V2.Chapter 730

Chinese people have a very strange tradition, that is, they like to put the important things in the meal to solve, and when the meal starts, they basically solve half of the problems.

He Tiankui invited Wang Fan to have dinner with them. Although he didn't say anything, Wang Fan already knew the result of the dinner.

One of the people here today is bound to be killed, but Wang Fan has no idea who this person will be.

The iron hand changed his previous arrogance and took the initiative to show his kindness to brother Hao for business, but brother Hao gave him a cold butt and hit him in the face, which made Wang Fan's impetuous heart have some comfort.

After what happened last time, Wang Fan has always had a dilemma in his mind, that is, his views on brother Hao.

Judging from the fact that he killed the three girls, brother Hao and the iron hand sitting beside him can basically be classified as the same kind.

Cold blooded, merciless, and hard-working, it's just a devil living in the world.

But after going through a lot of things with brother Hao, Wang Fan suddenly feels that his view of brother Hao has changed.

At this time, Wang Fan was no longer the hot-blooded teenager. He killed Da Sha and a Shui, and then took the opportunity to get rid of 9527. He took the prisoners in the third prison area and uprooted situ Hao and his men.

Wang Fan's mentality has changed a lot.

Prisoners in the third prison area are like cattle and horses in livestock sheds. They not only have to work hard every day, but also have no freedom at all. After they can't adapt to such intensive work, they will be treated as commodities by these people sitting here.

This is supposed to be the life of cattle and horses, but it happened to people alive, which makes people have no way to accept it!

These days, let Wang Fan suddenly think of the blind master told him a story.

In Chinese history, there was a very dark period, which was called "Wu Hu Luan Hua" by Chinese descendants.

At that time, most of the people living in the land of China were mainly Han people, but because the Han people were kind-hearted, they had no interest in war. This also led to the fact that the Empire built by the Han people was in a weak position militarily, although no one could compare it economically.

People are afraid of fame, pigs are afraid of strength.

With their wisdom and diligence, the good-natured Han people piled up their granaries and silver warehouses, which also attracted the envy of other nomads in the Chinese land.

In an era when civilization was not yet universal, killing was the simplest and most direct way to solve all problems.

Those who despised civilization launched attacks on Han people without warning, and the killing not only lasted for a long time, but also exceeded the human imagination of war.

The Han people, who had no military resistance, were soon defeated by these nomads, and their accumulated food and wealth were plundered by these fierce nomads.

What is more unexpected is that these nomadic aggressors did not let the poor Han people go.

In order to save the food and grass consumed in the long journey, and to be able to carry the wealth robbed from the Han people, the leaders of these nomadic peoples came up with a very cruel idea.

Two legged sheep!

This is the name given by the nomadic leaders to the young women among the Han people, and it is also an insult to their captives.

The young women captured by the nomads were driven to carry food and treasure for the winners during the day, and were insulted by the barbarians at night. Even in order to reduce the consumption of food and grass, the women would be cooked on the camp fire as food by the barbarians.

It can be said that the Han people at that time had already gone to the point of extermination, and the barbaric behavior of the nomadic people towards the Han people was beyond anyone's imagination.

Of course, there is no lack of those who dare to resist among the Han people in China. These atrocities of the nomadic people soon aroused the resistance of the Han people, and this kind of fight of resistance has indeed achieved some results.

However, this kind of sporadic resistance is only organized by some Han people spontaneously, so it can only be a drop in the bucket for rescuing the Han people.

In these battles, many young women among the Han people were rescued from the barbarians by their compatriots, but they also became a burden to them.

In order not to become the burden of these rebels, women have to choose to end their lives in exchange for a spiritual relief.

When Wang Fan heard the blind Master talking about these things, he sympathized with the Han people, but he didn't understand why the women who were rescued and chose to be killed by their own people made such a decision.

The blind master didn't explain this to Wang Fan, but when he learned about the fate of the prisoners in the third prison area, he began to understand the women.

If you can't escape the purgatory world, it's better to end your life with dignity.

Although death is terrible, life is not like death, but more frightening than death.

Ironhand is a businessman, also a businessman without humanity.

When a person can treat another person as a commodity, he can no longer be regarded as a person. Everything he sees in his heart and eyes is a commodity and can be traded.

Those girls who were wring their necks by brother Hao, if they didn't die in brother Hao's hands, would face the end of being alive and having their organs removed. Moreover, no one can guarantee that they will encounter greater humiliation before they face this tragic fate.

If understood in this way, brother Howe's killing those girls is like redeeming their humble dignity.

It should be their most helpless choice to exchange their body for dignity.

Whether the prisoners in the third prison district would choose the same way as those girls to safeguard their last dignity, Wang Fan did not ask them, nor did he dare to ask them.

As a normal person, he hopes that these people can survive and have their own future, rather than being slaughtered as commodities.

Therefore, Wang Fan will not agree to ironhand's suggestion, and will not ignore other people's lives for money with people like ironhand.

The fact that brother Hao didn't have an ironhand made Wang Fan feel at ease. After all, although Wang Fan has his own ideas in his heart, he can't go against brother Hao completely. He is not strong enough to defeat anyone.

None of the five people in the room spoke any more, but they all looked at he Tiankui, as if waiting for the master of huoshao island to say something.