In the sea of knowledge, the black-and-white grinding plate exudes amazing power, constantly erasing the spirit of the Immortal Emperor clock. The spirit is erased, leaving only the memory without emotion in the sea of knowledge.

At the same time, black and white also slowly integrated into Wang Chen's knowledge of the sea. Wang Chen can feel that his spirit and body are changing.

The first transformation of Wang Chen's talent and physique was the time when he got the Qi of yin and Yang of the five elements. Under the subtle influence of the innate Qi, Wang Chen, who originally had a very common talent, changed slowly and had some talents. Although he did not enter the fairy world, he was good in the world.

The second great transformation of talent is in the five elements secret land, the mysterious space in the five elements sky plate. The five elements talent is enhanced again, even in the fairy world.

This time, in order to get through the difficulties, the old guy helped Wang Chen and burned the original power in Wang Chen's body.

The old guy's body is mysterious, and his talent in the way of yin and Yang is terrible. It's hard to imagine. Even in the five elements secret realm, which is almost isolated from the mysterious space of the five elements heavenly way, the old guy's Yin and Yang mystery is still fast in close combat. He has been isolated by the crape myrtle emperor for thousands of years, and his cultivation has been improved.

The little black-and-white beast in the sea is part of the origin of the old guy.

After this part of the original force broke out, it quickly wiped out the spirit of the Immortal Emperor clock, and then penetrated into the spirit and body of Wang Chen.

In this process, Wang Chen can clearly feel his changes.

The soul's perception of the yin-yang Avenue is more relaxed. The previously ambiguous yin-yang Avenue has been much clearer. Even Wang Chen can slowly understand it when he sits down and closes, and his affinity for the Qi of yin-yang is becoming stronger and stronger.

The body of yin and Yang!

Wang Chen's body is rapidly changing into the body of yin and Yang. Wang Chen can even slowly feel the strength of his talent.

However, in the process, Wang Chen didn't have the heart to understand, but was running for his life.

From the beginning to the end of the war, there was less than half of Zhu Xiang's Kung Fu, while from the beginning of the explosion, there was less than 20 breath. In just 20 breath, Wang Chen had felt that there was divine consciousness sweeping, and seemed to be detecting something here.

The unimaginable sound of explosion turned the buildings, monks and all of the fairy city into ashes. Nothing remained. Wang Chen and the black-and-white beast in his arms were the only things left.

The matter of Immortal Emperor Zhong was solved. Wang Chen had no time to check carefully. He disappeared with a black-and-white beast in his arms and a five-color shuttle.

Within half an hour after Wang Chen's departure, the lights fell on the original location of Jinzhong fairy City, and then looked at the fairy city that had turned into ruins, staring at the mouth.

"How could this be possible? What happened? Why did jinzhongxian city suddenly disappear?"

"And those monks in the fairy city? Why did they disappear?"

"And what happened to the explosion?"

"Where's the Immortal Emperor of King Jinzhong's family? He can't be dead!"

"This time will definitely stir the whole crape myrtle sky, and even in the fairy world. A fairy city has just begun, and there is a very good fairy emperor."


Soon, Jinzhong immortal city disappeared, countless monks turned to ashes, and the Immortal Emperor of Jinzhong Wang's family disappeared. The news swept Ziwei day. All the monks in Ziwei day soon knew the news. It even spread to other parts of the fairyland soon.

A huge immortal city disappeared and a powerful Immortal Emperor was suspected to fall. This is a major event.

In Ziwei days, countless monks talked about it one after another, but the five element immortal sect also had many advantages. For example, most of the blessed land collected by various sects and sects in the past has been returned, and no one dares to be dissatisfied. Except for some places, there is no way, others have been returned.

Crape myrtle day, magic gate.

The three immortal emperors of the magic gate gathered together. They looked very ugly. They didn't speak for a long time. The atmosphere in the secret room was very depressed. The three immortal emperors didn't speak.

I don't know. After a long time, the Immortal Emperor said:

"This time, the Immortal Emperor Zhong of King Jinzhong's family died strangely. There are not many people who can sneak attack the Immortal Emperor. Moreover, at the cost of the whole immortal city, it can be seen that the people who took the shot are very strong, and it is very likely that they are not one person. Let's talk about our views!"

"Elder martial brother, it's my responsibility. If I hadn't been greedy for cheap and contacted taixuanmen, I wouldn't have provoked the five elements immortal sect, things would have developed to this point."

A demon sect friar said in a guilty tone. He said so. The other two immortal emperors didn't have any temper.

After all, it was agreed by three people at that time. The price given by taixuanmen was too high. The three immortal emperors agreed. It was a bit too much for him to be alone.

Immediately, another person comforted:

"Elder martial brother, don't say so. Now that the Immortal Emperor Zhong is dead, the biggest opponent of the five elements immortal sect is the magic melting gate. Let's think about how to deal with it!"

Before the siege of the five element immortal sect, although the Immortal Emperor of the huamo sect did not make a move, he had sent his disciples. It was already done. On the contrary, Wan Huoxian sect did not make a move at all, and even its disciples did not send. At the beginning, the three people laughed at this situation. Now it seems that several immortal emperors of Wan Huoxian sect are more wise.

"Well, don't talk about this, younger martial brothers. The past is over. Now it's time to discuss the future of the sect."

The leading Immortal Emperor said in a deep voice. He was silent for a while, and then said:

"Everyone knows the strength of Immortal Emperor Zhong. There are not many people who can beat crape myrtle steadily in the day. They can kill silently. The person who makes the move has great strength and can't reveal any news. The person who makes the move can be sure."

The two immortal emperors are also smart people. They also have guesses in their hearts, but they don't dare to say it. When senior brother said so, they changed their faces and didn't know what to say.

"Emperor, it must be emperor."

The Immortal Emperor, headed by him, looked frightened and worried, but shook his head and said:

"The Emperor didn't know why he wanted to hide it. If he really ordered it, the destruction of our magic melting door was only in an instant, but there was no action, so there was room. Now it depends on how the two younger martial brothers plan and what to do next."

When the two immortal emperors heard the speech, they were both contemplative and silent.

It takes a long time to speak one after another.

"Elder martial brother, listen to you this time. It's better to rely on elder martial brother for comfort."

"Elder martial brother, you make a decision!"

Both of them looked at the Immortal Emperor headed by him and said. The Immortal Emperor pondered for a while and said, "there are two options now. The first is to make peace with the five element immortal sect as soon as possible. As long as you hand over the things of the five element immortal sect before, it is estimated that it can make peace, but there are hidden dangers."

"The pottery pot should be used by taixuan gate to deal with Ziwei emperor. Since we have intervened, we can't retreat. If Ziwei emperor knows, the magic gate will die."

The voice of the Immortal Emperor contains a trace of fear. The majesty of the emperor is not comparable to that of the ordinary Immortal Emperor.

Emperor is the emperor of the fairyland one day or one place. If you want to be an emperor, the first thing to do is to make people in one world submit. Five people dare to question your majesty. Therefore, the strength of the emperor must exceed almost all fairyland.

When the five element emperor fell, the five element sky was in constant chaos. Finally, the crape myrtle emperor appeared in the sky and defeated an invincible hand. Finally, he became the emperor of crape myrtle sky and spread to the fairy world in the Ming Dynasty.

Every emperor is one of the strongest people in the fairy world.

The Immortal Emperor dared not challenge the majesty of the emperor.

Before the magic melting gate, it was just greedy for profit, and there was basically no difficulty. It was just that which pottery pot went to Xihuang mountain to collect some mysterious power. Who knew there were so many accidents later.

"We'd better not go this way. If we go, we'll break our bones if we're not careful. Now the only way is to contact the taixuan gate. Didn't they want to integrate the demonization gate into a member of the taixuan gate before? We promised him."

"Elder martial brother?"

The two immortal emperors were stunned.

"It doesn't matter," the Immortal Emperor continued, "the magic gate is given to the taixuan gate, and the taixuan gate will pay a price. Let's move the magic gate elsewhere. Anyway, there are places in the fairy world, and the taixuan gate doesn't like the magic gate."

"At that time, the taixuan gate must be against Ziwei emperor. At that time, the emperor will have no energy to worry about us. Let's change the magic gate and develop in another place."

The two immortal emperors meditated and didn't speak. After a long time, they looked at each other and said, "very good!"