One day before the deadline given by his ex girlfriend, Qi Xingzhi didn't contact his ex girlfriend and was still working overtime in the company.

It's not that I've never thought of going abroad to settle down. If I were with Ren Jiaqi, Qi Xingzhi would never be without fluctuation.

But if he is an ex girlfriend, he is a mature adult. He will never meet anyone more suitable for him than Ren Jiaqi. He is reluctant to give up.

What's more, ex girlfriends are intimidating. Even if they go abroad, can they be happy?

Qi Xingzhi believes that feelings are cultivated. But Qi Xingzhi does not believe that coercion can produce feelings. He is not a Stockholm syndrome patient and will not take coercion as love.

The mobile phone rings. One of Qi's friends sees that it's his ex girlfriend's number. He doesn't answer it.

Ring the second time, the third time, the other party has to get through the posture, Qi Xingzhi just close the file in hand, after connecting, press the hands-free.

I don't want to use my hand to call my ex girlfriend. It's a psychological disgust.

"Are you ready?" she asked

Qi Xingzhi hissed: "what are you going to prepare?"

"Go abroad! I'm not joking with you last time. The two choices are either to go abroad with me, you're still a good lawyer, or you choose to stay with Ren Jiaqi for a long time! "

"It's for people who have committed heinous crimes. How can I get such an evaluation from you?"

"Qi Xingzhi! Don't talk to me about him! Just answer me, "will you go abroad with me?"


There was no sound on the other end of the phone for a long time. Qi Xingzhi heard a gasp of indignation, and then confirmed that his ex girlfriend didn't hang up.

Unemployment, will Ren Jiaqi look down on him?

With his understanding of Ren Jiaqi, absolutely not.

What's more, he is not at the age of seventy or eighty. He was hit so hard that he couldn't get up.

Lawyer has been Qi Xingzhi's profession for many years. He can't say he loves it. It's a habit that has been integrated into his life.

Reluctant, yes, but really encountered Waterloo can not be a lawyer, Qi Xingzhi also recognized!

Compared with the loss of Ren Jiaqi, Qi Xingzhi chose to lose his career and keep Ren Jiaqi!

"What's good about that woman? Is it worth it for her? As long as the evidence in my hand is exposed, Qi Xingzhi, you can't be a lawyer. Don't you know? "

"Yes, so what? Three hundred and sixty lines make the number one scholar. "

The more calm Qi Xingzhi is, the more popular his ex girlfriend is.

It's not easy to get to today's position. Celebrities in the legal field can give up such a good position for their girlfriends! My ex girlfriend couldn't be a lady for a long time. She began to roar: "Qi Xingzhi, you have to regret it! Once the evidence is made public, there is no turning back! I'll give you another night to think about it. If I don't receive your reply tomorrow morning, I'll send out the evidence directly. Don't blame me for being cruel

I gave you a chance, you don't want it! "

My ex hung up heavily.

The mobile phone screen on the desk lights up for a while and then goes out.

As if he had been touched dirty, Qi Xingzhi took out two pieces of paper, wiped his mobile phone, and then put it in his hand to dial Ren Jiaqi.

There was a ring, and then he said, "Hello!"

It's urgent.

Qi Xingzhi knows Ren Jiaqi too well and guesses that she may have something urgent to do.

But after tonight, he may not be a famous lawyer any more. He has something to say to her.

"What are you doing?" he asked


"I have something to ask you. How about my career change?" After asking, Qi Xingzhi's heart was still very uneasy.

"Why do you want to change careers? Every day there are different disputes, financial and emotional, which need your lawyers. There are also some legal illiterates who need the help of your lawyers. How popular this profession is

"I don't do it. There are other lawyers. I'm not short of one."“ Emma, what do you want to say? Lawyers are not short of you, and radio hosts are not short of me, but we have done a good job. Think all day long, do you see too much dog blood at 8:00? It's not good to watch too many TV dramas. Next time I'll give my laptop to you

You use it. There are many videos of men and women fighting in it. You don't watch the repeated ones. "

Qi XingzhiThe lost emotion that was not found was lost by Ren Jiaqi.

He asked, "last time I remember deleting all those videos, where did you get them?"

"It's you! I mean, I can't find it all of a sudden. I thought I deleted it by mistake! "

"If I don't tell you, where did you get it?"

"On the Internet, ah, I have something to do. I won't talk about it now."


Did not wait, the phone beep has shown that Ren Jiaqi hung up.

With a wry smile, Qi Xingzhi finished the work at hand, or handled the handover after it happened.

Ren Jiaqi on this end of the phone, the smile on her face changed into a face.

He looked up at the apartment and hit ah he with his shoulder. "I really want to drop that woman off the balcony. It's over."

Ah Ho said, "it's not worth sacrificing yourself for the sake of those irrelevant people."

Fiance's ex girlfriend, is it really irrelevant?

If you don't need to pay attention to it, you don't have to come to your ex girlfriend for a showdown.

The earth is round, you will meet when you go around. Where does Ren Jiaqi know that her ex girlfriend is looking for a goat pan whom Lin manyue trusts? Instead of looking up her information, it was her ex girlfriend who revealed the cards.

This society is such a reality!

Contacts and power will add a lot to the road of life.

"Qi Xingzhi has just called. I think he is ready to give up his resistance. How to say, although he made mistakes, he was not led by his ex girlfriend's nose. On the contrary, he made me appreciate him more. "

Ah he nodded, "Miss Jiaqi, let's go up first and see what the man says."

Even if there is an enemy to face, Ren Jiaqi is not depressed, holding ahe's shoulder into the corridor.

When I ring the doorbell, it's not Ren Jiaqi or ah he. It's the bodyguard called by ah he.

After his ex girlfriend opened the door, ah he rushed up and forcibly entered his ex girlfriend's apartment, followed by Ren Jiaqi.

The ex girlfriend didn't have a physical conflict with them, holding her hands in front of her chest, which is a natural defensive posture.

"This is my house. Get out of here at once!"

Ren Jiaqi laughs miserably, as if she didn't understand her ex-girlfriend's order, and goes inside.

This kind of behavior is really a bit excessive, but is it reasonable for Ren Jiaqi to reason with her ex girlfriend?

Mobile phone is not on the body, ex girlfriend ran to the coffee table, the alarm phone has not been dialed out, the mobile phone was a he to seize“ What are you doing? Are you going to kill me? "