"President, Wang Feng has been solved. What's the next plan?"

At the end of the conference room, an old man with a red face, squinting closely, staring at di Wenfeng sitting in the main seat, asked.

Di Wenfeng looked up at him and said with a smile, "what do you think we should do?"

Hearing such an answer and seeing Di Wenfeng's look, the old man was suddenly surprised and quickly shook his head and said, "the president is the main helmsman of the Black Dragon Society. I only have the president's lead in everything!"

Seeing the frightened appearance of the red old man, di Wenfeng was very useful.

Whether they are outside or inside the black dragon club, di Wenfeng likes to control them. He likes to see their respectful appearance very much.

With a glance, he saw that more than a dozen people sitting at the conference table bowed their heads obediently and did not dare to look at themselves. With a faint smile, di Wenfeng was more and more pleased.

These people are all those who can go on the way. Of course, those who can't go on the way have been solved by him.

And now, he is very bold to do a big hand, just to solve the problem of Wang Feng.

This guy is against him everywhere. Naturally, he doesn't like it. Di Wenfeng has long wanted to get rid of it.

Now, he has sent six worshippers, one of whom is a rare Huajin expert in the whole ancient martial arts world, so... Wang Feng will surely die.

So it's time to think about what to do next.

As his eyes narrowed, di Wenfeng said slowly, "after killing Wang Feng, the Tang family will be ours..."

"It's interesting to watch a group of frogs in the well hold a meeting." A gentle voice came slowly from the corner, and the tone was full of irony.

Hearing the words, they were surprised and looked at the corner. Then they saw a young man leaning against the wall standing behind a potted plant.

Seeing this man, people were shocked, and some people stood up directly.

After all, in such a secret base conference room of the black dragon club, there was a stranger who broke in. How could it not be surprising?

Especially the two men sitting at the bottom of the table, they are powerful, but no one can see them standing under their eyes. This kind of thing makes them feel numb.

"Who are you?"

Wang Feng distance from the nearest two people, suddenly out of the voice angry shouts, but after questioning, they did not stand still, but immediately shot.

Because, they feel, Wang Feng's body has a strong threat, after all, take him down first!

So, two people Huodi riot, at the same time toward Wang Feng shot.

See two people that fast speed, don't guess to know, these two people strength is strong, estimate to have dark strength.

So Wang Feng light smile, slowly said, "I said. Where are the two other offerings? They used to hold a meeting here. "

The words finish saying, two fists have already hit, that fist quick astonishing!

But even so fast two fists, in Wang Feng's eyes, but slow as a snail.

Just as the two fists were about to hit his head, he turned his head and quickly dodged two deadly attacks.

Then, with a flash of his body, Huo rushed forward and grabbed them by the neck.

Then, he turned around and swung his hands, throwing them out.

Two hundred jin people, to his hands, like scraps of paper in general, light as nothing.

And Wang Feng this throw, two people toward the conference table fly out, and then boom, two people like shells, directly smashed the conference table out of two huge holes.

At the next moment, the thick conference table, which was bombarded by a huge force, collapsed with a bang, and the dust rose one after another.

The people at the table were shocked. They quickly got up and retreated crazily, and ran towards the inside. They wanted to stay away from Wang Feng.

This man is terrible!

The two worshippers of the Black Dragon Society couldn't get a move in his hands, so he grabbed them and smashed them into the floor.

Such a terrible person, let them see the heart cold.

They all crowded together and looked at Wang Feng in horror, while Di Wenfeng was among them. He also twisted his eyebrows and looked at Wang Feng.

"Who are you?"

He was very confused. According to the truth, huajingong and others were dealing with Wang Feng outside. No one could come in.

As for this, he would never believe that it was Wang Feng or the Tang family. After all, in the face of the fierce Huajin worship, it is absolutely impossible for him to miss the net.

The power of power is unmatched!

Wang Feng thought to himself that the chairman of the black dragon association was really dignified. At this moment, his subordinates didn't dare to offend him.

Originally, Wang Feng didn't know the president of the black dragon club, but he had just solved the problem of outside defense for more than a dozen people. It had been a while since he came in. Naturally, he heard the red old man ask the president how to solve the problem. Then, this young man is president Di Wenfeng.

When Di Wenfeng asked his name, Wang Feng naturally would not hide it. With a faint smile, he said, "I am the one who will die in your mouth, Wang Feng."

Smell speech, the public instantly froze, eyes wide open, like wooden chicken general! Wang Feng? Huajin worships Diyuan, isn't it to solve him? How can he live? What about Diyuan? Everyone was stunned, just a strength of looking at Wang Feng, almost unbelievable. While Di Wenfeng frowned tightly and couldn't help shouting angrily: "impossible!"“ You can't live if di gongfeng does it Hear Di Wenfeng's words, Wang Feng head suddenly out of black line, can't live, then he is now how to return a responsibility? This guy has blind faith in the worship of Huajin! Wang Feng knows that it's not just Di Wenfeng, but many people have this idea. And the fact is the same, in ancient martial arts, strength, on behalf of the win. But Wang Feng is not an ancient warrior. As an immortal, unless the ancient warrior is too strong, he has countless ways to win. This is the self-confidence of the cultivators, and also the strength of the cultivators“ It's a coincidence that I'm alive, and what you said about Di Gong has already paved the way for you to go underground, not only him, but also some other guys in the later period of dark strength. " After hearing Wang Feng's words, everyone was shocked. Although I thought of this, when I heard that Diyuan died and other offerings died, everyone's heart sank completely and was filled with fear“ It's impossible... "In the crowd, someone sobbed like this, but the tone was very weak. Although there is no evidence, but Wang Feng appeared here, is the evidence! This means that, Diyuan and others, really did not stop him! And he just a move to solve the two dark strength later worship, is also evidence! Therefore, the people became more and more frightened and found that their legs began to swing.