Liu Fan opened the door with a confused face, but a complaint came: "master, why did it take so long to open the door?"

Looking down, it was the little wolf dog coming back.

Little wolf dog rushed into the room, but Liu Fan frowned.

"Why do you stink? Take a bath

Isn't it? This flavor directly wakes up Liu Fan.

The little wolf dog spat out his tongue, lying on the smooth and clean floor, panting: "can't wash, this is my glorious proof against the villain!"

"What is it?" Liu Fan was shocked.

The little wolf dog opened the refrigerator door, chewed a ham in his mouth, and said: "Ben Wang drove all the way, no, ran his legs, and sneaked into that guy's villa. Before he was in harmony with other women, Ben Wang took the lead in laying up biochemical weapons, contributed Ben Wang's inventory to that guy, and gave him sweet Yulu. How about it My mother took a good breath and praised me quickly

Liu Fan's eyes gaped, listening to the little wolf dog's nonsense, what is the unity of heaven and man, biochemical weapons, sweet jade dew, inventory, what are these special fairy words!

Fortunately, his ability of understanding is not bad, and it can be seen that Gouzi has made Wang Qitian miserable.

In addition, he was very satisfied that Gouzi called Mo Xiaobai his mother.

"That's great, dog. You've made a lot of contribution this time. When it's daybreak, you can order extra meals, extra meals, and the menu!"

Liu Fan gave the dog enough vanity, and took out a tin of beef.

"Meow Delicious

The sleeping little orange cat suddenly woke up and flew over.

However, without waiting to eat, he grabbed the little Coyote's face with one paw and roared, "meow! Take a bath

The little wolf dog howled and reluctantly stood up and went to the bathroom.

Little orange cat's words are always bigger than the sky.

Liu Fan secretly chuckles. Once upon a time, he had such memories with his ex girlfriend. Thinking of this, his smile froze on his face.

"Wang, by the way, master, there is another very important thing. Wang Qitian has found a lot of people. What's the name of the knife? It sounds very powerful. They will ambush you near the community tomorrow morning. You should be careful!"

The dog turned back and said, and then walked into the bathroom.

When Liu Fan heard the speech, he grabbed the little wolf dog's tail and said in surprise, "why didn't you say such an important thing earlier?"

The little wolf dog grinned and said, "Ben Wang is calm in his master's case. He has high ability. He will certainly be able to save himself from danger, just don't say it."

"Dog, do you know that you flatter ugly?"

Liu Fan said with a complicated face, he really did not guess wrong, Wang Qitian this villain will not give up.

Of course, he is not afraid of fighting, but he has to fight every time. That's too cheap.

He had to find a way.

Seeing Liu Fan's worried appearance, little wolf dog thought he was really troubled, so he put his front paw on Liu Fan's shoulder and comforted him: "master, if it's difficult, Ben Wang is willing to help you. Aren't he just some villains? Ben Wang has found out that there are thousands of dogs in the area of 1 li on his way back. When he fell down, Ben Wang cheered and the whole army attacked. Who can stop him?"

At this moment, the little wolf dog in Liu Fan's eyes is extremely powerful and domineering.

Liu Fan sighed: "I didn't expect that in the past, it was the dog who supported the people, but it became the dog who fought the people here."

And the little orange cat also came over with a cat's step, volunteered: "meow, I want to fight too!"

Liu Fan touched his head and shook his head. "Don't make trouble. You don't have that ability."

The little orange cat shook her head and said, "we'll see!"