When it's time to finish school, there are many luxury cars at the gate of guanjin kindergarten, all of which are here to pick up the children.

The teacher led a class of students to the door, and then handed it to the family.

In the past, families went to pick up their children in the class and at the school gate. It was only recently implemented.

The kindergarten did not give the reason, and the parents did not ask.

It costs more time than before.

There is also that parents can not enter the kindergarten, the pick-up is only at the door.

Ah he, who also came to pick up his children, followed other parents and received Sheng Baobao at the door.

"Auntie ahe, I ate two bowls of rice at noon today. Am I going to grow taller tomorrow?"

Sheng Baobao's eyes are as bright as the stars. Ah he can't bear his disappointment and replies, "well, tomorrow will be long and tall."

Children don't eat for a long time, which many adults will take for their own children.

Lin manyue is no exception, especially when Sheng Baobao is picky about food.

This let Sheng Baobao draw inferences from one instance and ask.

Because ahe himself is not a talkative person, and Sheng Baobao is also a talkative person. He happily gets on the bus, but ahe doesn't ask the driver to drive away immediately.

Instead, he took out a pair of earphones and said to Sheng Baobao in a consultative tone, "young master, do you want to listen to music?"

"Yes, yes."

"I'll show it to you. Maybe it's a little louder. Don't take it off if you put it on, OK?"

"Yes, yes." Sheng Baobao nodded and pounded garlic.

Ah he increases his voice and puts the earphone on Sheng Baobao's head.

When the music comes to Sheng Baobao's ears, the sound of smashing the car also rings, but Sheng Baobao can't hear it.

Where to smash the car?

It's the car they're in.

The baseball bat swung to the window. There was a sound, but the glass was still intact.

In the upper class, there are some people who are not used to the Sheng family. In private, they say that the Sheng family is poor. Everyone else has a lot of luxury cars in the garage. It's like playing when buying super cars. Sheng family has only one Rolls Royce that can handle it.

Can the super running car window stand the swing of a baseball bat? Glass slag is flying everywhere.

Ah he took out an eye mask and said to Sheng Baobao, "you put it on and lie down for a while. I'll get off the car and teach some bad guys a lesson. I'll be back soon."

"All right." Sheng Baobao put his head over so that Aunt ahe could put it on.

He helped Sheng Baobao to lie down and told the driver, "when I get down, lock the car and watch the young master."

The bodyguard nodded heavily, holding the steering wheel tightly: "you should be careful."

People outside the car were still smashing the windows. Ahe got out of the car and immediately closed the door. In a second, the driver dropped the lock inside.

When the crasher saw someone coming down, his baseball bat swung towards ahe.

A Dodge, and then ran a few steps to the side, the man from the car to bring.

When catching up, ah he had taken off his coat.

The butt ground blew a whistle, the man color squint of vision stare at a he's chest: "take off clothes, I also won't be soft hearted.". If I'm naked, maybe I can still take the exam.... "

Before he finished, ah he threw the cowboy coat on the other side's face. At the same time, ah he jumped up and kicked the other side's stomach, knelt the man on the ground, and then kicked the man's head. The whole person lay down and fell down.

Action in one fell swoop, the original bull force noisy man, as a weapon of baseball bats are to ah he's hand.

Jeans cover a man's face, who is not important, dare to smash Sheng's car, or young master in the car, this person will be bad luck.

"Bitch! Dare to beat me, let me up! "

The man's shouting voice came out from under the jeans. Ah he didn't scold him back and called the police.

Before the police came, ah he asked the driver to take Sheng Baobao home first. Sheng Baobao, who takes off his earphone and eye mask, doesn't know what happened. He still tells ah he like a little adult: "after all the bad guys have been taught, they should come back immediately. If I were a little older, I would be able to deal with the bad guys with you,

I'll wait for you at home anyway. "

A he's indifferent face appears a trace of softness. He takes Sheng Baobao to the car and stands beside the car.

The windows are not broken, the glass is in good condition, the car body is not even scratched.But it's true that the man came to smash the car. There are passers-by to testify.

Just because the quality of the car itself is too good, we can't treat it as if it didn't happen.

The man who smashed the car was detained.

Why smash a car? The answer given is that it was smashed in a bad mood.

What a ridiculous reason!

After cooperating with the investigation, ah he drove back to report.

Lin manyue and Sheng hanxuan have a general understanding of what happened. They just need ahe to add some small details.

It's not the first time. Several of them have been retaliated to varying degrees.

Lin manyue is still very angry.

Her son is in the car. If it's not the bulletproof glass car she's in, a baseball bat smashing the window will scare her son!

No matter how smart you are, you are still a child. You haven't met those things, and you will be scared!

She is angry, and the elder Sheng sitting next to her is even more angry.

What are the consequences of big brother's anger?

He made a direct call to the public security department, the contents of which are secrets that ordinary people can't listen to.

At this level, it's not Lin manyue who can intervene. It's Sheng who is retaliating.

People have humanity, ghosts have ghosts, this city has a bright side, but also has a foul side of the sewer.

The business of those people is an obstacle to the development of society, and the police are also in charge of it.

But if Sheng Baobao's safety is involved, Lin manyue is not afraid of what the other party is about.

Don't fight back and wait for the other side to do something more hateful?

In the dead of night, the whole city is quiet.

The shops on the street have been closed. Occasionally, cars pass by, and they go back to their original state after driving away.

The yawning black eight came out of the alley, holding his hands in his pockets and shrinking his shoulders. The street lamp pulled his back very long.

The introduction fee in his pocket made him decide to buy something to eat.

This middleman is worth doing, squatting there to say a few words, you can have a sum of income.

Not only does he no longer need to pay for his goods, but he also has a bonus.

What would you like to eat?

There will be more money in the future. Today, we will not eat the cheap, but eat the expensive!

There's nothing expensive nearby. I want to go somewhere else.

Rich, naturally do not want to walk.

Just as a taxi passed by, black eight stopped and sat in to report the address.

The driver, wearing a cap, said "yes", and the car sped forward.

After turning a few blocks, the taxi stopped, "big brother, fight for a car."

Black eight to curse, the roadside has been on the car.

When the taxi drove again, the yawn of heiba reached half, and a hard object arrived at his waist“ Don't move. I'm a policeman