V2.Chapter 416

Wang Fan was also surprised to hear Liu Juan say the name of blind Master and his identity in Hongmen.

As for the identity of the fifth master of the red flag, Wang Fan has heard from the blind Master, and it is precisely because of the identity of the blind Master that he has a different understanding of many things in Hongmen. Even a lot of secret things that happened in those years have been heard from the blind Master.

But the blind Master said a lot, but he never mentioned his name, which made Wang fan not know what the blind Master's name was.

Now I hear Liu Juan talking about it, and I know that the blind Master's name is Sun Jian, but this name sounds familiar, which makes Wang Fan think of Sun Jian who killed Dong Zhuo.

"I don't think it's fooling Akutagawa!"

At the thought of Sun Jian in the Three Kingdoms period, Wang Fan had such a guess in his heart.

Liu pangzi, who was standing beside him, also showed a blank face. He looked at Wang Fan beside him and asked in a low voice, "is blind master really Sun Jian?"

"Well... I don't think it's wrong! " Wang Fan hesitated for a moment, but said with certainty.

Thinking of blind Master's favorite storytelling of seven heroes and five righteousness, Wang Fan also believed the name of Sun Jian.

In fact, let alone the name of Sun Jian, even if Liu Juan reported the name of Xu Liang, the great Xia with white eyebrows, Wang Fan would not question Liu Juan at this time, because he had to support Liu Juan and support her unconditionally.

While they were puzzled, Akutagawa turned back, opened the iron door, and asked with a smile, "can I ask more about Mr. Sun's taboo? Who gave it to him?"

Wang Fan, who was standing at the door, really wanted to slap Akutagawa.

"Who else can name a child? Besides parents, who can name a child“

In Wang Fan's opinion, this problem of Akutagawa shin is just a boring problem of looking for smoking type.

But after listening to Akutagawa's question, Liu Juan replied seriously: "Mr. situ gave him a name. When he accepted the blind master as an apprentice, she specially gave him a name. I hope he can kill the traitor like Sun Jian and get rid of the harm for the country and the people!"


Hearing Liu Juan's words, Wang Fan was filled with emotion.

Daren Qing blind Master's real name is Sun Jian, and this name is not given by his parents. It's actually given by Mr. situ, blind Master's master. And behind this name, there is such an inspirational story.

Sure enough, there is an unknown past behind the people in the Jianghu. If they had not been in contact with the blind Master for a long time and had such an experience, Wang Fan would not believe that such a thing would have happened in the world.

Unlike Wang Fanmu, Akutagawa's face was dignified. Looking at Liu Juan, he nodded and said, "that's how my father-in-law, Mr. Zhao Shanhe, told my father about Mr. Sun. It seems that you are really Zhao Ya's relatives."

"Have you met my father?" Liu asked,

As soon as Liu pangzi's voice fell, Zhao ya, who was hiding behind Akutagawa shin, ran out from the threshold. He hugged Liu pangzi with a face of confusion, buried his head in his chest, and cried excitedly: "brother, I'm Zhao ya!"

"Who? Sister, don't do that. Who do you say you are? " Liu pangzi, who was suddenly hugged by Zhao ya, didn't react for a moment. He retreated and wanted to get away.

Zhao ya, holding Liu pangzi in her arms, looked up at him, pouted and said, "brother, I'm your sister Zhao ya! At that time, my father entrusted us to Xin's father. Because I was too young, he worried that I would not be able to return to the mainland safely, so he left me with him to raise me! "

"You're not dead?" Liu pangzi's brain was short circuited and asked.

"How could I die? Brother, that's the tone of my fake letter just now. I want to try yours on purpose! " Zhao ya face a red, embarrassed of say.

"Ha ha! Sister, you are still alive. That's great! ha-ha! I have found you at last Liu pangzi is very happy to hear Zhao Ya's explanation.

Flesh and blood affection is the most unforgettable emotion in the world.

In particular, such as Liu pangzi and Zhao ya, after more than 20 years, they meet again, which makes people have no choice but to cry.

Seeing that Liu pangzi's brother and sister met each other, Liu Juan was also very happy for him. She went to Wang Fan's side, put her hand around Wang Fan's arm, and said affectionately: "it's really happy that brother Jiaxing can find his sister!"

"Aren't you his sister, too? Why is it sour? " Wang Fan said in a low voice.

"That's different. I have no blood relationship with him after all, unlike Zhao ya." Liu Juan looked at Zhao Ya's sweet smile and said jealously.

As soon as Liu Juan's words were finished, Liu pangzi, who was held by Zhao ya, pulled Zhao Ya over and said to Liu Juan, "juan'er, you are one year younger than Xiao Ya. In the future, you will call her sister!"

"Ha ha! I didn't expect you to be one year younger than me, ha ha! I'll have a sister, too Zhao Ya holds Liu Juan's hand and smiles happily.

Just now, Liu Juan, who was also extremely disappointed, heard what Liu pangzi and Zhao Ya said. She immediately swept away the clouds and showed a smile. She nodded her head heavily and cried softly: "sister Xiaoya, I'm really happy to meet you."

Liu Juan, who lost her parents when she was a child, has always felt regret for her family. Fortunately, with the care of Liu pangzi and blind Master, she did not have more trauma in her childhood.

Seeing Liu pangzi and Zhao Ya recognize each other just now makes Liu Juan have a kind of fear. She is worried that she will lose Liu pangzi, her brother, and become an orphan without home again. Although she has Wang Fan, her fiance, that feeling is not the same.

Now see Liu pangzi did not forget himself, and Zhao Ya is also very friendly to himself, and did not mean to exclude her, Liu Juan's heart is also surrounded by a warm.

Family, love, friendship, all the beauty of life, are inseparable from such warm feelings.

Even the ruthless female Luocha, also need someone to love, someone to comfort, someone to let her remember that she is a little girl who needs to be protected.

Brother and sister three people hold together, say belong to their whispers, Wang Fan also can't get in the mouth, had to go to the iron gate, handed a cigarette to Akutagawa letter, and he said: "that what, self introduction, my name is Wang Fan, Wang is the king of the king, who is not willing to ordinary, identity, and you, are Liu fat man's brother-in-law, later please more care!"

After taking the cigarette Wang Fan handed to him, Akutagawa Shin took a puff with a smile, spitting out a cigarette ring, and said very smartly: "no problem, after you eat in my shop, I'll give you a 20% discount!"

"Damn it! You want to make my money