With a bang, all residents within a hundred miles around Feihuang city felt an unprecedented sense of vibration, and many houses within this range collapsed like pieces of paper almost in an instant.

Almost subconsciously, everyone felt that it was enough to attack a strong earthquake that threatened the human life of the whole city.

They want to leave the building and run to the open area, but they are terrified to find that they can't even walk away with their own legs.

But fortunately, this frightening situation lasted only three or four breaths.

After that, it disappeared as if it hadn't happened at all.

At the same time, after that, there were countless artificial explanations about this emergency in Feihuang city.

But no one knows the specific real situation. Because at this time, Zhao Sheng and others who can spread the real situation are standing on the "drawing paper" in the Qin family residence.

And this piece of drawing paper is no longer what it looked like before.

"Hiss..." Zhao Sheng covered the huge wound on his shoulder, and the strong pain made him keep breathing.

It was the strongest collision in the flying Yellow City in nearly a thousand years.

In addition to the violent vibration within a hundred miles of FEIHUANG City, the most direct consequence is that the pen head of the brush was cut off by the answer. Zhao Yaojing, who flew out, fell to the ground like a green dragon. And... Zhao Sheng, who manipulated and split 725 long swords, was stabbed in the shoulder by a broken magic sword.

Zhao Sheng has every reason to believe that with the powerful power of the explosion, the person who writes and paints can't pull his pen away at all, and can't control the scale of the collision and explosion.

But the man, knowing that there was no way to avoid, gently moved his pen.

Although this move did not change the result that half of the pen tip was cut off, it made a magic sword, after being wrapped by his aura ink, vaguely possessed a trace of entity, and then flew to Zhao Sheng's neck berth.

When he painted, Zhao Sheng gave birth to another 724 magic swords based on the prefecture level sword. At his slightest touch, he could become a real general. This had to make Zhao Sheng marvel, even if the magic sword, which already had a trace of entity, was flying towards his neck.

Zhao Sheng, who endured the great pain of both meridians and body, watched the magic sword flying towards him. He could easily make an evasive action on weekdays, but he couldn't do it anyway.

"I've killed the person who whipped you. The real murderer who made you look like this is about to die... This should be the best apology to you..." Zhao Sheng murmured softly, saying something to Feng Shuchen who should still be in the room not far away.

Even though, she may not be able to hear it at all. But after Zhao Sheng finished, he felt very relaxed.

If his neck is broken, if he is a body refining friar in the realm of transforming God or fitting body, he may still live and slowly give birth to his body and limbs, but only Zhao Sheng in the realm of golden elixir will die.

"Pooh!" the sound of a sharp blade into the flesh sounded in the still existing painting world.

But the magic sword that should have passed through Zhao Sheng's neck only passed through his right shoulder.

The powerful momentum, with the aura instilled by the person who wrote and painted on the magic sword, smashed the bones and flesh of Zhao Sheng's right shoulder in a moment.

Such an injury must be a serious injury, but it is much lighter than a broken neck.

Zhao Sheng turned his head and looked at his right side. A man in black who was wrapped in a lot of loose black clothes knelt on the ground and couldn't help wearing coarse clothes.

Feng Shuchen, the name flashed through Zhao Sheng's mind.

It turned out that he was saved by Feng Shuchen, whose strength was unknown, but his accomplishments should only be congenital. He dissipated a lot more than before, but he still ran over under the pressure of Zhao Sheng.

One moment, he was still murmuring and confessing to Feng Shuchen. The next moment, Feng Shuchen really endured the pressure enough to crush her body and ran out to save Zhao Sheng.

Coercion, which seems only to be able to restrict biological action, can actually cause serious injury to people. In particular, Feng Shuchen's cultivation is not high, and he can't use Reiki to adequately protect his body and internal organs and meridians.

If she stays still, the pressure won't do much harm to her.

But she just ran towards Zhao Sheng at a high speed.

It's hard to imagine how much harm it would do to her. How much pain she endured and did it all.

"Thank you... Hiss..." Zhao Sheng, who wanted to thank him, just spit out a character, and he can only keep sucking cold breath because of the strong pain stimulation of his shoulder, internal meridians and body flesh and blood.

In his Dan mansion, only a trace of Xuanqi remained after rapid consumption after cross-level use, which was quickly transformed into Reiki, and the split magic sword was rapidly disappearing.

No matter what the painter will do next, Zhao Sheng, who has almost completely exhausted his aura and seriously injured his shoulder, has lost his ability to fight again.

"Angao..." "master..." Zhao Yaojing, who was slightly injured, used his petite body to carry Qinglong, who was countless times smaller than his peak state, but still countless times larger than it, and approached Zhao Sheng.

Not long ago, his accomplishments had reached the later stage of the golden elixir realm. Zhao Sheng, who was only one step away from the Yuanying realm, did not expect that he would still encounter such a powerful attack with his current strength.

Even after he and Qinglong were seriously injured in the later stage of Jindan territory and Zhao Yaojing, who was trained in the middle stage of Yuanying territory, was not seriously but not lightly injured, the painting world maintained by the person who wrote and painted still exists.

At this time, it can be said that Zhao Sheng has exhausted everything and reached the point of running out of ammunition and food. The rest, whether to live or die, can only be resigned to fate.

"Da..." some stiff footsteps came.

Zhao Sheng looked at the source of the voice. He saw a beautiful man in white robe striding towards them, with neatly combed hair, handsome face, indifferent expression and stiff facial features. He was holding a huge brush with half of the tip of a pen broken.

This is the man who wrote and painted.

"Master... His eyes..." Zhao Yaojing had the best eyesight and was the first to find the most strange thing about men.

Immediately, Zhao Sheng looked into the eyes of the white robed man. I saw that the man's strange eyes were two different pupil colors of gold and silver!

That is, these two different pupils are emitting extremely cold and fierce light at this time, which brings infinite sense of oppression to Zhao Sheng and others!