she would have to spend her family's money. She could not do that.

Because she is a regular employee, the unit can't fire her on its own initiative. However, Miss Zhu treated her like this, even if she stayed here, she would be very uncomfortable.

What should we do? Do you really resign and follow Xia Yuchen? After going to Laizhou with him, she will definitely have a job. Even if she doesn't work, she will have money. But even if she married him, she didn't want to be kept by him. Then work! The question is, can she find a job she likes?

Sitting at her desk, her heart was in a mess.

Several times she passed by Mr. Zhu's office and remembered what Meng Yao had said. She wanted to go in and directly asked Mr. Zhu what she had done wrong. However, when she got to the door, she couldn't go in. If he really wants her to stay, or takes her as a subordinate, she makes a mistake, he will mention it to her face instead of talking about it everywhere like now. He did it just to ruin her reputation! The question is, why did he do it? She never found a reason!

Maybe, many times, people do things for no reason. Want to try to find that reason, will only let their own distress! It's hard to change a person's opinion. Fang Xiaoyou knows that, but he still wants to change it!

You can't be a deserter! No matter what it is, we have to face it!

On the other hand, in the afternoon, Xia Yuchen goes to his parents' home. He is going to talk about himself and Fang Xiaoyou with his parents first. If there is no problem with his parents, he will meet them again. However, he knew that after the suspension, his parents would not necessarily support him. Therefore, he wants to not say who he wants to marry for the time being. If his parents agree, he will give them a surprise!

After dinner, my parents are sitting in the living room watching TV. Xia Yuchen cuts the iced watermelon and brings it to my parents.

"Mom and Dad, I have something to discuss with you." He sat on the sofa and said.

"It's not a small thing to look at you like this." The father said with a smile.

"Well. Mom and Dad, I, I want to get married! " He didn't hesitate any more and said it.

If it is true, his parents are very surprised that he mentioned it, as can be seen from their expressions at this time.

"Marriage? Who are you going to marry? " Asked the mother.

Definitely not Yao Jing! Who would that be? There is no sign at all! Mother thought.

"In fact, you all know this man!" Xia Yuchen said.

"Yes?" Parents look at each other and repeat doubtfully.

"Who is it?" Asked the father.

"Well, I'll keep it a secret for the time being, and I'll let you prove it with your own eyes at the end of the week!" Xia Yuchen said.

"So mysterious!" The mother laughed, "it seems that you like this girl very much?"


"She won't marry?" Asked the father.

Xia Yuchen nodded.

Minister Xia and his wife looked at each other and said with a smile, "it seems that you have an idea for a long time. How can we discuss this with us?"

"Chen'er, see you. We can see you. If you can talk to us like this, it will not be an ordinary girl. How long have you been dating? Why haven't I heard of you before? " Said the mother.

"We've been together for a while, and I think she's the wife I want, though not for a long time." Xia Yuchen said.

Minister Xia laughed and said, "now I'm really more and more curious. What's the sanctity of this girl and how can she submit you? Just let her come on Saturday! There's plenty of time. Although I'd like to see her right away, let her continue to be mysterious! "

Tan Guiying nodded and said to her son, "bring her here on Saturday morning. Let's meet first. This is the first time that you have taken the initiative to raise this topic with us. We'd better take it seriously so that you won't blame us! " Then he asked, "Lao Xia, do you think we should meet at home or outside?"

Minister Xia took a look at his son and replied, "it's more prudent for him to see him at home! Tell Xiao Liu tomorrow and let her make good preparations. "

Tan Guiying nodded and said, "chen'er, tell Aunt Liu what the girl likes to eat tomorrow and let her prepare early."

"Thank you, mom and Dad, I know!" Xia Yuchen said.

The father sighed, "I'm really curious. What kind of girl will it be?"

"Chen son, since you don't tell us who that girl is, you can always give us some air to see who the girl's family has." Tan Guiying is very concerned about which family her daughter-in-law will come from.

Listening to her mother's question, Xia Yuchen also knows what she means. He knows what her mother cares about. However, he knows very well that if he reveals the truth now, he may not even have the chance to see her.

Xia Yuchen always felt that as long as his parents met Fang Xiaoyou and knew about them, even if they could not accept and agree soon, they would not be far away. Because both parents like Fang Xiaoyou very much and even regard her as a daughter. With this kind of emotional foundation, their marriage will be much smoother.

At the same time, however, the dark clouds that have been pressing on him for a long time have enveloped him again. It is because of the different origins of Fang Xiaoyou and him that the family cares about their combination. And he also worried that his parents would completely lose favor with Xiaoyou.

"Mom and Dad, she's a good girl. I really love her! I want to take her to Laizhou and live there together. In that case, everything will be more convenient! " Xia Yuchen said.

"Well, you decide for yourself!" Xia said.

The family talked about this topic for more than half an hour, then their parents got up and went back to their room, and Xia Yuchen went upstairs.

He texted Fang Xiaoyou about it, and Fang Xiaoyou became nervous again.

It is said that the ugly daughter-in-law is afraid to see her father-in-law. Now life is very convenient, but she is still nervous.

In the future, it seems true and illusory!

At the same time, Xia Yuchen's heart is also full of strong uneasiness. What should he do if his parents and family disagree?

This night, Fang Xiaoyou couldn't sleep at all. On the one hand, it's about Meng Yao. On the other hand, it's about meeting Xia Yuchen's parents. Both sides want her to resign and follow them, but the question is, what does she want?

She is very clear that she will never have anything to do with Meng Yao again. However, leaving with Xia Yuchen is not what she wants. Now the trouble is, in case the Xia family does not agree with her and Xia Yuchen marriage, how to do? It's not just in case, it's very likely, which is more than 70% or 80%.

Since she knows that marriage is facing so many difficulties, does she have to insist on it?

Once again, her inner inferiority began to cause trouble, she began to hesitate.

The next afternoon, Xia Yuchen received a call from Liao Fei, saying that it was to celebrate his promotion and that some old friends wanted to cheer him up. On the phone, Liao Fei specially said that Yao Jing would not go. Xia Yuchen agrees and tells Fang Xiaoyou that she has something to do at night and can't have dinner with her. Let her go to Yanping Road after work at night.

Although they are going to get married, their life circles are still not coincident and they are still independent. Xia Yuchen doesn't know Fang Xiaoyou's friends, and Fang Xiaoyou doesn't know what his circle is like.

In the evening, Xia Yuchen went to a Chinese restaurant in the trade building in the center of the city.

After giving the key to the waiter to park the car, Xia Yuchen gets on the special elevator leading to the revolving restaurant on the 20th floor. The consumption level here is very high. It's definitely not Liao Fei who will be the host. Who will be that?

When he came to the door of the box, he heard a burst of laughter, because the door and wall of the box were made of single-sided transparent glass, and he could not see the inside from the outside. Of course, he would not know who was inside. However, before pushing the door, someone found him coming and opened the door from inside.

"Welcome, Mayor Xia!" It's a woman's voice.

"What's the matter with Miss Pan? Aren't you busy in Beijing? " Xia Yuchen said with a smile.

"No matter how busy I am, I'll come here to celebrate you!" Pan Rong opens the door for Xia Yuchen with a smile and makes a gesture of invitation.

There are also two people inside, who say hello to Xia Yuchen.

"It must be great to be served instead of being served?" Pan Rong asked with a smile, please sit on the throne. He seemed to be familiar with this, and without saying no, he just sat down.