She stared at him, but did not understand his meaning, until his body close to her.

"You cheeky, hurry up, it's true!" She hugged her body and hid in the main driver's seat, but he grabbed her and pulled her in her own direction. When she couldn't react, he put her seat down and pressed her upper body onto her.

"No -" she cried.

"Shh, do you want to broadcast it live? Say, if you don't come home with me, I'll be here - what? Do you know what it's called? " He said.

"What?" She looked up at him and asked.

"Let's call the car quake!" He explained with great interest, "if you are interested, we can find a secret place to play some other day, OK?"

"Car -" she can't figure out why there are so many messy things in this person's mind, "car you head, I have no time to play with you." Then she reached out and pushed him.

He took her hand and bowed down, and she said goodbye.

He laughs, but is extremely helpless smile, her remaining light glimpses, in the heart "clatters" once more.

"We just talk, otherwise, I won't go up." She's still soft hearted, she said.

"Unless you want to do something else --" he said.

"Stop, you disgusting devil." She didn't let him go on. If she didn't stop him, God knows what else could come out of his mouth.

He smiles, kisses her on the forehead and lifts her up.

She slowly propped herself up and got out of the car.

Behind him, her eyes were only his back.

She wanted to step forward and hold his hand, but she knew she could never do it. His hand seemed very far away from her. She raised her hand and looked at it sadly.

"Ah --" she cried.

"Dead girl, are you angry with your eyes? I don't look at the road at night. What should I do if I fall down? " He took her arm and said angrily.

"I," she couldn't refute him. It was her own fault. It was because she looked at her hand and didn't notice the steps that she nearly fell down. If he hadn't been paying attention to her, she would have been lying flat on the steps and disfigured.

Well, it's not my fault. It's all because of you. If I didn't miss you, how could I not pay attention? Blame you, too! She thought so, and the more she thought about it, the more angry she was. She swung her hands and hit him.

"Ah, I say you, the dog bites LV Dongbin! I didn't care about you as long as I knew. I always did. I didn't know that I loved myself at all. "Although he was angry, it made him feel uncomfortable to think that she always endured the pain and pretended not to care. Most of the time, he would like her to be a little bit coquettish, to be able to whine like other girls, better than this.

She was angry with him and wanted to beat him. However, the words behind him made her feel warm and sad. As soon as her nose was sour, her eyes were full of tears, but she could not bear to fall.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that she ignored herself and went directly into the building, he asked in a puzzled way.

Before he caught up, she quickly raised her hand to wipe away her tears. By the time he got to the elevator, she was back to normal.

When the elevator door closed, he suddenly took her hand. Her hand was shaking and did not look over her face.

Without saying a word, they went into his house as usual.

When the door closed, she felt her heart beat faster, as if it was completely out of rhythm. Head down, dare not look at him, and she can not see, because he has not turned on the light.

"I miss you. I miss you so much!" He said, holding her head in his hands, his fingers in her hair.

She could hear his voice trembling. She only felt that a stream of blood had been used in her throat and her mouth became dry.

I want to tell him that I miss you. You are in every dream, but I can't say it with trembling lips.

Her head, gently lifted by him, she was forced to look at him.

Even if I can't see his face clearly, I know that he is in the same mood as myself.

Missing, like the tide, drowns two people.

A lot of things don't need to be planned, a lot of actions don't need to be arranged, just like flowing water.

At the moment when he kisses her, she also stands on tiptoe, so that she and he can combine more closely.

Two people seem to be thirsty for a long time, tongue entangled, hard to part.

Maybe from the first time he kisses her, he is infatuated with her taste. No matter how long it has been, he can't forget it. Even with the passage of time, this infatuation goes deep into his blood.

She felt that her brain was lack of oxygen, and it was a blank, where there was energy to think, only with his request.

As if it was the first time he had ever kissed her for such a long time, he didn't let her go, and his arms were firmly around her. Every time she seemed to have no breath, he always timely gave her the breath and pulled her back from the edge of nothingness.

His hands, like magic, as his strength increased, her body also followed the burning up.

She didn't know what to do. Did she follow him or refuse him?

There was a voice in her head that told her to leave him again and again, but her body was getting closer and closer to him.

Just like the first time, she didn't know how she got to the big bed, which she had been lying with him for many nights. And his lips, as if never leave her, let her fall completely.

Waiting for her to open her eyes in confusion, what she saw was his familiar eyes full of desire, as well as his own eyes. She knew that she was the same as him.

Again and again, she seems to fly up into the sky, up and down again. This feeling is much more exciting than roller coaster. For the first time in her life, she had such a strange feeling.

Finally, at the moment when she reached the peak, he released himself.

She didn't think that she would do it with him again. When his breath gradually calmed down in her ears, she didn't know whether it was joy or regret.

No matter what kind of mood, tears still flowed from her eyes.

"What's the matter?" He heard her low sobs and looked up at her.

She didn't answer, but she turned away and closed her eyes.

"Sorry, it's all my fault. I can't control it. I --" he said, wiping her tears.

She just shook her head.

"Fang Xiaoyou, I --"

"Stop it. It's not your fault. Stop it." She advised.

She didn't want him to blame herself, because she missed him and longed for him.

When we fall in love with someone, longing for that person's love is often the same as longing for each other's body. Because the love between the two sexes is often inseparable from the desire of the body. Love and sex may have been twins from the beginning.

"I know you won't believe what I say now. But, Fang Xiaoyou, I want to tell you that I've thought about it for a long time. " He raised her face and gazed into her tearful eyes.

"I'll find a way, you must wait for me!" He said.

She laughed and raised her hand to wipe her tears.

"What are you going to say about being responsible for me?" She said, "I said that no matter what happens, I'm willing. I don't want you to be responsible. You don't have to bear any burden. I don't want to. I don't want to be so embarrassed. "

He was stunned.

He didn't think about how she looked at each other's relationship. Was it her reason or her despair?

"Not for you, but, dead girl, I want to be a free person, not controlled by others." He said.

His eyes, is so determined, without a trace of hesitation, and she is different.

"Going abroad these days, I have been thinking about what kind of future I want. Is it so busy, and then go home to a person you don't love? You know what? It's a lonely thing to be surrounded and flattered by people. For so many years, I have been used to this kind of life. Even if I don't like it, I haven't thought about how I can live without this environment. However, since I met you and looked at you every day, I seem to see the future. I'm really addicted to this kind of life. "

"You just feel fresh for a while. When you really leave that environment, you will regret it. And you can't leave. Your uncle said, you're going to be promoted, aren't you? 'it's a very important position that many people can't reach,' he said. In this case, can you give up? " She said.

He wanted to speak, but she stopped him.

"Xia Yuchen, a man, has a big burden. You don't have to be ashamed of your ideal. Why give up when you have such a good chance to realize your ambition? I don't blame you. Really, I've figured it out. Since I love you, I should support you to go your own way and realize your dreams, instead of letting your selfishness hold you back. "

"You --"

She silly smile, said: "without you, I can live well, you also want to live well, OK?"

He put his arms around her and kissed her on the lip.

"Silly girl, I know you can do it. In fact, I can also, I can also rely on their own strength to achieve their dreams, rather than like now. If I were like this, I would look down on myself. " He stroked her hot cheek and said, "now, do you know how I feel?"

She looked at him and asked.

"I feel like I'm selling myself!" He laughed.

She couldn't help laughing when he said the word.

"Now that they've all started to sell, what price have you bid for yourself? For the sake of your good performance tonight, I'll buy you if I can afford it! " She said with a smile.

"Dead girl, it's really turning the sky more and more!" He laughed and pressed on her again.

Two people's laughter filled the whole room.

Although tomorrow is an unknown, as long as you make up your mind, you will find the direction.