Endless darkness hit, unable to feel the existence of time and space.

Cultivation is useless. Wang Chen has to think constantly. Thinking about all the things from birth to now, even the weak little things, Wang Chen afterthought with relish.

It's not that Wang Chen is bored, but that he is going crazy at leisure. If he doesn't do something, even Wang Chen is worried about whether he will forget himself!

Zizi carefully considered all the things he had experienced. Wang Chen couldn't think of anything else to do.

Then Wang Chen should sit in a trance. When he is tired, he will sleep for a while. When he wakes up, he will wake up and think nonsense. He has no purpose or goal.

One year, ten years

Centuries, millennia

Ten thousand years

As time goes by, Wang Chen has stopped thinking about other things. No, it should be said that most of his memories have been turned over thousands of times, and there is no need to turn them over again!

What I began to forget is the youth's exile career. Now, the pain is too small and insignificant. There is no more except some pictures!

One of them is the master's voice of cadence: "heaven is healthy, and a gentleman is constantly striving for self-improvement; terrain is Kun, and a gentleman carries things with virtue!"


The next thing to forget is Jianghu life. The practice career of the dragon and tiger Gang is only a small beginning. Only what they learned from it is to cultivate immortals and live well. This idea has accompanied Wang Chen's life.

Then came Wang Chen's cultivation career, hunting monsters, reading jade slips, and Qian Lao's care, which gradually faded over a long time, never forgotten, but also because he never remembered!

Later, Wang Chen forgot Shi Tong and Feng Wuji.

All along, Wang Chen has always felt that Shi Tong is not very important in his heart, but there is a touch of affection! However, at this point, I realized that Shi Tong represents a blend of soul, a place that needs to be recognized, loved and can hide his soul.

Shi Tong left Wang Chen too little memory, only dozens of days in a few short years, but it took Wang Chen the most time to forget!

It goes without saying that Feng Wuji has known each other for a long time. He gets along well with Wang Chen in terms of temperament and conduct, as if he should be a brother by nature!

After all this was forgotten, Wang Chen had almost nothing, no thought, no idea, and even his vitality slowly weakened!

As if the water evaporated and disappeared, Wang Chen is slowly disappearing, not the disappearance of the body, but the disappearance of consciousness and belief!

There is a faint candle going out in the dark!

Finally, when Wang Chen was about to fail at this level, a strange breath appeared inexplicably, which turned out to be the Qi of creation in Wang Chen's body.

The Qi of creation aroused Wang Chen's last thought!

In an instant, a detached breath appeared around Wang Chen. At the last moment, Wang Chen's persistence in the bottom of his heart turned out to be detached.

Before he died, he didn't forget detachment!

When the candle is about to go out, the flame expands again! It lights up the whole space, the darkness slowly disappears, and the whole world is full of light!

When he returned to God, Wang Chen was already in the ancient palace.

Fifth level, darkness, pass.

"What's the matter? Before..."

Wang Chen's eyes gradually had a focal length and began to wake up from confusion. The previous things gradually understood and the forgotten things gradually recalled.

Only after that, Wang Chen didn't notice that his views on the previous things had changed a lot. It seems to be underestimated and underestimated a lot.

This is different from the previous disillusionment with the world of mortals, but a kind of indifference and detachment exuded from the heart!

Know calm, lose calm!

It's not that there are no joys and sorrows, no seven emotions and six desires, but that you can control it. You can't be angry when you don't want to be angry. Not deliberately to control, but from the heart so agree.

Because of the importance of these, Wang Chen has completely known. Only the most important will forget the slowest. In the dark, it gives Wang Chen great enlightenment.

This is something that other monks haven't figured out all their lives! Even an immortal cannot forget himself in the dark, and then remember it again.

Only through these experiences can we fully understand ourselves from the bottom of our heart.

The person who knows himself the most in the world is himself. At the same time, he is himself and knows himself the least.

While Wang Chen was thinking, Feng Wuji and the devil friar had gone to the sixth level, which they thought was the last level, because Wang Chen took longer than them.

"It's impossible. It's incredible that Wang Chen has stayed in the dark for millions of years. I'm afraid he has seen his true heart this time. There are few things that can confuse his mind before entering the fairyland! It's a pity that although they are rare talents, they don't understand the true meaning!"

The middle-aged ghost was shocked and then said with regret:

"These three passes are meant to hone their three passes. If they can pass through with their original heart, they will have a clear mind and see their original heart. Since then, the cultivation will be thousands of miles a day, just like a fish jumping into the sea. It's a pity that they don't understand!"

The middle-aged ghost said, and instantly sent Wang Chen into the sixth level.

In fact, the practices of Feng Wuji and the devil friars are not wrong, because they are not willing to take such great risks to experience these hardships, just like there is a cup of poisonous wine, you will drink it, and then pray that after drinking the poisonous wine, the anti toxicity will increase greatly and they can survive? This is obviously unrealistic!

If Wang Chen had not experienced the fourth level of reincarnation and had a little understanding, it would be difficult to enter without paying attention, so he would not have such a harvest. After all, with his own will and sword intention, Wang Chen can break through the darkness and vanity like the other two people, and only take it for thousands of years!

Don't spend millions of years thinking about your heart. But who has made it clear between the gains and losses!

Although Wang Chen fell behind them and entered the sixth level, he lost the first opportunity, but he just gained his heart.

The sixth level is called mortal level!

Mortals, that is, people in the secular world who can't cultivate immortals, are far worse than those who cultivate immortals! What is the most important thing for a friar, realm, magic weapon and spirit stone?


These are all empty. Only power and powerful power are fundamental. With power, you can break through the realm, just like a monk without the foundation period, but after the spiritual power in the Dantian breaks through the foundation period, you can automatically get the realm of the foundation period. As for magic weapons, spirit stones and so on, not to mention, as long as you have strength, that is how much you want and how much you have!

This level is not difficult at all. Climb the mountain!

There are only two special things that make mountain climbing an almost impossible task, especially for those who cultivate immortals.

First: the mountain is eighteen thousand feet high and the weather is unpredictable!

Second: the state and mana of the monk's whole body and other forces related to the immortal disappeared. It's like a normal person who suddenly lost his eyes and then had to climb the mountain after his legs and feet were broken.

You can imagine the suffering of the sixth level.