Chapter 1376

Name:Immortal Revenge Author:luo qing lei
Han Bin smiled and nodded: "yes, just take your body to refine pills."

Dirk's heart clicked. Although he had guessed the result for a long time, he still couldn't accept it. He smiled bitterly and said, "I want to know what pill you refined..." he thought that he would die later anyway. Even if he died, let him understand! That's why he asked.

Dirk didn't expect that Han Bin not only didn't answer, but said, "when you die, you'll understand."

Hearing this, Dirk had an impulse to swear, and angrily scolded, "Damn, how can I know after I die?"

However, Dirk dared not say it, because once he said it, Han Bin would summon the purple wing ant emperor and make his life worse than death. Although Dirk felt that Han Bin was unlikely to have the purple wing ant emperor, he dared not gamble. If he lost the bet, he didn't even have a chance to regret it.

Dirk sighed and said helplessly, "since you don't want to say, I won't ask. I just hope you can make my death pain faster."

Han Bin is not a cruel man. Since Dirk said this for his own sake, he didn't want to torture dirk. He nodded and said, "well, close your eyes!"

After Dirk closed his eyes, Han Bin slapped his Dantian and killed him.

Han Bin put Dirk's body into the heaven and earth bag, picked up the cloth bag around Dirk's waist, and easily removed the divine knowledge mark on it. Countless things appeared in his mind. There are so many things in Dirk's heaven and earth bag. In addition to natural materials, earth treasures and refining materials, there are many corpses, including hundreds of low-level corpse puppets refined.

Han Bin probably took a look. A divine Jane attracted his attention. After he picked up the divine Jane, the divine consciousness fell on it and felt it. After confirming that there was no problem, the divine consciousness was input into the divine Jane. At one glance, Han Bin was pleasantly surprised. The experience of Dirk's cultivation was recorded in this divine Jane. How to cultivate each magic power was written in great detail. If you cultivate magic power according to this experience, the speed of cultivation can be increased countless times.

It took Han Bin half an hour to read the cultivation experience. He was sure that Dirk did not move in the God Jane given to him earlier. Those magic power decisions were true. Han Bin put the divine slips into the heaven and earth bag, and then one dodged to Xiao Yuyao and others and said, "let's go! Let's find the rest of the medicine guide..."

The girls have long wanted to leave here. The valley is filled with a foul smell. They don't want to stay here for a moment.

Zhu Ruoxue's face was happy and said, "husband, let's go quickly!" then he took Han Bin to show his magic power and left.

Flying in the air, Xiao Yuyao took a look at the map of the divine world in the jade slips and immediately frowned and said, "husband, are we going to the God continent?"

Han Bin nodded and said truthfully, "yes, I found a jade slip from leiduo's heaven and earth bag just now. It records where those envoys are now. Some of them are practicing on the God continent. If these envoys are killed, the eighteen medicine introductions can be collected."

"Husband, are there many of these envoys?" Xiao Yuyao frowned and asked subconsciously, "will they kill us when we go?"

Han Bin smiled, gave her a look that didn't worry, and said, "don't worry. There is only one first envoy among these envoys. Even if they fight together, I'm sure to kill them. Besides, their number is not very large, only more than 30 people."

After hearing this, the women were relieved and flew quickly ahead.

After flying for more than half a month, he finally flew out of the death continent and came to one of the two largest continents in the divine world, the God continent.

The two largest continents in the divine world, one is the heaven God continent, and the other is naturally the earth God continent.

The Heavenly God continent looks not much different from the planets in the world, but the aura of heaven and earth is stronger. The aura here is different from that of other continents. Although the aura contains amazing heavenly attributes, the auras of other attributes are not weak. This is much stronger than other continents. For example, in the Vulcan continent, the aura of fire attribute is extremely rich, and the aura of other attributes can hardly be sensed.

Han Bin finally understood why these envoys came to the mainland of God to practice. It is suitable for all attribute monks to practice, and can absorb not weak attribute Reiki. If they go to other continents, only the monks of this attribute can practice. However, Han Bin doesn't have much interest in the God mainland. He can absorb the aura of any attribute. Xiao Yuyao and others are acquired monks and don't need to practice. Just constantly refine the God card.

That's why people practice better on the life continent, where they can improve their longevity.

Soon, the people came to the second largest mountain range in the God continent, which is called Longtian mountain range.

Why did the mountains take such a strange name? The reason is very simple. If you look down on the whole mountain from above, it is like a giant dragon crawling on the ground. It is said that in the ancient divine world, a powerful dragon died here, and the body of the Dragon turned into a mountain, so the spirit of heaven and earth around the mountain was so strong.

Of course, it's just a legend. Not many people believe it, because it's impossible.

There is a huge Valley in the valley, which is different from other valleys. There is another ten thousand foot high peak in the deepest part of the valley, and there are waterfalls on the peak. There is a small pool where the waterfall flows. The water is unusually clear and contains not weak energy. If you sit in the water and absorb the aura between heaven and earth, the speed of cultivation can be increased several times.

It is for this reason that many envoys will come here to practice, but the lake is not large and there are not many places to sit. Generally, only more than a dozen monks can sit. In desperation, the gods in the valley can only take turns. Only ten people come here every time, which virtually creates an excellent opportunity for Han Bin.

Zhou Dong was very depressed because he felt a little uncomfortable early this morning, so he refined a pill to solve his discomfort. However, his alchemy skills were so poor that he was busy for several hours before he reluctantly refined the pill. After swallowing the pill, he was really much better, and he didn't think much.

When he went to the cave, he was already on the treetop. Zhou Dong sighed and said depressed: "it's not easy to go to Longquan Lake to practice. He was unwell and delayed so long..."

Zhou Dong quickly flew to Longquan Lake. When he arrived, he suddenly had the impulse to make a prank and wanted to trick the envoys who were practicing. If you suddenly appear now and scare some gods, I don't know how many people will be frightened. Thinking of this, Zhou Dong hid his breath and quietly sneaked into the woods near longquantan.

When he came to the woods, Zhou Dong took out a black Taoist robe and put it on, and then took out a mask. When everything was ready and wanted to jump out to frighten the people, I saw a flash of light above the pool. A figure flew like lightning to the pool, and one of the monks flew in the direction of flying.

"Is there anyone else who wants to trick everyone like me?" Zhou Dong frowned and wondered.

At the next moment, a faint smile appeared at the corner of Zhou Dong's mouth. He wanted to know who the man was, so he observed it secretly. This observation, Zhou Dong saw each other clearly, but when he saw a familiar and frightened face, he immediately widened his eyes, his eyes were full of disbelief, and lost his voice: "Han Bin, how did he come here?"

However, Zhou Dong thought about it in a twinkling of an eye and felt that it was wrong. It was the Tianshen mountains, and powerful arrays were arranged around it. Let alone that Han Bin couldn't find it here. Even if he could find it, it would take a long time to crack the surrounding arrays. Zhou Dong decided that the person who came was not Han Bin, but who was the envoy who changed his face and wanted to frighten the people.

Zhou Dong smiled and secretly said, "man, you're still smart. This method can definitely have unexpected results."

Just thinking of this, the next scene made Zhou Dong stare.

The figure quickly descended, suddenly raised his right hand and patted on the head of the envoy. Because the speed was too fast, the envoy didn't even have a chance to dodge. His head was smashed and his brain burst. More frightening things are still ahead. As soon as the God envoy yuan Shen left the body, he was grabbed by the other party and pinched and exploded.

Zhou Dong was stunned. There was only one thought in his mind, "isn't this a trick? Has Han Bin really killed him?"

Thinking of this possibility, Zhou Dong's body trembled violently. He was afraid of Han Bin. He heard a lot of rumors about Han Bin. Dick and others died in Han Bin's hands. If the rumors are not believed, and there is Sun Jian's death, Zhou Dong saw Han Bin kill Sun Jian in front of more than 100 envoys.

Zhou Dong wanted to turn around and leave, but he knew that if he left now, he would expose his breath. If Han Bin found him, he couldn't escape even if he had great skills. Besides, Han Bin won't let him escape. After all, if he leaves, he will notify Zhang tie and others to surround and kill Han Bin.

Thinking of this, Zhou Dong decided not to go first. As long as he hid his good breath, it was difficult to find Han Bin hiding in the woods without deliberately observing the surrounding situation. As long as Han Bin kills the people and leaves, it's not too late for him to go again. At that time, he can inform Zhang tie and others whether to go or stay.


At the foot of Longquan Lake, the monk who was killed gave a scream before his body ran away.

Although the scream was not loud, it was so quiet that the other eight envoys opened their eyes at the same time.

The moment the eight opened their eyes, they just saw Han Bin pinch and explode the yuan God of the divine envoy, slightly stunned.

The next moment, after they saw Han Bin clearly, they took a cold breath at the same time. One of them lost his voice and said, "Han Bin, how did you come here?"

Han Bin took down the monk's magic card and left the body in the pool. The clear pool was instantly red with blood.

This friar cultivates the attribute of death. Han Bin doesn't need such medicine. Naturally, he won't put his body in the heaven and earth bag. Han Bin raised his head, looked at the crowd indifferently, and said coldly: "I'm here to find a drug guide. Do you take the initiative to give it to me, or do I take it myself?"