"Those big sects don't have to say. It's best not to provoke them, or they will be really broken, so they have to flee to the ancient battlefield in the central sea area."

Wang Chen was stunned again. "Central Sea area, ancient battlefield!"

"Yes, Tianyuan continent is mainly composed of three continents, almost all of which are separated by sea areas. Leizhou, Yunzhou and Qingzhou are in the southeast, Hezhou, Xuanzhou and Shengzhou are in the west, Luzhou, zhanzhou, Wuzhou and Bingzhou are in the north, while at the southern end of Tianyuan continent is an endless sea, including the central sea area and many monks."

Huang Tian explained:

"In the central sea area, there is a deep-sea crack connecting the ancient battlefield. You can have a look when you have time in the future, but it is very dangerous. You should be careful with the strength of Taoist friends."

Huang Tian clapped his hand and suddenly said:

"By the way, it is said that a new continent has suddenly appeared in the south, which is named Lingzhou. Many monks have gone to look for opportunities."

"However, there are experts on every continent. At least they will not be weaker than me. There are unknown dangerous places in many places. Taoist friends had better be careful, such as Leizhou."

Huang Tian said a little heavily at this time, "there are three places in Leizhou that don't go deep. One is the leiyuan of heaven and earth. There was a Sanxian who entered the deepest place. He hasn't come out since then. His strength is much stronger than me. He is the top big man in the Tianyuan continent."

When Wang Chen heard the speech, he said in his heart:

"Didn't you meet the ancestor of the thunder beast? He's not wronged at all."

Wang Chen didn't say anything. Huang Tian then said, "the second place is the Thunder Valley. A thunder Jiao suddenly appeared in the Thunder Valley tens of thousands of years ago. It was very powerful. At that time, I also fought with him. Although I won in the end, the thunder Jiao escaped into the depths of the Thunder Valley and hid, but there was nothing I could do."

"Moreover, Lei Jiao is gifted and understands a lot of mystery. He is about to turn into a real dragon and fly into the demon world. I'm afraid his strength is stronger than me. Taoist friends had better not provoke him."

Wang Chen was slightly surprised, because his cave was near Thunder Valley, and Wang Chen was going to build dadaozong near Thunder Valley in the future.

In this way, things are not so simple.

Ignoring Wang Chen's thinking, Huang Tian then said: "the third place is the million mile demon domain. Although countless monks hunt and kill the demon family this time, it is also the demon family training their younger generation. If Taoist friends go to kill at will, they will certainly lead to the pursuit of the peerless demon in Qingzhou. At that time, they can only listen to their fate."

Wang Chen was stunned. He didn't think there was such a secret, but for friars at this level, it wasn't really a secret.


Wang Chen nodded, but Huang Tian continued: "although these small forces are difficult to provoke, it's OK. After all, they won't hunt you all over the world. It's still OK."

The barren beach sighed, showing a palpitating expression.

"If you provoke the great power of taixuan gate, it will be miserable. I think there was a friar named wanwuyi 50000 years ago. He practiced sword array and understood several mysteries. His strength is very strong, but what happened in the end?"

"At last, the taixuan gate issued a kill order and paid for two immortal weapons in exchange for one's life. In the end, one doesn't know who died miserably."

"Two immortals?"

Wang Chen was a little stunned. Two immortal tools would change the life of a genius. It's a little cheap!

Huang Tian looked at Wang Chen's expression and suddenly said:

"By the way, you may not know the value of immortal tools. It's very difficult for friars to survive the disaster when they fly up. Even my defense magic power is a little dangerous. If I add an immortal tool, it's basically foolproof. If there is no cohesive magic power, the immortal tool is almost one of the necessary items to survive the disaster. Therefore, the immortal tool is very precious."

"However, it is said that hundreds of years ago, in the ancient times of the incomplete continent, many immortal weapons were born, but many were scrambled by scattered cultivation, causing a bloody storm."

Wang Chen heard the speech and smiled. He neither admitted nor denied it.

"That's all about the Tianyuan continent, but there are many nuances. Let alone three or four days, it's not clear even in three or four years. It's better for Taoist friends to travel by themselves when they have time. However, at this level of cultivation, it's basically useless to travel. Taoist friends should be more closed and understand the mystery."

Huang Tian said with a smile, but he was a little confident.

Wang Chen nodded. According to reason, when his strength reached this level, he had basically reached the top level of the Tianyuan continent, and it was of little significance to travel again.

After all, something like nine thunder wood only came out in hundreds of thousands of years.

Many things that can be regarded as great opportunities for friars in the distracted and fit period are useless for people at Wang Chen's level.

For example, it is difficult to inherit profound skills and supernatural powers. If you cultivate to this point, which one has no brilliant skills and which has no responsive supernatural powers.

After reaching this strength, what is less is the accumulation of flying into the fairy world. As for others, it is second.

If you understand the mystery enough, the defense magic is strong enough to pass the flying immortal robbery. As for the immortal weapon, it doesn't mean much.

Unless it reaches the level of nine thunder wood, refining cost immortal tools still have a role.

"With the strength of Taoist friends, it's no problem to create a big force in Leizhou. I don't know what plans you have in the future. Do you want to stay in Leizhou or leave?"

Huang Tian asked urgently, and then added:

"In fact, Taoist friends might as well stay in Leizhou. After all, Leizhou has less power and is much quieter. They won't argue constantly every day and affect their cultivation."

"I'm afraid not?"

Wang Chen smiled and said, although he didn't know the reason, the more monks at the top level represented the reduction of cultivation resources.

"Hehe, in addition to these advantages, there are also disadvantages. That is, every 5000 years, we have to compete with the great forces in Yunzhou to define the scope of each state."


Wang Chen had some doubts, but Huang Tian then explained: "in fact, it's easy to understand. Leizhou, Yunzhou and Qingzhou are almost next to each other on a continent, and the scope of each other is also artificially customized."

"Almost every 5000 years, there will be wars. The scope of winners will expand and the scope of losers will decrease. Leizhou has never won in these hundreds of thousands of years. Although I haven't lost much in these tens of thousands of years, it's also very difficult for me to carry it alone. If you come, it's much better."

Wang Chen thought for a moment and said:

"That's no problem. In the future, the sect created by my apprentice will be placed near Leizhou Leigu. Naturally, I will stay in Leizhou, but I will go out most of the time."

"That's no problem!"

Huang Tian nodded and smiled. With a monk who is not weaker than himself to help himself, Leizhou will be more stable.

Although Huang Tian's conversation was not long, he explained the main situation of the Tianyuan continent, which played a great role in Wang Chen.

After chatting for a while, they left the spirit breath of the messenger jade slips, and Wang Chen separated from Huang Tian, the leader of Ziyun Pavilion.