Xia Yuchen went to Beijing the next week and didn't tell anyone about his entanglement with Fang Xiaoyou.

It was Friday the next day after Xia Yuchen left. Fang Xiaoyou suddenly received a call from Uncle Xia, saying that he helped her contact a unit and asked her to find someone.

"If you are free today, you can go there. You can go to the director's office directly. Someone will take you to go through the formalities there." Said uncle Xia.

"Ah? Uncle Xia, this -- "she didn't know how to answer.

"I've inquired. That unit is very good. You like to do research. It's just right for you! Take your materials with you and go through the formalities quickly! " Uncle Xia's words can't be refused by her any more.

Hang up the phone, she just reaction come over, all this is not a dream!

Cancer Institute, that's the unit many students dream of going to. However, because it is a subordinate unit of the Academy of Sciences, personnel control is relatively strict, even doctoral students are not easy to enter.

Many times, you have to sigh for the great power of power.

In the afternoon, Fang Xiaoyou hasn't started yet, so the other party's unit called and asked. She sorted out her resume and a lot of materials and went there quickly.

Fang Xiaoyou never expected that everything would be so smooth!

The staff of the director's office took her directly to a laboratory and asked her to have a talk with the future leader. In fact, it took her less than ten minutes. After that, they took her to the personnel department to go through the formalities.

"You're a little late. We've already recruited people this year. However, director Chen said that you can be granted a special quota, but some procedures will be slow, you have to wait for a while. After the personnel department has gone through the formalities, they will inform you to have a physical examination, and then you will come to work. " The staff of the director's office told Fang Xiaoyou.

"Thank you. Thank you very much." Fang Xiaoyou said.

"You're welcome. Just go back and wait for the news." The man sent Fang Xiaoyou out of the office building and went back.

Fang Xiaoyou looked back at the office building with more than ten storeys, just like a dream.

It's less than four o'clock now. Uncle Xia must be busy. I'll call him later in the evening to tell him about it!

Alas, those who didn't want to trouble others finally accepted their favor!

On the way back to school, she called to tell her mother about it. Her mother was overjoyed and asked her to thank uncle Xia and his family.

"I know, mother, don't worry!"

Yes, thank others. What a good person!

Thinking about it, she thought of Xia Yuchen again.

He didn't seem to be so bad. It was also a misunderstanding. Besides, he immediately admitted his mistake and corrected himself. He has to forgive others. Anyway, he is also the son of Uncle Xia. It's better to forgive him.

In the evening, she told uncle Xia about the afternoon and said a lot of thanks on the phone.

"Why are you so polite? That's all I have to do. Now that you have nothing else to do, come to your house more and talk to your aunt tan. " Uncle Xia said with a smile and invited her to his home on Sunday.

Fang Xiaoyou happily agrees, thinking that if Xia Yuchen is here, he will find a chance to say sorry to him, and the two of them will turn the fight into friendship.

This time, however, Xia Yuchen is not at home.

Fang Xiaoyou asked Xia Yuchen unintentionally. Aunt Tan said, "I will follow Governor Xu to Beijing on Thursday. It seems that I can't come back until next week."

"Governor Xu?" Fang Xiaoyou asked.

"He has been working in Governor Xu's office for several years." Aunt Tan replied.

"Young people, it's better to exercise below. But your aunt Tan has to say that her son has been abroad for so many years. If he comes back and sends him to the grassroots, he will not even see him several times. She has to keep him in the provincial capital. " Uncle Xia continued.

It can't be true! That dandy? Fang Xiaoyou nearly bit off his tongue.