People see, mouth is rapidly open, the heart of shock began to open.

And Wang Feng narrowed his eyes. If, according to common sense, a haggard old man gets such a blow, his bones will definitely be broken and can't be broken any more, and he can't die any more.

However, this old man is a monk, and there is very few of him, so Wang Feng thinks that he can't be solved so easily.

Sure enough, when Zhu Lao's fist was about to hit, a thick black fog spread quickly from the haggard old man.

All of a sudden, he covered the haggard old man's body. Zhu was shocked, but his fist was old and could not be recovered. He could only roar and smash it out.


There was a loud noise, which suddenly exploded in the whole mountainside. People felt a great pain in their eardrums.

The old Zhu, who was hit with one punch, flew straight backward, fell on the ground and then stepped back until he stepped back in front of Zhu and was stabilized by Zhu.

Just as everyone saw it, Zhu's fist directly bombarded the black fog. At the moment of being bombarded, the black fog, which was extremely irregular in shape, suddenly turned into a flat plane.

When he hit Zhu Lao, the black fog mirror only sank slightly and there was a depression. But the depression immediately rebounded, and Zhu Lao's bullet flew out. Then the mirror was restored to its original state without any damage.

People were shocked to see that they couldn't break through a layer of black fog with their fiery fists. This

Zhu also felt that his face was dull, and his face suddenly turned red and purple. He didn't know whether it was Qi or the rebound of Qi.

Zhu was a little surprised. He turned his head and looked at Zhu.

In the scene just now, he also saw that Zhu's offensive was not strong.

Even he did not dare to take it easily.

What's more, Mr. Zhu made a surprise attack, and even he didn't react.

But the opponent can defend in an instant, and it's still such a strange move.

Even more unexpectedly, the other side blocked down, but also blocked so easily!

This man is really weird.

After the surprise, the hearts of the people, there was a strong suspicion.

The move of the ancient warrior is absolutely not like this. What is the holy of the withered old man?

Zhu Lao and Zhu Lao also looked at each other, their faces, only a thick cautious.

People don't know, but they know that in this world, there are not only ancient warriors, but also practitioners.

Because the practitioners are extremely rare, they are not known, but they have reached the realm of Huajin. They are well-informed and naturally know the existence of the practitioners.

They also know how terrible the monks are.

Zhu Lao has even dealt with people who practice Taoism, but he has never met such a strong one as this one. Now it's his first time.

After pondering for a while, Mr. Zhu came forward with a bow and said gently, "you are a monk. Please forgive me for our disrespect."

The black fog disappeared, and the haggard old man's face came out, which was as flat as before, but there was a faint black air on his face.

Wang Feng saw, in the heart slightly move.

Wang Feng nodded his head secretly because of the man's reaction ability and defensive moves, but his strength was not weak.

But now he saw the black air on the haggard old man's face, and he knew that it was obvious that the move just made the haggard old man cope with the sneak attack, but he was probably also attacked.

It can be seen that the strength of this monk is not as strong as what he shows. He just forcibly exerts a powerful spell that will backfire. Maybe his strength is a little weaker.

In the face of Zhu's bowing, the withered old man was not moved.

"You probably don't know that Mr. Zhu and I are all powerful people, but you have only one person. If you really want to fight, the result will be unimaginable. So it's better not to fight. I just hope you can let us go."

There are threats as well as expectations. The purpose of Zhu Lao is obviously to persuade the other party with the situation.

"If you want me to let you pass, you must leave that girl for me to enjoy, and I will let you pass."

After the black gas disappeared, the old man's turbid eyes looked at Yuan Qin, with an obscene smile on his face.

"Presumptuous!" Old Zhu said angrily, looking at the haggard old man angrily, "don't even think about it!"

Everyone came here because Yuan Qin wanted to go. If Yuan Qin stayed, what would he do in the past?

Of course, if Yuan Qin insists on staying, people will accept it, but the problem is that Yuan Qin will never agree.

If you are a handsome man, even if you are such a haggard and disgusting old man, even if you are afraid of a sow, you may not agree to be defiled by him.

Yuan Qin's face, suddenly black up, beautiful eyes glaring haggard old man, Jiao Chiu a way, "shameless!"

"Jie Jie!" Haggard old man smirk for a while, don't think, "since talk is not right, then you don't want to go in."

Looking at each other, Zhu and Zhu nodded. They had decided to join hands“ I'll see if we can get rid of you, an old whore, by joining hands. " Mr. Zhu came forward slowly and said fiercely“ Jie Jie, then you can try it! " On the face of the haggard old man, there was only deep contempt, without the slightest caution. Obviously, he was not afraid of Zhu and Zhu's cooperation“ Drink With a roar, Mr. Zhu came forward with a strong flame on his fist. It is obvious that Mr. Zhu has integrated his martial arts into his ordinary attack, so even if he is just a fist, he has a big tongue of fire. But Zhu Lao is ordinary, completely unobtrusive, just plain forward, a punch. But his attack made the haggard old man frown slightly. Wang Feng also looked at Zhu Lao, did not expect this than Zhu Lao and thin old man, attack even stronger. He just raised his eyebrows suddenly, and the haggard old man was not too afraid. He waved his hand, and a black fog filled the air and swept away towards Zhu Lao, while he turned and looked at Zhu Lao, who was attacking quickly. Hands knot ten, withered lips up and down a few times, don't know what to say, in a moment, behind the withered old man, came the sound of rustling. Then, a group of bats flew out quickly, forming a line like black cloth and attacking Zhu Lao. When they saw this, they were shocked. It was confirmed that the bats were really the pets of the withered old man. He could easily control a group of animals. This scene was too shocking. Even if I knew from Zhu Lao's mouth that the old man in front of me was a man of cultivation, the people who could summon animals were still unheard of, unheard of and terrified!