Han Xiuqing heard, this just understand the original thing is so urgent.

The address of the ancient cave appears on the Internet, so it doesn't take long for a group of immortals to come. They must be quick.

So Han Xiuqing immediately went back to the tent and packed up her things. At this time, Cang Lei's voice sounded again, "get up quickly, let's start right away. There's no need to collect the tent. I'll leave two people to collect the tent. The others will gather in the car now!"



Loud sound, Wang Feng back a few meters, eyebrows can not help a wrinkle.

He was speechless. He had no idea that he would come across this scene.

Before the first one came to the ancient cave, he also found that it didn't need him to open it at a certain time or on the spot. Instead, it was a cave that had been built long ago, so it didn't take much effort to get in.

But he came along the long corridor to a flat ground in the depth of the cave, and met a guy blocking the way.

If it's a living guy, forget it, but it's a... Wooden man!

Not even a robot, but because of the secret prohibition, this wooden man is really sharp. Wang Feng can't break it with two moves in a row.

This shows how powerful the master of this ancient cave is. Of course, in addition to his strength, the master of this cave is also proficient in secret array.

At least Wang Feng won't be able to drive wooden people.

So for a moment, he can't find a way to break the array. Of course, he doesn't intend to break the array. After all, this array can stop him or the people behind him.

So he had to rush into the corridor behind the wooden man before he could react.

Can have two moves in a row, can't hit the wooden man out of balance, Wang Feng can't find a chance to rush in.

And he doesn't dare to use strong attack. If it's broken, it's cheaper for the people behind.

So it's hard for Wang Feng to stop him and not break him. That's why he spent more than ten minutes here.

But now, he already knew how much strength he should use!

Heart read a move, Wang Feng suddenly rushed forward, hands for the palm, a palm clapped in the wooden man's chest.

"Step on, step on..."

The wooden man couldn't resist it. He stepped back three steps and hit the wall heavily. At this time, Wang Feng had turned into a light Hong. He flew past the wooden man and flashed into the long corridor.

Entering the corridor and clapping his hands, Wang Feng turned his head and watched the corridor return to the central position, with his back to the motionless wooden man. He couldn't help laughing and wanted to stop him?

you must be dreaming!

Just as Wang Feng rushes into the corridor, suddenly a noisy voice comes in, and Wang Feng frowns.

He did not expect that the speed of those immortals should be so fast!

From the sound, it can be judged that there are many immortals on the shore now, and the noise can be heard here!

So Wang Feng's body flashed and quickly swept toward the cave.

He has to be faster!


"Is this the place, martial uncle?"

Han Xiuqing looked at the lush Island, some doubt asked.

Cang Ye nodded, his eyes were not on Han Xiuqing, nor on the island, but on a yacht parked on the shore.

Cang Lei also looked at the yacht, and Cang Ye looked at each other, both of them were cautious.

Cang Lei, in particular, didn't expect that when he saw both maps, he immediately called for people to set out, but he was still chased ahead.

He was very curious. Who was the man who was ahead of them?

There's no time to think about it. Cangye knows that there are many immortals coming. They must hurry!

"Well, don't look around. From now on, work in groups of three and start to search for the island. Once you find the entrance to the cave, let's whistle."

At the end of cangye's command, he suddenly heard a roar!

As soon as he frowned, he rushed forward. The figure was about to disappear, and his voice came slowly. "No need to group, everyone follow me!"

He heard the roar. It was obvious that there was a battle somewhere. If there was a battle on this island, it was definitely in the cave!

All the disciples had to catch up with him. Cang Leihu was in the middle of the team to prevent any wild animals or people from sneaking attack.

They ran for a while and almost lost the martial uncle. Then they suddenly saw that the martial uncle was standing quietly not far ahead. In front of him, there was a hole that could accommodate three people to enter side by side.

At this time, strange cries came from the depth of the cave. Obviously, this was the entrance of the ancient cave.

The surrounding area of this cave is very old. The rocks are very weathered and the ground is covered with moss. It is obvious that it has been abandoned for many years.

"Now three people in a row, follow me in." With that, Cang Ye immediately went to the cave, and Cang Lei quickly called out to the team, "the disciples of the fifth level of Qi training divided two guards at the end of the team." After ordering the stronger disciple to break up, he rushed to chase cangye. After all, this cave looks dangerous, so cangye can't face it alone. He must support him at any time. The two martial uncles went in, and the disciples quickly went together, three at a time, toward the cave. After all the people of haotianzong went into the cave, soon the whole island became lively, and three groups of immortals arrived at the same time. Besides yuluozong, who published the map, a team of more than 40 people, plus the other two groups, there are more than 100 people on the shore of the island, which is very noisy. When they were still driving on the boat, before they reached the shore, these people saw that there were many yachts, large and small, on the shore, which made them extremely unhappy that there were so many people in front of them. Especially the people of yuluozong, they are the winners of the other half of the map. If they don't publish the map, they don't want to find the island, even Mao doesn't want to see it! There was a great gap and unhappiness in his heart. Everyone in yuluozong was tense and angry. As soon as he got off the boat, he immediately acted, thinking that he could not catch up with the people in front, at least he had to catch up with the other two groups of people. Other people were not willing to lag behind, so when the boats didn't stop well, they jumped out of the boat one after another. Some of them jumped directly into the water and fell all wet and funny. At this time, the sound of breaking water came not far behind. When they looked back, they saw a large group of boats coming rapidly. They were even more surprised and rushed to the front. They had only one idea in their heart, that is... Hurry up!