After a few days' sleep, Wang Qiqi only agreed to accompany Wang Liuhong to the hospital for physical examination, and Wang Qiqi got up early.

It's not like home at all. Parents are too busy to see each other. There is no family harmony. For example, the nanny made breakfast for only one person.

Wang Qiqi comes out first, regardless of who the baby sitter specially makes breakfast for. When you sit down, you have to eat it.

Nanny ran out of the kitchen to grab, was blocked by the flag.

No matter how to say that Wang Qiqi is the owner of the family. As a nanny, it's too much to stop the owner from eating his own food.

But Wang Qiqi was not a soft buns. He lost his temper immediately: "what do you mean? I'm not allowed to eat? To abuse me while my parents are away? "

It's true that there are such nannies who abuse the master's children with the salary given by the master's family, but the children they take care of are infants who can't communicate normally. Wang Qiqi has grown up. How dare the nanny!

The nanny explained: "it's not that you don't want to eat..."

"What is that? Didn't you just grab it? I'm still young. I'm not blind and my brain is not bad. I can't see what you just did! " Wang Qiqi interrupted the nurse.

It's just that there's no reason to govern the family. The nanny who only listens to Wang Liuhong would not have been forced to eat durian if it wasn't for the nanny's report. The house is very smoky. I have no sense of belonging to the house and I don't want to breathe. The air is smelly.

Ben didn't like to make trouble. It was the nanny who dealt with her first. She was not a kind-hearted person. She was forgiven.

Two sisters can have conflicts, Wang Liuhong relying on the identity of her sister can also say the flag of the king, with the wages of the nanny can not. If Wang Qiqi's father really wants to get involved, it must be the nanny who suffers. It is impossible for a father not to protect his daughter.

The nurse worried: "this is for your sister! You want to eat... "

"My sister can eat, but I can't? Is there no food in the fridge? Or do you have to make a share of the food money you get from my family? Looking at your honest person, I didn't expect it to be like this! If I am a little younger and my parents are too busy to work at home, would you like to be a nanny? Are you going to starve me to death Wang Qiqi interrupted again, but he didn't give the nanny a chance to explain completely.

On purpose.

If Wang Liuhong has nothing to pick on, can't she?

Since the babysitter chose to make Wang Liu Hong's eyeliner, don't blame her attack.

Because of the loud voice of Wang's flag, Wang Liuhong was made to come out, ushered in the nanny's eyes for help, and asked unhappily: "early in the morning, what's the noise?"

Wang Qiqi stood up and said, "it's just right to come out. I want to ask, is it your sister who asked the nanny not to cook for me?"

Wang Liuhong frowned more tightly: "nothing."

Just ask the nanny to stare at Wang Qiqi's every move at home. There is no restriction on what to eat. Even if Wang Liuhong really wants to abuse her sister, she can't pass the busy Wang father's pass. There's no need to steal chicken, but she can't do this kind of thing.

The nurse was so anxious that her tongue was about to knot: "after making a breakfast, Miss Qi wanted to eat. I said it was for Miss Liu Hong, and miss Qi got angry!"

It's too easy to get angry. Just for a breakfast, the nanny is also very difficult to understand.

Wang Liuhong's drowsiness wake up, looking at the table that a breakfast and angry flag, as if thinking.

It's rare to face up to conflicts because Wang Qiqi can tolerate them.

It's not a big deal. If you want to have breakfast, you can make another one. You have to ask questions, but you are not satisfied with the explanation.

You're so hot tempered, you're shot?

Wang Liuhong was relieved and nervous at the thought of going to the hospital with Wang Qiqi today.

Pregnant women's mood is unstable, irritable and easy to cry. Little things will make everyone uneasy, in order to get attention. No other reason, Wang Qiqi is pregnant.

Nervous is, quickly go to the hospital to make a diagnosis is pregnant, early to do away, so as not to show pregnant by the white family return.

If Wang Qiqi is so angry that he can't end up, the Bai family will know that it's not worth it just for a breakfast.

"I think you have to sleep a little longer before you make one. It's OK. I'll treat you to a big meal after we go to the hospital." Wang Liuhong coaxed children to say soft words.

However, if Wang Qiqi doesn't buy it, it's useless to coax children and adults. He will not let go when he catches a small matter.

"One or two are small. Tell me well, can I still occupy my sister's breakfast? She came to grab it directly. If I didn't sit still, I would have been knocked down by her. What's my figure? She's very strong. Isn't she trying to hurt me? " Wang Qiqi's delusional speech of being killed turns Wang Liuhong's eyes.I really don't see such a flag at ordinary times. It's too much like pregnant women's thinking. It is said that some pregnant women cry because they are too sour to eat oranges. At this time the banner, with unreasonable pregnant women is no different.

Wang Liuhong stares at the nanny: "don't you apologize to the flag as soon as possible!"

"I'm sorry, Miss flag." The baby sitter speaks fast.

As for sincerity, Wang Qiqi didn't recognize the slightest bit of it, and then he continued to question, "I'm sorry, it's over? Don't you think you'll bump into me when you rush up? "

The nanny didn't dare to speak at will, for fear of escalating the contradiction, so she looked at Wang Liuhong.

"I've apologized. Don't be angry, Qi Qi. My head hurts even more if the noise goes on. Wait for me. I'll clean it up. " Wang Liuhong rubbed the bridge of her nose and left. She threw the nanny to Wang Qiqi. Scold happy, temper out, obediently go to the hospital.

No relief, nanny in the face of early morning to take the wrong medicine Wang Qiqi, think will be scolded to death.

However, Wang Qiqi didn't say anything more. He glared at the nanny and sat on the sofa in the living room.

No more?

With so many excuses, it's over with a glance?

Is really pregnant, a pregnancy silly three years?

Standing in the dining room, she peeped at the living room for several times. The nanny was secretly pleased. Wang Qiqi seemed to be pregnant, which she found out. If Qu hospital diagnosed, she is the credit, Wang Liuhong will certainly not treat her badly!

I noticed that the nanny over there was peeping. Wang Qiqi pretended not to see him. He fell on the sofa and sighed. He was in an abnormal mood.

Wang Liuhong changed her clothes and put on her make-up. Wang Qiqi picked bones in her eggs: "sister, you are going to the hospital for examination, not to participate in the party. What are you doing with such a heavy make-up? Go and unload it. The doctor can see more clearly how you look, so as to suit the remedy to the case. "

Symptomatic your sister!