"You! The police are here. I failed to enter the tomb last time. Unless I can escape, I will be found out for sure! "

Zhang Banxian retorted that he is very old. How can he go to prison!

"You, Zhang Banxian, have been dominating the world for so many years. Is this still a problem? I can help you get away from the policemen tonight."

Zhang Xiaohua lowered her voice and forced her to say.

"Take away your poisonous insects. I warn you that if you kill too much, you will be punished by heaven. Your results will not be much different from those of us who rob tombs!"

Zhang Banxian said harshly that the woman was too crafty and cruel. He didn't want to see the blood flow here.

"Don't worry, I'm not so fond of killing. I can frighten them with worms and mice at most. But it's an hour at most. If you don't succeed after time, go to hell."

Zhang Xiaohua watered the vegetables in the yard, as if saying something unimportant.

Zhang Banxian stared at the young woman for a full minute. Finally, he had to sigh and said, "well, if I want to live a few more years, I'll give up. However, if you insist on getting the immortal bug, is it to save someone close to you?"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask!"

Zhang Xiaohua glared at Zhang Banxian viciously. Suddenly, her face was deep and her head didn't turn back. With a flick of her fingers, a black steel ball shot at the corner of the wall.


The steel ball fell into the wall and sparked, while a big fluffy tail flashed in the corner.

"Hey, hey, you're just a frightened bird. You're just a squirrel. You're so nervous."

Zhang Banxian pretended to be relaxed, but he was shocked by Zhang Xiaohua's strength.

"Shut up, old slut!"


Five hundred meters away from Zhang Banxian's home, Liu Fanmu's golden halo slowly disappears. He has seen Zhang Banxian and Zhang Xiaohua clearly with his golden pupil.

"Master, I just heard..."

AI Wen skilfully jumps on Liu Fan's shoulder and truthfully tells Liu Fan the conversation he just heard at Zhang Banxian's house.

It has to be said that Zhang Xiaohua's vigilance is too strong, and just revealed his skill, Liu Fan concluded that this is a master.

After hearing Aiwen's words, Liu Fan realized that Zhang Xiaohua and Zhang Banxian had no blood relationship at all.

"If you want to distract us, let's have a good fight." Liu Fan frowned and said in secret that he was fighting against the expert who used Gu. It felt like he was fighting.

Amy suddenly said, "master, I can command all the mice around here. Can I help you?"

Liu Fan surprised: "really?"

"It can't be true any more!"


The wind at night makes the mountain cool.

At 10 p.m., every household turned off the lights and went to sleep, except the village head's house.

Two or three policemen have been monitoring the mountain pass behind Nanzhuang, while other policemen are also staying up at night, watching the situation of the general's tomb in the monitor.

Zhang Xiaohua and Zhang Banxian came out of the night and looked at the policemen from a distance.

Zhang Banxian is holding a cloth banner and a white cloth bag around his waist, which looks like a fortune teller.

And Zhang Xiaohua is dressed in a tight black, slim, but her beautiful eyes are full of danger.

"Good play, it's about to start!"

Zhang Xiaohua lit a fragrance under the nearby tree, and the smoke curled around.

Zhang Banxian quickly covered his nose and mouth.

"Don't be so nervous. It's not bad for people. Moreover, you've been poisoned by Yin corpse, which is equivalent to all kinds of poisons."

Zhang Xiaohua sneered.

Zhang Banxian snorted coldly. At this moment, he felt the ground shaking gently.