Turning a deaf ear, Sheng hanxuan comes straight to the full moon.

The routes are not biased.

Adults actually understand that the handsome man in a suit is not a balloon seller, but a balloon buyer.

All kinds of colorful childlike balloons are bought for the beautiful woman in front of the restaurant.

Balloons are not precious. In a sense, they are cheap.

However, this kind of gift, like watching a big play, is reluctant to look away.

Beautiful things and beautiful people are always liked.

Walking to Lin manyue, Sheng hanxuan asked, "which one you like, you can choose."

"Mom, the uncle is giving away balloons. I'm not as beautiful as my sister. Can I have one too?" The innocent question of little girl, listen to Lin manyue smile.

The uncle who sells balloons only gives beautiful balloons to people.

Lin Man Yue takes Sheng Da Lao's hand and takes him to the little girl who envies to get the balloon.

There is a big family, the elder should be grandparents.

Squatting down, Lin manyue said, "when you grow up, you will be beautiful, just like snow white."

To get up and choose from a pile of balloon lines, elder brother Sheng goes one step ahead of her and finds snow white to separate from the balloon pile and hands it to Lin manyue.


His speed, let's not talk about it.

How to tell which pattern is Snow White's?

Besides data books and economics, has Mr. Sheng read fairy tales?

No way.

As grandma and Song Zi have said, he is young and mature, which can be summarized as jumping from childhood to adulthood.

Not even adolescence, not even childhood, where do you know Snow White?

The little girl is waiting like a star. Lin manyue first hands snow white to the little girl. When she hears that the little girl says thank you, she doesn't reply with a polite expression, and pulls Sheng aside.

"I want Cinderella."

With that, Sheng finds Cinderella out of the balloons and hands it to her.

what the hell!

It's still speed.

He has a good memory. This is what Lin manyue knows. Can he remember these fairy tale characters at a glance?

So, Lin manyue said all the characters in a bunch of balloons.

There are characters with phone stories and some cartoon characters. He didn't deliver the wrong one.

Fairy tale read, can also be said to be a book, cartoon, he also read?

Did Mr. Sheng watch the cartoon?

That picture is really beautiful

The first-hand hydrogen balloon, Lin manyue ignored gravity, she asked: "how do you know them? What did the balloonist tell you? "

"Before Sheng Baobao was born, he wanted to be a qualified father and preview these contents. I didn't use it on Sheng Baobao. I used it on little apple first. "

Lin manyue

Still listen to the little apple.

Before the birth of the child, they did not check the gender. What they said at the beginning was that they should wait for the arrival of a new life with expectation.

However, later she was taken away by old man Xiang. What kind of mood did he see those fairy tales and cartoons?

Are you sure she and the kids will come back?

Yes, I'm back. I'm healthy. My family is reunited.

How to think of such a sad past at such a time.

Be happy!

Lin Man Yue showed a smile, "you bought so many balloons for me, where can I wait for them to go? Put it outside, I'll feel sorry if it's stolen. "

"Bring it in." Sheng hanxuan grabs a ball of white thread, takes the responsibility of grabbing the balloon, and takes Lin manyue by the other hand to enter the restaurant.

Handsome men and beautiful women come in, which is the focus of attention.

Plus the hovering hydrogen balloon in mid air, the focus of the focus.

When the waiter came up, Lin manyue reported the telephone number and name of the order, and was led to a relatively private partition seat.

It's just a little more private than the hall. It's not a fully enclosed private room. It's separated by a bead curtain.The pure white ceiling is not very high. Once in, Sheng hanxuan let go, and the colorful hydrogen balloon was free to fly up.

With a limit, touch the ceiling to stop, white line vertical hanging, immediately to the elegant room changed decoration.

When the waiter came in to order, he was stunned after the bead curtain. He thought of the balloons in his hands when they came in.

And then there is the waiter who brings the dishes. Because of the vertical line, he still hides the white lines like playing dodgeball and puts the dishes on the table.

This is to cause trouble to others, Lin manyue bag there are still a few unfinished red packets, it was sent to the two waiters.

After dinner, Lin manyue and Sheng hanxuan gathered the balloons together.

It's really... Troubling others, not forgetting yourself.

So many balloons, in the eyes of many customers, the two left the restaurant.

When you put a balloon in the car, it's still the center of sight.

It's not easy to squeeze in. Lin manyue gets into the co pilot's seat with a faint sense of crowding.

Well, what does he buy so many balloons for?

Why is she reluctant to throw away a few?

It's just a few balloons. It's not even a drop in the ocean for her.

No, it can't be lost!

These are the names of balloons that Mr. Sheng can tell himself. I want to take them home!

If you bribe your son, you can bribe Song Zi.

Sheng family, the most childlike in addition to Sheng baby, the next is Song Zi.

At the door of the house, the car stopped. Lin manyue got off the car in a hurry and went to open the back door.

Maybe it wasn't plugged properly, so a balloon flew out.

In a hurry, I didn't catch it. I was about to fly to the sky. I didn't know when Mr. Sheng got on the top of the car and caught the white thread in time.

that was close.

Hu... Before Lin manyue was relieved, he saw that Mr. Sheng was standing on the edge of the roof.

If you're not careful, you'll fall.

Oh, I don't want to drop him for a balloon.

"Come down, be careful."

Lin manyue went to the position where he stood and stretched out her hands to catch him.

In a hurry, they did not take into account the weight gap between them.

But this action, has let Sheng hanxuan cold face flashed two seconds of tenderness.

"Step back and I'll come down."

As she did so, Lin's hands were still open to hold him, a step away from the car.

Eyes measured the distance, Sheng hanxuan think may not be enough, is likely to kick her.

Seeing her protect his arms, I don't want to lose the enjoyment.

Compromise approach, Sheng Han Xuan station to sit, sitting on the edge of the car.

Lin Man Yue jumped on him, hugged his legs and protected him tightly“ Be careful to fall