Death is a problem that many people have thought about.

Zhao Sheng, who is really going to experience death, has to think more.

Everyone will die. Even though there are many monks in the blood moon continent, there is no exception.

Cultivation is high, but it just slows down this speed. Unless we can reach the realm of dominance in the legend and become an existence with the way of heaven. Otherwise, who can escape?

But even if death is inevitable, most people still know little about death.

When death begins to come, the brain will do its best to prepare your consciousness for the afterlife.

Many people have an out of body experience when they are dying.

They will feel that they are in a peaceful place, meet their relatives, lovers and friends, feel that they are more closely connected with the universe, and can see the light at the other end of the pipeline.

Although Zhao Sheng's state at this time is not exactly like this, it is not much different.

He just wondered why he didn't feel this way when he died in his previous life?

Or did he not die in his previous life, just experienced something, and then lost that memory?

What about now? Should have begun to approach death?

"I don't want to die..." he murmured in his heart, and Zhao Sheng's consciousness gradually dissipated.

In any case, he could not imagine that he was really going to die on a small stone.

"Buzzing..." without any warning, a buzzing sound sounded in the room.

Then he saw that the whole room was full of golden light.

"Oh, it's really not easy for me. I still expect to have a beauty sleep. You've just closed your eyes, but something's wrong again." a lazy voice appeared in Xinpo's room.

For a moment, master Qingyuan and Xinpo could not help feeling a little nervous. As for Yunyi, he was still worried about Zhao Sheng's situation at this time. He didn't notice the lazy voice obviously belonging to a woman.

"Who are you!" master Qingyuan jumped into the air and stood in front of Zhao Sheng.

Even if the woman suddenly appeared in front of her, her appearance was extremely beautiful. With her perfect face and hot figure, she could definitely be called a beauty.

But the more beautiful a woman is, the more dangerous she is. This truth was already known by master Qingyuan before he entered the path of cultivation. In addition, this woman can appear quietly without causing them to be alert, which is enough to show the horror of her strength. I can't help being careless.

After all, the only one who saw the green dragon in shape was Zhao Sheng, who was in a coma at this time.

"It doesn't matter who I am." Qinglong said coldly, with no interest in revealing his identity: "as long as you know that only I can save him now."

It can only be said that the dragon family was so miserable by the human pit in those years that Qinglong was not even interested in taking a look at anyone except Zhao Sheng.

Qingyuan master narrowed his eyes and finally made way for some distance.

Zhao Sheng's injury can't be cured. I'm afraid it's too late to find someone else. Then the only hope at this time falls on this beautiful but unidentified person.

"Hoo." he breathed out a breath, and Qinglong observed the specific situation in Zhao Sheng's body.

According to the five elements, the green dragon is partial to wood. And wood is more inclined to the existence of all things and quiet world.

If even she can't save Zhao Sheng, I'm afraid it can only explain one thing, that is, Zhao's life should be like this, but he can't escape death.

Slowly open the eyes just closed in order to visit Zhao Sheng's body. She did hear what Qingyuan Master said just now, but to be on the safe side, she chose to explore it herself.

"Hmm..." Qinglong frowned obviously.

Even excluding the years she spent in the green dragon spear, the time she lived in the world and her experience are by no means comparable to that of all the people present.

But even so, she had never seen a body refining monk who would be dying because of an insignificant small stone.

You know, Zhao Sheng is a body refining monk who is about to reach the realm of Yuanying. The number of human body refining friars with such accomplishments on the blood moon continent is even rarer than those with the realm of transforming God.

"Girl, how's my disciple?" master Qingyuan stared at Qinglong nervously.

His eyes are so straight. If he doesn't know the master of Qingyuan, I'm afraid he will feel that he has a crush on Qinglong at this time.

"It's not a big problem, just..." Qinglong paused in his voice: "I just need you to avoid it. My ancestors have taught me that all treatment methods are not allowed to be peeped by anyone."

"But!" master Qingyuan stared and wanted to say something.

"Master Qingyuan, let's go out. If we delay any longer, younger martial brother will really..." Yunyi, with red eyes, pulled master Qingyuan's arm and wanted to pull him out of the room.

"Yes, Qingyuan, let's go." Xinpo advised Qingyuan master with Yunyi.

"Girl, I haven't begged anyone in Qingyuan's life, but I beg you, no, please save my disciple." the master of Qingyuan said, trying to kneel to the ground.

In just a few months, he gained a kind heart, which not only suits his heart, but also meets his desire to talk. The apprentice who fought with him for several times also got his heart woman who has been waiting for him for a hundred years.

With the cultivation of transforming the divine realm, master Qingyuan can have a life of about 1000 years. At this time, he has only lived for more than 200 years and has a lot of good times waiting for him.

But no matter how much time he has left, he can't change his loneliness of the previous 200 years, nor can he change his idea that he doesn't want to lose his only apprentice.

Qinglong picked his eyebrows and eyes, and gently picked his fingers. If master Ren Qingyuan wanted to kneel down again, he couldn't do it at all.

"Don't worry, I'll save him." Qinglong said. With a slight push of his palm, Yunyi, Xinpo and the confused Qingyuan master were directly sent to another room.

"Hoo..." sighed softly, and the green dragon sealed all the gaps in the room with a mass of aura.

Then she saw her right hand slowly put on the wound on Zhao Sheng's back. After that, he quickly clicked nine points on Zhao Sheng's back with his left hand attached with a thin aura.

"Bear it, it may hurt." Qinglong didn't know whether Zhao Sheng was conscious at this time, but she still said it, as if she were talking to herself.

"Poof!" the stone was forcibly pulled out by the green dragon, and a lot of blood and aura poured out madly.

Qinglong pressed one hand on it, trying to delay the overflow of blood and aura, while the other hand gently took off his clothes.