The edge of the mouse's life space is filled with a dim fog and looks inconspicuous.

Only when Wang Chen tried to touch the fog, he found that he couldn't touch it at all, and even exhausted all kinds of methods, and couldn't refine a trace of such breath at all.

"Little mouse, what's the matter with the airflow at the edge of your space?"

The mouse was flying in the Thunder Valley. Wang Chen studied for a long time and asked. Then a moment later, the mouse's voice came:

"I don't know, but every time I increase my accomplishments and expand my space, there will be a lot of dim air flow outside, and then my space will become larger and more powerful."

The mouse's answer surprised Wang Chen.

"This dim air flow is not simple. It is even more troublesome than taixuan gas, Taihua gas and congenital gas?"


The mouse has a good memory, even remembering the route he escaped when he was born, but the mouse didn't go the same way. According to the mouse, that is:

I used to escape, but now I get paid. How can I take the path!

Wang Chen was speechless for a while, but if Wang Chen didn't appear in the Thunder Valley, he wouldn't be found by the monster, and there wouldn't be any big problem.

The figure of the mouse flies across the Thunder Valley. Even if it does not use evasion, it is countless times higher than ordinary monsters.

The center of the Thunder Valley is filled with dense thunder fog and flashing galloping thunder light. The thunder light is extremely terrible. Even with the body of Wang Chen's top spirit instrument, I feel numb after seeing it.

"A mere thunder light can't beat me!"

The little mouse looked at the thunder fog with disdain, but it was also reasonable. The body strength of the little mouse was a little stronger than that of Wang Chen two hundred years ago. Now two hundred years have passed. Although its strength and cultivation have not been greatly improved, its body strength has greatly increased.

Compared with the best spirit weapon, it doesn't pull a penny.

Zi! Zi!

The thunder light flickered on the mouse's body, but it had no effect. The mouse continued to fly without pressure and entered the depths of the Thunder Valley.

The deep face of Thunder Valley was also displayed in front of Wang Chen.

Thunder Valley, the name is not given casually. From the depths of Thunder Valley, the terrain drops slowly and continuously, and the body shape of the mouse also drops continuously.

"Boss, it's hard to fly up. There seems to be inexplicable resistance. I feel so uncomfortable!"

The mouse tried and complained. Although Wang Chen didn't feel the power in the mouse's space, he nodded:

"Don't fly up. The world is full of wonders. There is no high altitude in the depths of the Thunder Valley. There is a strange force isolated. You'd better fly down. Anyway, you were born under the Thunder Valley at the beginning, and the innate thunder Qi is also under the depths of the Thunder Valley."

The mouse nodded, and then walked slowly along the descending terrain, not as deep as the Thunder Valley.

It's no exaggeration to say it's slow, because after flying hundreds of kilometers, Wang Chen found that he and the mouse didn't move in the Thunder Valley.

Only the constantly changing monster around shows that the mouse has moved hundreds of kilometers.

"There are a lot of monsters, but the monsters here are almost the same as those outside. The only difference is that the monsters here are high enough to survive the robbery."

After a hundred miles of Kung Fu, Wang Chen has felt three monsters everywhere. Although he has not seen them, Wang Chen still feels the terrible cultivation of these monsters.

"Hum, what's the power? When I have a chance, I'll swallow them and turn them into my accomplishments. However, the strength of these monsters is too low, and swallowing them won't do much."

The little mouse disdained the voice of God's knowledge, but Wang Chen didn't speak.

These monsters have high accomplishments, but in terms of potential, they may not even compare with some monsters outside. It's more difficult to enter here just because their accomplishments are high enough.

Moreover, in the innermost part, the mouse once said that Lei Jiao's cultivation was only during the period of robbery.

It can be seen from this that these monsters are really ordinary, and they don't understand much. They are only boiled out by virtue of long-time Shouyuan, and their strength is very poor.

"Little mouse, continue to walk inside. Be careful of the dragon. See if there are other monsters. Pay attention to other monsters. The strength of monsters here will not be too weak."

Wang Chen said carefully through the equal contract. The mouse also knew the weight and slowly slowed down.

Further inside, the number of monsters is getting smaller and smaller, but the smell of each monster is more and more strong. Even far away, you can feel the mysterious smell emitted by these monsters.

"These monsters have understood the mystery, and they are all mysterious with thunder attribute!"

When Wang Chen saw these monsters in the mouse's space, he couldn't help but have a palpitation at the bottom of his heart and Fantasy: if all these monsters could be suppressed and refined, the mysterious attribute of thunder in the world bead would be greatly improved.

However, just for a moment, Wang Chen suppressed the idea.

Congenital thunder Qi is the most important. You can't lose big things for small things. Moreover, there are experts like Lei Jiao. Now if you swallow these monsters, you will certainly cause trouble.

"When we have a chance in the future, we must suppress and refine the demons here."

Although Wang Chen resisted the idea just now, he was still eager to improve the boundary bead. Moreover, there were too many monsters in the Thunder Valley, and suppressing some would not affect him.

Everything cannot lose its balance!

After the development of Jiezhu for so long, Wang Chen naturally has many views on many things. If he really has the strength to suppress and refine all the demons in Thunder Valley, Wang Chen will not do it.

On the one hand, at that time, Wang Chen's refining of these monsters had no great effect on Jiezhu; On the other hand, these things are against the harmony of heaven. When the robbery rises, the robbery will certainly be more troublesome.

Although many demons don't believe the second point, Wang Chen Jiezhu believed it after he developed Jiezhu.

Jiezhu is already a narrow and low-level interface, and has become an independent world. At this point, Wang Chen has a lot of feelings.

Parry's thunder light was very active and flickered in the depths of the Thunder Valley.

Fortunately, the flying figure of the mouse is well hidden. Without the magic power of survey, it is difficult for other monsters to notice.

Most monsters in the Thunder Valley are thunder attributes. They attack xuanao a lot. It's difficult to find auxiliary xuanao.

Continue to move forward, and the terrain is getting lower and lower. Even in the innermost part, there has been a thunder sea with a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers.

Endless thunder flickered in it, and the mouse looked stunned.

"Why didn't you find it so beautiful before?"

Wang Chen was surprised on his face. There was a slight tremor from the boundary bead. This feeling has not been for a long time. Wang Chen muttered to himself: "congenital thunder gas, unexpectedly there is the smell of congenital thunder gas."

PS: ask for recommendation, evaluation and support from book friends!