Five people can't do everything originally. If there is another partner who is drunk and always wants to sleep, let alone guard Qingyan city and kill more monsters, even whether they can walk down the wall alive is definitely a big problem.

How to live better is always the core issue in people's hearts. Except for some extreme cases, good death is never better than living.

At this time, the same is true in the face of a serious life-threatening crisis.

"Ah! Congenital demon!" a very sharp voice above the city wall, as if with a penetrating nature, floated directly to the ears of the people standing under the inner wall of the city.

The cloud above Qingyan city seems to be more dense.

The congenital demon finally came out. Will there be monsters in the realm behind it? No one knows.

"Old Sir, after going up to the wall, my brother and I will listen to your command." standing in the queue, Zhao Sheng dragged Liu Hao and said respectfully to the old man.

In this world where the strong are respected and the strength is respected, if you have no strength and cultivation, even if your identity is very noble and your background is very strong, you will still be despised.

But as long as you have strength, no matter what your status is, even if you are a tramp, you will be respected. Of course, if you really have enough strength, it is basically impossible to become a tramp.

"Hmm..." the old man said with a long and short sound.

But what the old man didn't know was that his almost subconscious response shocked Zhao Sheng's mind: "what? The way of response... Seems..."

The old man's just reply was not long or short, and there was a slight tone change in the middle. Zhao Sheng, who is a man of two generations and is good at changing his appearance, knows very well that whoever is good at camouflage and strength is often the most difficult to change his subconscious behavior.

But the old man with white beard could really be that person... Shook his head, and Zhao Sheng forced himself to forget what he had just thought.

"Go to the city wall!" the mysterious man gave an order and suddenly interrupted Zhao Sheng's extremely confused thoughts.

Immediately, 2500 people of 500 teams, under the escort of 300 guards, walked up the west wall along the stairs.

Up on the wall, Zhao Sheng finally understood why the mysterious man chose to use that kind of forced command. Because, outside the city wall at this time, there are many congenital demons, accompanied by their constant terror.

How terrible are congenital monsters?

For example: if human beings with the acquired cultivation want to defeat large monsters with the same cultivation, at least two people need sincere cooperation. How many people do you need when a human who only has acquired cultivation bumps into a large monster with congenital cultivation? Or what does it mean? It means slaughter.

Yes, it's a massacre, a unilateral massacre! The gap between cultivation and strength makes it easy for the congenital demon to kill the acquired human beings, no matter how many people come.

Moreover, in addition to the word "slaughter", Zhao Sheng could not think of any words that could describe the things done by those ferocious monsters so aptly.

After all, all this just happened once on the wall.

The wall of Qingyan city has a full height of 20 meters, which can be regarded as the boundless Dynasty. The height of all cities is relatively high.

But such a height can't hold the crazy monster at all. With the bodies of their dead companions and even their living bodies, they pile up a long ladder of corpses!

"The creature that commands these monsters... Is so powerful."

Before, Zhao Sheng didn't understand why the battle at the beginning seemed so easy.

Now, he understands. Unfortunately, it seems a little late.

The gate is made of meteorite iron. It is extremely hard. It is unlikely that monsters want to break through the closed gate. The tunnel can only be used for some small monsters that can not cause substantial damage to Qingyan city.

Although monsters are strong, one thing is that they can't compare with humans in any case, that is, the ability to use tools.

Even if some monsters can turn into human shapes when their cultivation reaches a high level, they still can't use tools like humans.

If they want to capture Qingyan city and find the demon smelting pot, they must first cross the Great Barrier of the city wall.

Siege, if it is human, when the city gate cannot be broken and can only be forcibly attacked, we must use the city ladder to allow soldiers to climb the wall.

But monsters don't have ladders. What about them? Nature is like the beginning, using those weak monsters that can climb up and down as gun slag only in the early days of the day after tomorrow, even without cultivation.

As for why not cannon fodder, but cannon slag? Naturally, the cannon fodder will dissipate in the air, and the cannon residue can stack a long ladder in front of the city wall!

At this moment, Zhao Sheng was stunned and suddenly felt some emotion.

The weak, whether human or monster, will not have real freedom in this world. Even your own life is difficult to control by yourself.

As I said before, this is a war of competition and consumption. At present, the consumption is not other, but wave after wave of cannon fodder, or gun slag.

After being stunned, Zhao Sheng looked up and suddenly found that the old man with white beard was looking at himself.

Just as Zhao Sheng wanted to apologize for running away, he suddenly saw a big dog the size of a lion pouncing on the old man where the old man couldn't see it.

As a reminder, it's too late, but does Zhao Sheng have to look at the old man with the highest cultivation in his team and die on the spot?

"You long!" Zhao Sheng whispered and rushed forward. At the same time, he took down the green dragon gun behind him with his right hand.

"Bang!" with the sound, Zhao Sheng was shocked by the anti earthquake force, and then sat down on the ground.

Although the world's martial arts are only fast, there are also four or two ways to pull a thousand pounds. However, in the face of absolute power, these do not exist.

"What's the matter with me?" Zhao Sheng bared his teeth and felt the injury in his body. At the same time, he kept asking himself: "I said I don't want to be a good man again, but seeing this situation, why... I still can't control it."

Countless miserable times have made Zhao Sheng, who vowed to be a good man in his previous life, suffer all the hardships.

In his previous life, he had been trying to explore three things: the origin of good and bad, the reason for the war between gods and demons, and the method of resurrection... Unfortunately, what he wanted to do was just at the beginning, and was put to death by the spokesmen of the terms of glory, justice and good!