Is this a bad idea?

Just then the door was opened again.

"Eh? Mr. Taylor, it's so early."

"Lord Gaozong..."

"Why haven't you gone back?" Gao Ge glanced at the two girls with some doubts.

The two girls didn't dare to speak and could only look at Taylor pitifully.

Taylor didn't say to let them go, and they didn't dare to move under their feet.

Seeing the song staring at himself, Taylor coughed and hurriedly said, "you go back first."


"By the way, and you, take the money."

Although the other party didn't pay anything, just played poker with singing all night, Taylor's character certainly won't care about these small money.

After they left, Taylor turned his face and looked at the song with some trepidation. His mood was very complicated.

Did you misunderstand?

Singing doesn't like this kind of woman?

Or do you not understand the taste of singing?

For a moment, Taylor was confused.

Maybe I still need to investigate.

At this time, singing began.

"Tell me, how much did you pay for those two?"

Taylor looked embarrassed and whispered, "five million a person."

"Five million?" Gao Song took a breath, "it's not cheap."

Suddenly, singing and thinking of something, suddenly stunned.

"Five million pounds?"

Taylor nodded. Isn't that inevitable?

Singing, one hand pinching his own people.

If this is converted into Chinese coins


That's almost 100 million!

"Do you have a bubble in your brain?" Singing is blowing hair.

He wanted to make complaints about him.

You have this money. Can't you just give it to me?

Originally, Gaoge thought that he won hundreds of thousands last night, but now Gaoge knows that he is still too young.

But in this case, he can't say it in front of Taylor, otherwise the other party will have to misunderstand himself. He doesn't care about asking for money.

It's also considered that people don't fall into the country now

(this chapter is not finished, please turn the page)

It represents the face of China. I can't say such shameless words. This is a dumb loss.

Taylor looked very angry at singing, and his heart was even more flustered.

"Lord Gaozong, don't be angry. If you are not satisfied with these two, I'll change them for you later!"

"Change your grandmother's head..." shouted a curse, turned and destroyed the house.

Taylor took a deep breath and looked at the closed door. After a long silence, he took out his mobile phone and called the housekeeper.

"Find a picture of my grandmother, and then find a woman to look like her, her head... Change my grandmother's head... That should mean, but I didn't expect that the taste of Emperor Gaozong was so strange. It seems that I'm still too young!"

However, knowing the taste of singing, Taylor's mood is much better.

The housekeeper looked a little complicated.

He felt his mind was in a mess, and maybe even his ears were out of order.


I just can't understand what the owner is saying?

"Master, is there any misunderstanding? The old lady's face? Lord Gao Zong is young. How can he like it?" Asked the housekeeper.

Taylor smiled mysteriously, shook his head and said, "you are still too young."

The Butler opened his mouth, and the wrinkles on his face formed a ravine, revealing a yellow tooth. "Thank you for your compliment," I said.

Fortunately, when I had lunch at noon, I looked at Taylor with a high song and said to him seriously, "don't stuff women with me in the future. I don't like it."


Taylor looked confused.

oh My god!

Lord Gao doesn't like women?

He asked shakily, "that... Stuffed man?"

Sing "..."

Taylor suddenly shivered.

At that moment, I didn't know if it was his illusion. In a word, Taylor felt a murderous spirit from singing.

"Shut up! I have a girlfriend! And I'm getting married soon. I don't like these!"


Looking at the look of Gaoge, Gaoge was still a little worried. He repeatedly expressed his ideas with him and was relieved only after making sure that the other party really understood.


When a good man, the pressure is too great

(end of this chapter)