Night, deeper and deeper.

The moon in the night sky is hanging high, illuminating the outside of the school wall, but there is no sound.

All the people in the three vans thought that they had arrived at a relatively safe place, and they were all dozing off to refresh their energy.

After all, it's not like sleeping in bed. The space in the car is limited. It's not very comfortable to doze off.

Besides being uncomfortable, it's also convenient to get off the bus. You can't pull it on the bus.

Get out of the car stretch tibia, suddenly feel hungry.

This is a boarding school. There must be a canteen and a buffet. Go and get something to eat.

They have done too much to pry locks. Unless the lock with alarm will ring, ordinary locks can't stop them at all.

It's just a school canteen. It's impossible to use the alarm lock.

When one of the men said that, everyone in the van woke up and agreed.

How can you not be hungry? Even if you run away, you have to eat enough. In this suburb, it is impossible to go to the nearby residents, or we will wait for minute to reveal our whereabouts. Even if the residents are killed, their whereabouts will be revealed. Unless it's the kind of old people who live alone, no one cares, no one asks, but what can that family environment do

What's good?

Three men, armed, climbed over the wall and entered the school.

The school is small in area, and soon found the canteen, pried the lock in and pressed the flashlight. Before we started looking for snacks, we saw a row of people standing in front of us, all of them with guns in their hands.

There was no need to threaten. The three men immediately raised their hands.

In the school's canteen, will someone hold a gun to watch the night?

No, they were ambushed.

All the weapons on them were taken away, and three people were tied up with ropes.

Not only that, but also in accordance with the requirements, to wait outside the wall of the accomplice to call, bring in.

"Boss, there are a lot of delicious food in the canteen, most of which are soup and water. Come in and eat. When you're full, you can pack some. We'll take them to the road to eat."

"What do you have?"

"The crayfish that hasn't been sold out has a cabinet of bittern. Boss, come quickly, turn left over the courtyard wall and walk down the path to the opposite two floors. The door is hidden. Let's eat first."

Without waiting for a reply from the other end of the line, I hung up.

The temptation of food has little chance of winning, but if you don't give me a chance to refute it, you will arouse your curiosity. The more communication they have, the more time they will be given to think. Maybe they won't come in.

In fact, the fierce leopard outside the courtyard wall is really a little excited.

This is a school. The security guards can only scare children. They are not afraid. Even if it's found by the security, it's a big deal to kill it. When the security guard was found dead, they didn't know where to go.

If the police catch up with the dead mouse, it's not the best for them to hide in the car. They have to get close to the hostage. On campus, you can catch hostages faster.

That's also the worst result. The police can't get here so soon. It's estimated that they are still in the center of the city.

Fierce leopard told his men to bring enough weapons, cross the wall, wait for food and drink, see if they want to catch a student to their car, can also be used as a shield on the road.

Along the route given by the accomplices, several of them quietly approached the canteen.

What they didn't know, however, was that after they went over the wall, all the weapons in the van were removed, especially the grenades and grenades, which were well preserved, and the three vans became empty.

Outside the canteen, the lock on the door was pried open. This kind of lock is too simple.

It's really fragrant to enter by pushing the door.

The lamp can't be pressed. Just as Mengbao was about to press the flashlight, a light hit him.

The light was so dazzling that he couldn't open his eyes.

The men who came in with them all took out their guns in horror.

Fierce leopard to the side, that note of light with him to move, is to hit him.

I don't know what direction a thing came from. When the leopard found it, it stuck into the leopard's ankle and fell down.

The men didn't even think about it. They shot in the direction of the thing.

No one was shot. After the gun rang, it was quiet.

Something's wrong!There's something wrong with the quiet of this school, and there's something wrong with the weapon that just came here!

Is it, black eat black?

Fierce leopard looks at his ankles. It's a crossbow!

The police will not use this method to catch talents. The siren will sound for a long time, and it will influence them to lay down their arms and surrender.

Who is the first person to hurt someone without reporting his identity?

In addition, the gunshots all rang out. Why didn't the teachers and students in this school be frightened? There was no sound outside the canteen. It was still as quiet as death.

They just came in after they answered the phone. Were they betrayed?

Kill him here, and the police will catch him again. This case is over. If there are no more checkpoints on the way, the three people will be able to rest easy from now on?

The stabbing pain on his ankle and the leopard's cold sweat all came out. He wanted to communicate with the people hiding in the dark. Another arrow flew over and directly penetrated the leopard's palm.

Several men who followed the leopard found that the target of attack was only the leopard. They could not help moving to both sides.

At this time of life, life is the most important and self-protection is the most important.

His hands and feet were injured. Mengbao stood on the ground with one foot, and the blood flowed down his hand, "who? You have the ability to come out! "

The men who are going to flee to the canteen find that the door is locked. They are ready to break the glass door by shooting. A few crossbows and arrows fly through their palms, and the pistols land and the weapons leave.

I can see that I don't want their lives, I just want to lock them in the canteen, otherwise the crossbow can go straight through their heart.

All the people were injured, unable to get in and out, just standing bloody, and the light hit them. This kind of scene is really beautiful.

There was a grenade in mengbaodi's pocket. When his uninjured hand was about to touch it, another arrow flew through his hand. His hands were hurt, and his fingers could not be used normally.

"Who on earth is playing the devil?" Fierce leopard roared in pain, his voice echoed in the canteen, no one answered him.

These crossbows are real. They can't be haunted.

As soon as the words came down, another crossbow came and shot into the ankle of the leopard.

In this way, both hands and feet were injured.

It's not a fatal wound. It's tormenting the leopard. It can't move and run.

Unable to stand any longer, the leopard knelt down on the ground.

Although this kneeling was not voluntary, it was also a kind of humiliation for him.

So high up, the drug dealers had to offer him, and even knelt down.

The men endured the pain and went to pick up the guns on the ground.

It's too late. The alarm sounds from far to near. It's the police.

Kneeling fiercely leopard, fiercely looking to the dark second floor, the police only come now, so what people are upstairs?

When the police come, they have a homicide case in their hands. It's over if they are caught.

My hand is very painful, so I have to pick up the gun.

When they reached down, several more crossbows and arrows came, some of them were inserted and some of them escaped.

Anyway, their behavior is completely exposed in the dark, I don't know who is in the hands of individuals, as long as a move will be shot.

The sound of the police car stopped outside the canteen, and then the loudspeakers urged them to surrender.

This is the normal procedure for the police to handle cases, and the people hiding on the second floor are not the police at all!

Fierce leopard closed his eyes. He had already guessed who it was with this organizing ability.

When the people in the canteen were injured and couldn't get out, the police outside broke in and arrested all the escaped prisoners.

The light disappeared long before the police came up. Instead, all the lights in the canteen were on, which made it easy for the police to catch people.

When the leopard was pressed on the ground, he looked to the second floor. There was a broken window, but there was no one. Before the people were put into the police car, Mengbao said, "I planted a bomb in Shengshi group. As long as I am caught, the bomb will be detonated. That is the most famous enterprise in your city, which has made great contribution to the economic construction of your city

Industry. "

Those who leave no way behind are fools.

Fierce leopard can go to today, he is not only fierce strength, but also brain.

Gu Yong can't make a big deal at all. It's a good deal to kill him and blow up Shengshi group.The economic losses and the panic caused can not be made up in a short time.

He is so cruel. What does the innocent life have to do with him? Death is death. It only means that those people are not lucky and have run into each other.

If a drug dealer had the benevolence of women and human beings, he would have been eaten up by his peers.

The two policemen escorting the leopard don't know how to continue. Shengshi group is not a small company, and the nature of the explosion will be very bad.

At this time, a man came down from the upstairs, and the police called out: "land team."

Lu Di said with dignity, "take it all away!"

Fierce leopard unwilling: "you wait, as long as the news that I was arrested spread, Shengshi group will be blown up into ruins!"

Lu Di waved his hand impatiently, because the fierce leopard's legs were injured. The police raised the fierce leopard. The fierce leopard, whose body is hanging in the air, is still shouting bombs. These little policemen don't know the seriousness, but they think he is talking about fun. Moreover, he also said the weight of explosives, which can not only blow up the Shengshi group, but also the surrounding buildings

Will be affected.

However, it still did not get attention, the leopard was made into the police car.

After a while, Lu Di got into the police car escorting the leopard, and was not in the front seat.

The bloody leopard's throat was dry, but there was no response.

If the prisoner is injured, no matter how serious the crime is, he has to be sent to the hospital first. Meng Bao is waiting for this opportunity.

However, instead of going to the hospital, the police went back to the local police station, where two doctors were waiting at the door.

Lu Di talked to the doctor and told him about the situation, so the doctor began to treat Meng Bao.

This kind of dangerous person should never be sent to other places outside the police station or prison.

Fierce leopard is no longer leopard, like a dead dog was carried to the police station, waiting for him will be severely punished by the law. When the capture is completed, Lu Di is in the office and sends a message to Lin manyue: "people have been caught, thank you."