The tail of the swamp beetle was pierced by the little black claw, but it was not so simple. The little black claw was as terrible as the body of the swamp beetle, because it was poisonous!

And it's not ordinary poison. At present, even if the poison on Xiaohei's claws is stained by a fourth-order Warcraft, it's also very likely to die. However, this swamp beetle is too big to die, but it has to suffer.

The toxicity broke out in an instant. With the rapid spread of the blood of the swamp beetle, the 60 meter long body of the swamp beetle kept twisting wildly and looked terrible!

Qin Tian, who was still in the air, was suddenly entangled by a rope. Then he and Xiao Hei were pulled by the rope, finally corrected their direction and landed on the bank.

It turned out that the rope was thrown out by Princess Luo. As soon as they got ashore, they immediately looked like the broken Qin Tian. When they saw that Xiao Hei was drawn by the giant tail of the swamp, they almost screamed out. However, the imagined picture of Xiao Hei being drawn into a blood mist did not appear, but they saw Xiao Hei flying out of Qin Tian's arms.

Princess Luo made a quick decision. I don't know why she prepared such a long rope, which came in handy at this time.

They took Qin Tian and Xiao hei and retreated some distance. Then they looked at the crazy swamp beetle with fear. If the swamp beetle could get ashore, it would be very simple. They couldn't escape!

The swamp beetle twisted its body crazily. Xiaohei's poison made it miserable. A pair of huge snake eyes turned and stared at Princess Luo and others.


He retreated in fear and screamed. However, no matter how much the swamp beetle stared, it didn't make preparations to go ashore. It seems that Qin Tian's guess is indeed correct. The swamp beetle is limited by something and can't go ashore.

After confirming that there was no danger in the swamp, they slowly continued to throw a distance in front with Qin Tian and Xiao Hei. They walked around a corner in front, and suddenly a thundering cave appeared in front of them!

"Ah! Leize cave! " Princess Luo shouted in surprise, "this must be Leize cave. That's right. I didn't expect to see Leize cave so soon after swamp road!"

Wan Hai was also ecstatic. Looking at the cave ahead, he said excitedly:

"Elder martial sister Luo, now we can go in as long as elder martial brother Qin and Xiaohei recover!"

Hearing the speech, Luo Jinfei looked at Wan Hai in surprise, because she meant the same. If Qin Tian and Xiao Hei hadn't been there, they would have died on the swamp road.

Leize cave, Qin Tian should be the first to go in. In their opinion, it should be!


Just half a column of incense, one person and one beast woke up one after another. The first time Qin Tian opened his eyes was to see how Xiao Hei was. When his body moved, there was a burst of tearing pain in his heart!

"Hiss! This trip to the shadow temple should be the place where I get hurt most frequently. " Qin Tian laughed at himself. Even if he saw Xiaohei next to him, Xiaohei stayed beside him like he was not hurt at all. When he saw Qin Tian wake up, he roared happily.

It has to be said that both Qin Tian and Xiao Hei's physique is very rebellious. Qin Tian's physical strength has reached the most perfect state before nirvana, and Xiao Hei's physical body is even more horizontal than Qin Tian's. after all, even Qin Tian dare not directly use his body to resist the giant tail of the swamp beetle!

"Elder martial brother Qin, please heal quickly. We don't know what's in Leize cave, so we'd better be careful." Wan Hai endured the excitement in his heart and said. Qin Tian nodded and thought he was right.

Recently, Qin Tian feels a little strange, that is, his Tianhu divine determination seems to break through again. Now Qin Tian's physical strength can not be improved by Tianhu divine determination alone. After Qin Tian's perfect quenching, it seems that Tianhu divine determination has also lost its function, but fortunately, he still has Maha Tongtian determination, which is also a skill with amazing resilience.

In the shadow temple, no matter where it is, the spiritual power is quite strong. Even behind the big river and swamp Road, the spiritual power is not necessarily worse than that in other places. Maha Tongtian will work. The rare spiritual power vortex appears on the head of Qin Tian again!

The rolling spirit power roared and was absorbed by Qin Tian to refine Jinru spirit house. After many breakthroughs in cultivation, the scale of the spirit house in his body has expanded many times, and the spirit power that can be stored in it is becoming more and more terrible!

Looking at the psychic whirlpool on Qin Tian's head, Wan Hai was secretly excited. He was worthy of being senior brother Qin Tian. He just healed his wounds. Unexpectedly, he could see the psychic whirlpool at will. In the future, he should cheer up and try to catch up with senior brother Qin Tian!

After the three incense sticks, Qin Tian opened his eyes and slowly stood up, staring at the cave in front of the three of them. The cave was still thundering, which seemed to reveal an extremely unusual feeling.

No matter whether there is a Taigu thunder lion in it or not, it always wants to go in!

The three looked at each other and were all ready. Qin Tian's divine knowledge carefully shrouded around and walked in front with Xiao Hei in case of any sudden changes. Luo Jinfei and Wan Hai also kept up their spirit and came to the gate of the cave.

There was a big word "Leize" above the cave. Right or wrong was the key to success or failure. Qin Tian took a deep breath, stretched out his palm and pressed it on the door.


The dusty door of the ancient cave was finally opened at this moment after many years.

At the first time when the door opened, they all held their breath, and their breath was hidden to the lowest point. For fear of making some other sound, it seemed that they would wake up the sleeping monster!

The door of the cave was completely opened. The first thing that came into their eyes was a lion more than two feet tall and covered in blue and purple!

The lion seemed to be sleeping soundly, and his eyes were closed. Even the loud sound of just opening the door of the cave could not wake him up.

At the first time when they saw the lion, Princess Luo and Wan Hai would scream. Isn't this the so-called fourth order Warcraft, Taigu thunder lion!

Unexpectedly, they were so unlucky that they saw the thunder lion as soon as they opened the door of the cave. They came to die!

Even Qin Tian was startled by the huge thunder lion, but he only felt it twice more. Qin Tian frowned and turned back to show them to take it easy. There was a deep breath of death on the Taigu thunder lion. The Taigu thunder lion was dead!
