Chapter 1175

Name:Infinite Rebirth Author:浅悠凉
Breaking the crystal wall of the world, ye Siyu entered the world with the largest monster plane.

As soon as ye Siyu went in, he found something wrong. That is, the energy concentration of the world is too low. It doesn't look like a world of this level.

Unlike the world of Harry Potter, this world does not suppress the extraordinary power, but the energy concentration is frightening. It is almost no different from those without extraordinary power. It is very strange.

However, these are not a problem for ye Siyu. He has an internal universe and has enough energy for him to act. There is no need to worry about the problem of energy shortage.

With the release of spiritual power, things around tens of millions of kilometers are covered by Ye Siyu.

In this scan, ye Siyu found another strange thing. There were signs of life on many planets within the scope of his spiritual power.

The birth of life on the planets is normal, but the abnormal thing is that the traces left on these planets show that they are not destroyed by nature, but forcibly destroyed by people. The strangest thing is that the destruction time of these planets is extremely regular, and they will be destroyed every tens of thousands of years. It is obvious that something is harvesting life.

However, at present, he has too little information. Ye Siyu can't find anything for a moment. He flies towards the center of the world.

The center of the rest of the world in this plane is the earth, so the largest world should be the same.

Ye Siyu kept jumping in space and quickly moved towards the center of the world. Every time he jumped, he would stop for a few minutes to explore the surrounding planets to see if there was anything worthy of his attention.

The more you explore Ye Siyu's heart, the more confused he is. He finds that there are an amazing number of life planets in the world at present. At least one third of the planets in a planetary system have been born with life, and this life is not a simple single-cell or multicellular creature, but a life that can really form civilization.

However, these life planets were eventually destroyed, and according to the traces and time of destruction, it seems that not the same monster destroyed them.

Yes, it's a monster.

According to the traces left by the destroyed life planets, it can be seen that each planet is not destroyed by its own internal struggle, but by giant creatures.

It seems that this world is the same as Godzilla's world. Monsters are rampant, or this world is another Godzilla's world.

Among the 17 worlds of the monster plane, except the Pacific Rim world and the current world, there are different Godzilla in other worlds. He won't be surprised if Godzilla appears in this world.

After jumping dozens of times, ye Siyu suddenly stopped. Instead of reaching his destination, he found a monster.

It was a giant insect monster with a length of nearly one kilometer, which seemed to be intertwined with countless strips. Whenever there were some asteroids nearby, countless slippery tentacles would come out to drag the asteroid in.

Under Ye Siyu's observation, these asteroids are decomposed into the most primitive energy.

This insect monster looks really disgusting, but it is a real cosmic God monster. Ye Siyu can feel the energy fluctuation belonging to the cosmic God level from it.

At the same time, the insect monster also noticed Ye Siyu, and countless tentacles appeared on his body, which looked like blowing hair.

"Poof poof!"

Green juice sprayed from the top of those tentacles and shot rapidly towards Ye Siyu. As soon as some asteroids mixed between one person and one animal touched these green juice, they were instantly corroded, and even no residue was left, which was obviously very corrosive.

Ye Siyu, who was still wary of insects and monsters, saw this behind the scenes, and his alert color lightened a lot.

The corrosivity of these juices is really strong, but this attack is not enough at the level of Ye Siyu.

As soon as the right hand was lifted, an energy shield appeared, and the juice sprayed on it without causing any damage.

Before, he had been worried about whether the strength of monsters in the most powerful world would pose a threat to himself. Now it seems that the previous worry is superfluous. Monsters are always monsters, and their attacks rely more on instinct than thinking.

Even if the other party is a monster of the cosmic God level at the same level as himself, the other party's IQ is still much worse than himself. In addition, without systematic cultivation, his cosmic God level strength can play a very good achievement.

The colorful light appears infinitely in Ye Siyu's hands. In the face of the cosmic God level opponent, you should be more serious, or you may capsize in the gutter.

As ye Siyu took out infinity, the tentacles on the insect monster trembled more and more violently. It should be that they felt the strong sense of crisis emanating from ye Siyu, and then one tentacle after another flew out of it and shot at Ye Siyu.

Ye Siyu doesn't care whether the other party is afraid or not. His body suddenly turns into a virtual shadow and flies towards the insect monster. The infinity in his hand turns into a straight knife to cut off all the shooting tentacles one by one. None of them can be close to Ye Siyu within ten meters, let alone hurt Ye Siyu.

In the blink of an eye, ye Siyu rushed to the insect monster.

The infinite straight knife was held high, and a powerful energy blade appeared. The soft body of the insect monster was instantly divided into two by Ye Siyu, and a large amount of green liquid fell into the universe.

However, to Ye Siyu's surprise, the insect monster did not die, but burst open at the moment of being cut by the waist, turned into one small insect after another and fled to all parts of the universe.

With a wave of the infinite straight knife, the colorful energy shock wave diffused around. Where it passed, all the insects turned into nothingness, leaving only a huge crystal stone emitting cosmic celestial fluctuations.

Obviously, ye Siyu misunderstood that the insect monster was not a real cosmic God monster, but was misled by the crystal stone. Those insects were only attracted by the energy of the crystal stone, and even those insects were used by the crystal stone.

Because ye Siyu can feel a spiritual fluctuation on this crystal stone, it all shows that this crystal stone is not simple.

The spirit stretched out to explore, and a dazzling light burst out on the crystal stone, trying to attack Ye Siyu, the intruder.

However, the mental power of Jingshi is still a little worse than that of Ye Siyu. Not to mention the cosmic God level, it can't even reach the stars. In addition, this resistance is only an instinctive resistance. The mental power is extremely scattered. It is not ye Siyu's opponent at all. Ye Siyu invaded it in an instant.

With this investigation, ye Siyu figured out the origin of this crystal stone.

This is a monster formed purely by crystals. According to its memory, it is the product of the experimental value of the residents of a life planet. Finally, the planet was swallowed by it before it began interstellar travel.

Its best ability is to attract other creatures to attach to itself, and then use them to prey for itself. As for food, it is the planet. According to the crystal monster's vague memory, at least hundreds of planets have been destroyed and swallowed by it.

"The product of the intentional control of the will of the universe?", Ye Siyu looked at the crystal monster in front of him.

Under normal circumstances, the cosmic God level can only be achieved through cultivation. Monsters with simple consciousness such as crystal monsters can never cultivate to the cosmic God level by themselves. Ye Siyu can't think of other possibilities except that the world will intervene and forcibly promote.

However, the crystal monster in front of us is not so much a monster as a cosmic divine material that gave birth to self-consciousness.

Without that weak spiritual consciousness, this is completely a piece of material.

Ye Siyu calmed down and explored the world origin attached to the crystal monster. He found that its origin is very few. It doesn't look like the world origin of the universe God level existence. Its world origin is not as good as any planetary monster in the Godzilla world, which is very strange.

This discovery fills Ye Siyu with doubts. The energy concentration is very low, which is completely different from the energy concentration of a world of this scale. Every life planet is destroyed by monsters. The monsters themselves are very strange, and the source of the world is wrong. This world is really too strange. It is one of the strangest worlds Ye Siyu has encountered at present.

Ye Siyu's spiritual power condenses into a spiritual bomb, which directly smashes the spiritual power of the crystal monster, and then integrates it into the small world in his body.

How can ye Siyu let go of a cosmic celestial material sent to the door.

After putting away the crystal, ye Siyu observed the world origin of the current world without any fluctuation. Obviously, the destruction of a cosmic God monster is not enough to attract the attention of the current world will.

Ye Siyu looked around and determined that there was nothing else worth paying attention to, so he continued to jump in space.

Like the previous space jump, there are many destroyed life planets on the road. At the same time, many monsters with strength ranging from planet level to star level are also found. The closer the monsters of cosmic level and cosmic God level are to the center of the world, the more monsters there are. However, many of them are the bodies of monsters, and there are not many real living monsters.

Ye Siyu didn't care about these monsters. If he was easy, he would take them into the inner world. If he wasn't easy, he wouldn't care. Anyway, killing these monsters didn't get the world origin as much as he naturally got in the world. He didn't waste his strength to do these meaningless things.

After jumping more than ten times again, ye Siyu found that there were no monsters in his mental power scanning range.

You know, in the previous jump, there were few bodies of one or two monsters, and now there are no bodies. Moreover, he also found that there are very few planets around which civilization once existed. There is only one planet with life in tens of thousands of planets, rather than one of more than a dozen planets in the external area of the previous world that once gave birth to civilization.

After observing for a while and still finding no problem, ye Siyu jumped again.

"Spaceship?", With this jump, ye Siyu found that there was a huge spaceship near the planet thousands of kilometers away from him. This spaceship was still in operation, unlike those that had been scrapped before.

After releasing his spiritual power, he found that there were three races in the spacecraft, one of which was human, and the other two races were no different from human appearance.

Seeing this, ye Siyu immediately flew over there to confirm the specific situation.


"Hey, shall we really do this?"

"This is the choice they make for our future."

"God will care for them."

In the control room of the spacecraft alatram, several commanders sighed as they looked at a small spacecraft flying out of the spacecraft.

"General, we detected that an unidentified object is approaching our ship at a very high speed. Its speed is close to the speed of light. It will be... It has arrived. Wait, it stops next to the immigrant ship!", Suddenly, an Observer reported.

"Display the screen now!", A man in his fifties ordered.

The next second, a picture appeared on the front screen. You can see a humanoid creature whose appearance is very similar to human beings, but it seems to be essentially different from human beings, floating not far from the small spacecraft.

"Is this human?"

"No, even if it is not supported by equipment, it is impossible for pilusarudo to move in the universe, let alone human beings."

"This should be an alien species from other planets."

"Have we finally found a new world where we can survive?"

Looking at the humanoid floating on the picture, the commander in the command room discussed it.

On the other side, ye Siyu glanced at the small spaceship in front of him. He found that the money inside was some old humans and two other unknown humanoid races.

"Are you the God who came to save us?"

The people in the small spacecraft looked at the figure outside and muttered that ye Siyu was shrouded in brilliance because he was backed by a star similar to the sun. In addition, ye Siyu's appearance could be described by God.

"Is it really human?"

Listening to the familiar neon language, ye Siyu said faintly. You know, there is still a distance from the center of the world. He doesn't say when he meets human beings, but also human beings on the earth. He also found that these old people are all determined to die. In addition, according to the situation observed before, the ship was abandoned by the people on the big ship.


Ye Siyu noticed that one of the unknown humanoid races had a bomb in his hand and was detonating.

The idea moved. The bomb was wiped out by Ye Siyu. He won't let them die until he knows the origin of these guys.

Under the gaze of the old people in the spaceship, ye Siyu went through the wall of the spaceship and entered the spaceship. At the same time, the spaceship that had landed towards the planet below flew to the mother ship.