Chapter 925

Name:Infinite Rebirth Author:浅悠凉
"Thank you.", Feeling that the pain on her body was gradually weakening, Aishi thanked again. Although she could see that ye Siyu was hiding something, she didn't go deep into it.

She knows that everyone has their own secrets, and ye Siyu is her life-saving benefactor. She wants to thank Ye Siyu for her help rather than exploring other people's secrets.

"The war mother of avarosa, do you want to unify the whole fredrod?", At this time, ye Siyu asked.

As soon as AI Xi listened, she looked at Ye Siyu's eyes and said, "Sir, why do you say that?"

Being able to become the leader of the top forces of the avarosa tribe, freldrod, Aishi is not strong in intelligence except strength.

As soon as she heard Ye Siyu ask this question, AI Xi knew what ye Siyu thought about freldrod's unification.

"I can help you unify freldrod.", Ye Siyu didn't hide his purpose.

"What do I need to pay?", Ash asked.

She doesn't believe that there are good things in the world for no reason. Everything needs to pay a price.

Just like before, if Tamil wants to cooperate with her, he needs to pay for her future.

"I want your cold blood.", Ye Siyu pointed to AI Xi's heart and said.

"Cold blood?", AI Xi frowned and didn't understand what ye Siyu meant.

Does Ye Siyu want to have children for him?

Ashy blushed at the thought.

Although freldrod has a strong folk custom and the communication between people is very direct, it is not so direct that he wants each other to have children as soon as he meets.

AI hopes to Tell ye Siyu that he is much more handsome than those men in freldrod. Coupled with his powerful power, it should be a good thing to have children with him.

This made ash's face redder.

"It's not what you think. I want to extract the cold blood in your body.", Even without valuable experience of rebirth, ye Siyu could see what Aishi thought at a glance and explained directly.

"I see.", Hearing Ye Siyu's explanation, AI Xi knew she had misunderstood and was immediately relieved.

But at the same time, I also feel a trace of regret. If I can combine with Ye Siyu's strong existence, then their children will certainly be able to inherit that strong.

"As long as you are willing to hand over the cold blood in your body, I will help you unify freldrod.", Ye Siyu said again.

"Sir, because it's so sudden, coupled with the situation of the tribe, can you give me some time to think about it?", Said ash after thinking for a while.

Cold ice blood, which is from avarosa's blood, is also the basis for her current strength.

Although she didn't care much about her blood, she didn't want to hand it over so easily, and she still handed it over to an outsider who had just known for less than half an hour, even if the outsider was her own life-saving benefactor.

Moreover, the tribe suffered heavy losses because of yatox's attack. As the queen of awarosa tribe, what she needs to solve most now is to arrange the injuries of the people.

"No problem.", Ye Siyu nodded and agreed.

Anyway, he has plenty of time now, and he still needs to wait for a person, or a dark descendant.

Ye Siyu used hypnosis to spread the news that the man with dark weapons was in the awarosa tribe. Yatox arrived at the awarosa tribe after hearing the news.

Other dark descendants will come here like ATOX if they hear this news.

In the previous rebirth, in addition to yatox, another dark descendant will come here soon, so ye Siyu is not in a hurry to obtain the cold ice rune. It is not too late to obtain the cold ice Rune after catching the upcoming dark descendant.

Seeing ye Siyu's agreement, AI Xi glanced at Ye Siyu with gratitude. After talking to Tamil, she began to arrange the ethnic people for post disaster treatment.

"You're strong.", After Aishi left, he used his anger to recover, and then Tamil opened his mouth.

"Average.", Ye Siyu said carelessly.

Ye Siyu knows very well how deep the water in the hero alliance world is, whether at the cosmic level or the cosmic God level, it can only be regarded as the middle level of the world. The real strong are all in the universe, or in the giant God peak.

If you compare the strength of all forces in the rune land, the giant God peak is definitely the first.

In the middle of his previous rebirth, Siyu went to the most mysterious place of the all Runic land, giant God peak.

There are many religions there. Each religion is a force that has existed since ancient times, and each force has at least one world rune, which is roughly estimated to be at least 20.

Ye Siyu is greedy for those world runes.

However, ye Siyu did not dare to contaminate those world runes, because those sects were not vegetarian.

None of the strongest members of each sect of the giant God peak is weaker than the cosmic God level, and it is also the peak of the cosmic God level, and each hand has a world rune.

These people are not like rez or Kalma. They just study the existence of unique spells through the world rune. The strongest sects of giant God peak have been immersed in the application of the world Rune for a long time.

The power of the world Rune has been brought into full play, and everyone can easily burst out the power of the LORD God level.

It's not something that ye Siyu, who has been in contact with world runes for a long time, can deal with, even if he has 17 world runes.

This is also the top strongman of those sects, not counting the dawn goddess Leona and the bringing moon goddess Diana, who are given the power by the star spirit of the strongest race in the universe of the hero alliance and become the carrier of their walking in the world. That power is even more terrible.

In the game, whether Leona or Diana may not be very powerful compared with some heroes, but the reality is not a game. In reality, they are given the existence of star spirit power, which is definitely the top strength in the rune land.

In ordinary times, they are the existence of the God level of the universe, but once they fall into crisis, the power belonging to the star spirit in their body will explode, which can enhance their strength to the peak of the LORD God level. It makes people's scalp numb to think about it.

Ye Siyu had fought with Leona before and was mercilessly hanged as a result.

Therefore, in this invasion, ye Siyu did not intend to contact the world's top forces such as giant Shenfeng, but to obtain the benefits that could be obtained with peace of mind.

In the face of Ye Siyu's perfunctory answer, Tamil did not speak. He was not a talkative man. After a deep look at Ye Siyu, the strong man who destroyed yatox, his long-standing enemy, he rested with the help of his people.


Time flies. More than half a month has passed since Ye Siyu arrived at awarosa tribe.

During this time, ash has dealt with the damage caused by yatox and resumed his previous evaluation.

As for the Tamil who wanted to form an alliance with Aishi, after hearing Ye Siyu's conversation with Aishi that day, he knew he had no chance to form an alliance, so he left the awarosa tribe with his people the next day.

In the palace of the awarosa tribe, the awarosa altar, AI Xi is entertaining Ye Siyu.

"Ashy, have you thought it over?", Ye Siyu, sitting opposite ashy, asked.

"Well, Mr. Ye, I agree with your previous request. I hope I won't regret this decision.", Said ash seriously.

After thinking and observing for more than half a month, Aishi has thought out the answer to Ye Siyu, that is, she agrees to Ye Siyu's request and is willing to cooperate with Ye Siyu in return for cold blood to unify the awarosa tribe.

"Don't worry, you won't regret it. In the future, you will feel wise for the decision you have made now.", Ye Siyu affirmed.

"I hope so.", Ash said heavily.

Although Ye Siyu's strength has given her considerable confidence, it seems to her that unifying freldrod is still extremely arduous.

You know, since the division of the three sisters of ice thousands of years ago, freldrod has been in a state of division in which each tribe acted independently. During this period, many people tried to unify freldrod and unite all tribes, but none of them succeeded, one after another ended in failure, and even many tribes were destroyed.

So ash is a little worried that this time it will end in failure.

Ye Siyu didn't say anything. He knew that no matter how much he said, it was not as effective as one action.

"Mr. Ye, please draw my cold blood.", After deciding to cooperate with Ye Siyu, AI Xi spoke directly and expressed his sincerity.

Ye Siyu nodded and opened his right hand to ash.

An invisible attraction emanates from ye Siyu's hand, and the faint blue light emanates from AI Xi. Then one cold energy strip after another emerges from AI Xi and gradually condenses into a rune in Ye Siyu's hand.

But the light of this rune is extremely dim and seems to be going out.

This is the cold Rune of the three sisters of cold ice.

The current cold rune is not complete, but one-third. If ye Siyu wants to obtain the whole world rune, he also needs to draw the cold blood of sezhuanni and Lisandro.

"Is this the true face of cold ice blood?", Looking at the ice Rune in Ye Siyu's hand, AI Xi said curiously.

Ye Siyu had seen the power of the world Rune in the battle between Ye Siyu and yatox before. Now she knew that the cold blood that created her was actually the world rune. She was curious.


Suddenly, ash took a breath of air-conditioning, and her body trembled.


This is the feeling she hasn't felt since she activated the cold blood. Now she feels cold again.

Moreover, she also found that her strength had declined a lot and fell directly from diamond level to platinum level. Obviously, this was the disadvantage of cold ice blood after it was extracted.

Seeing this, ye Siyu pointed to AI Xi and instilled a pure energy into AI Xi's body.

The breath from Ashley's body gradually increased, and in a few seconds it returned to the level before being extracted from the blood of the cold ice.

Since taking away the cold Rune causes AI Xi to lose her cold blood, ye Siyu should also give her some compensation and give her a blood back.

And this blood is the blood of frost dragon that ye Siyu obtained before.

For so long, ye Siyu had no blood of the frost dragon in his body, but it doesn't mean he can't use it.

If ye Siyu is willing, his body can still adjust back to the blood of the frost dragon.

Now he transformed ash's blood into frost dragon's blood to make up for the decline of her strength caused by the loss of cold blood.

"This power.", Feeling the newly born power in her body and not feeling the cold, ash's face was full of surprise.

"This is my compensation after drawing your cold blood.", Ye Siyu explained.

AI Xi listened and looked at Ye Siyu with respect in her eyes.

She found that her strength was much stronger than when she had cold blood before, which surprised and delighted her.

It's amazing that ye Siyu can give others such powerful power. It's gratifying that she doesn't need to worry about her strength weakening.

Although the cold Rune seems to give Aishi cold blood, in fact, the cold blood is not the real blood, but only a small part of the power escaped from the cold rune.

In addition, like Anne, Aishi did not actively use the power of ice runes, but relied on instinct to guide the power of runes, so their strength was not strong.

The blood of the frost dragon given by Ye Siyu to AI Xi is different. It is the real blood, the power that really belongs to her, not the false power provided by the cold rune.

Of course, it has more promotion for Aishi than ice runes.

"Mr. Ye, I don't know how to thank you..." said ash incoherently.

"Thank you for whatever. Get familiar with the current power as soon as possible, and then I will help your tribe unify other tribes.", Ye Siyu waved his hand and didn't care.

It is a very simple thing for ye Siyu to transform his blood. The most is to spend some of his strength. In addition, there is no other loss. This is nothing compared with getting the cold rune.

AI Xi nodded, and she could see that ye Siyu didn't care about this. She didn't say more hypocritical words, and began to get familiar with her new power under the guidance of Ye Siyu.

Another half month passed.

AI Xi is already familiar with the blood of the frost dragon given by Ye Siyu, and can be short-term dragon humanized. His strength is much stronger than before.

At the same time, Aishi also reorganized the awarosa tribe, brought back all elite soldiers, and was ready to unify freldrod and unite all tribes.

Ye Siyu also gave a clear goal of what the first tribe wanted to unify, that is, the troll tribe led by the self styled Troll king trandel.