She is very clear about the situation of herself and Xia Yuchen. However, she is already putting down her pride and trying to mend the relationship between them. Why does he just refuse to come closer to her?

Tears fell on her face and on her legs.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. She wiped away her tears and opened the door.

"Mom, why haven't you slept yet?" Yao Jing asked.

"What's the matter with you? Crying? " My mother was most concerned about her, and suddenly she saw that something was wrong with her.

"No, what am I crying for?" Yao Jing quickly smiles and says.

My mother watched Yao Jing for several minutes before asking, "did you quarrel with Chen er?"

"No, Ma, we don't." Yao Jing said, pulling her mother to sit on the sofa.

"Jing'er, between you and chen'er, even if you don't say it, mother can feel the difference." The mother took her daughter's hand and said, "do you still love him?"

Mother's sudden question actually stopped Yao Jing.

Do you love him?

"Do you want to marry him?" Mother asked again.

For this reason, Yao Jing doesn't want her mother to worry about her, but now she can't hide it any more.

"I don't know if I love him or not. I don't know whether we spent so many years together because of love or because of habit. But, mom, I, I thought -- "Yao Jing was stopped by mom before she finished her words.

"I see. Mother is also your age, the kind of people who love to worry about the mood, mother is very clear. But, you know, with the growth of age and experience, the change of living environment, any love will deteriorate. Jing'er, love is very important for marriage. However, the power to maintain a marriage is not love, but something else. If it's your wish to marry chen'er, my mother will help you achieve it. "

In Yao Jing's heart, I can't tell what it feels like.

If he doesn't love her, why does she have to marry him? Mother is right, but a marriage without love is not very painful?

"Mom, he, he seems to have someone he likes." Yao Jing said.

"It doesn't matter." Mom put her hand on her daughter's face and said with a smile, "the person who decides chen'er's fate is not himself, do you understand? The Xia family is very clear about the benefits of marriage with us. Even if we don't speak, they will come. As long as you do your own thing, let the Xia family and Tan family to you impeccable, you and Chen son's marriage, will not make a mistake

"But, Mom --" Yao Jing worried that if the families of both sides interfere too much, Xia Yuchen, who is so stunned, might do the opposite. What should he do when he is forced into other people's arms?

"Don't worry, you don't have to be afraid of anything with your mother! Our jing'er is the most outstanding girl in the world. It's Xia Yuchen's fortune to marry you. " Mother said with a smile.

Yao Jing laughed unnaturally.

"But you have to listen to your mother how to do it." Mother said, Yao Jing nodded.

"First of all, you can't take the initiative to contact chen'er, don't take the initiative to go to his home, but wait for them to take the initiative# 8226;# 8226;# 8226;# 8226;# 8226;” Her mother taught her daughter carefully, and Yao Jing found that she was self righteous about men and women. She didn't even have a kindergarten level in front of her mother.

Fang Xiaoyou went to sleep after eating a bowl of porridge. Xia Yuchen turned off the light and walked out of the bedroom. When Fang Xiaoyou woke up and went to the toilet, he suddenly wanted to know what he was doing, so he went to the bathroom.

There is a light on in the dining room. He is sitting there with a computer and a bowl of instant noodles in front of him. As he typed, he fished for noodles, not noticing her at all.

He didn't have dinner. He didn't——

Her heart suddenly feel warm, but feel very sorry for him. If it's not for his own sake, how can he eat more instant noodles at ten o'clock?

Without him noticing, she quietly went back to her bedroom and closed her eyes with a warm water bag.

I do not know when, she felt relying on a warm embrace, that sense of security, really good happiness!

The next day, Fang Xiaoyou didn't wake up when Xia Yuchen left. He left a note for her, asking her to call at noon and in the evening to order takeout, and put the takeout lists of several nearby stores together.

From the beginning of work in the morning to the evening, Xia Yuchen accompanied Governor Xu to participate in the research in the city, and it was time for him to go home again. In the middle of the break, he called her several times to ask her about her health and whether she had a good rest and dinner. She didn't want him to worry. She did what he said.

He didn't know what time he would go home, so he asked her to have a rest early instead of waiting for him. But she waited.

After getting up in the morning, the pain was gone, so in the evening, she would curl up in the sofa of the living room and wait for him.

It seems that all this has become a habit!

Liao Fei called in the afternoon and said that he accompanied a group of students to the revolutionary holy land to visit and study a while ago. He only came back yesterday and asked Fang Xiaoyou if he had time to go out and have a sit at the weekend. Because Saturday is a lab party, not on this day. But on Sunday, there is nothing to do. Can I go out? Forget it, or ask Xia Yuchen, lest he get angry with her at that time.

Alas, but since when did she care so much about him? What a loss of freedom! Thinking of this, she became angry and angry with herself. However, think about the things he touched her, or forget it! Take him seriously.

So, she cheated Liao Fei that she had an appointment at the weekend and thanks him for his kindness. Because it's cheating, she always feels very sorry for Liao Fei. She thinks that he is also a very good person and humorous. Although we don't meet many times and know each other soon, we always feel like old friends for many years.

Liao Fei didn't feel anything, but he said with a smile as usual: "it doesn't matter, then another day!"

"Sorry, Liao Fei!" She said.

"Don't be so polite. I'll wait for you any time when you are free." Liao Fei's tone is as happy as ever.

"Well, I see!"

On Thursday, Xia Yuchen received a call from Ruxue, asking him to take Fang Xiaoyou to her home on Friday night. Xia Yuchen asks what it is, and Ruxue only says that she wants to have a good chat with Fang Xiaoyou.

"You're not thinking of something else, are you?" Asked Xia Yuchen.

"Go, don't mind your own business! I'm going to visit my company on Saturday, and it'll take me several days to get back. I like Fang Xiaoyou very much. Let's have a chat It's like a snowway.

Xia Yuchen also no longer asked, he promised her, Friday off work and Fang Xiaoyou to her home.

On Friday, my mother called Xia Yuchen and asked him to pick up Yao Jing.

"Ruxue asked Fang Xiao and I to come over to her." He said

"And tomorrow? You bring her here tomorrow. " Mom said.

"Ma, why do you have to let her come? Maybe they can't get away with something at home. Why -- "Xia Yuchen said.

"Just bring her home, or I'll make you look good!" My mother said.

Ma's tone did not allow him any room for maneuver, but he decided to disobey his mother once and never take Yao Jing home.

He is very clear that if he takes the initiative again, he and Yao Jing will inevitably be tied together in this life. That kind of life, I feel terrible when I think about it.

However, how can I do without seeing Yao Jing and explain to my mother?

On Friday evening, Xia Yuchen and Fang Xiaoyou make an appointment to go to Ruxue's home. Along the way, he was worrying about how to muddle through with his mother tomorrow. However, to his surprise, Yao Jing did not look for him these days. Although it was strange, he felt relaxed. I hope this good day can last forever.

"Well, I said, Fang Xiaoyou, do me a favor." He suddenly saw the people around him and thought about it.

She looked at him and listened to him.

"Saturday, will you take me with you?" He said.

Her eyes were so wide open that she was totally shocked.

"You, what did you say?" She asked.

"Take me to your party! Didn't you hear that? " He said.

Thanks to him!

"No, absolutely not! What's the matter with you? No way She firmly refused.

"What's the matter with me? Are you still afraid that I will disgrace you? " He asked, staring at her.

"No, it doesn't mean that, it does," she faltered.

The teacher said that we can take our boyfriend and girlfriend tomorrow, so if we let him pretend to be her boyfriend, it's OK, just——

"We have nothing to do with each other. When you go, what can I say?" She said.

"Oh, so it is!" He nodded as if he knew. Just at the red light, he came up to her, pulled her into his arms, and kissed her when she was not prepared.

With his lips and tongue intertwined, he sucked her fragrance crazily and did not let go at all.

"That's enough! You said it had nothing to do with me? " After a minute, he let her go and said.

Her cheeks were red, her breath was short, and she was staring at him.

From her eyes, he could see that she was angry, but he was also angry because she said it had nothing to do with him. If it wasn't for being on the road, he would be reluctant to stop.

"Since you're in such a dilemma, forget it, when I didn't say it." He said.

All of a sudden, she thought of Meng Yao. If Xia Yuchen went with her, would she solve the problem of Meng Yao?

But is it too risky?

Forget it, I can't let Xia Yuchen know about Meng Yao. I'll find a way to solve it. Xia Yuchen, who is nosy, doesn't know what will happen to her?

Although there was some traffic jam on the road, they managed to get to the courtyard where Ruxue lived.

Fang Xiaoyou didn't think what Ruxue asked them to do, but after all, it was the first time he came to the door and bought flowers. Xia Yuchen said that Ruxue's daughter was at her mother-in-law's house, so she didn't bring anything for the children.

When he got home, Zhao Haichao was busy in the kitchen, like the door opened by snow.

"The glorious tradition that women are superior to men in your family is really everlasting." Xia Yuchen said as soon as he entered the door.

"It's called love, do you understand?" Such as snow smile way, at the same time and greetings Fang Xiaoyou.