Chapter 407

Name:Immortal Revenge Author:luo qing lei
After killing one person, Guo Tiande didn't stop. He continued to control the flying sword and killed the others.

The crowd then reacted and quickly sacrificed magic weapons and performed magic to resist Guo Tiande's attack.

While controlling the shield in front of him, Wang Xiaohui asked, "Guo Tiande, what are you doing?"

Guo Tiande snorted coldly and said, "what are you doing? You people are already dead." his cultivation is not high, but the magic weapon is quite powerful. Almost every time the blue flying sword flashes, a magic weapon will run away. They retreated again and again. If they hadn't joined hands to resist, they would have been killed by Guo Tiande.

Wang Xiaohui's eyes flashed, suddenly patted the storage bag at his waist and said in a harsh voice, "elder, do you see that there are traitors among our hunters." his voice echoed in the air, but after three breaths, no one answered. His face turned ugly when he suddenly thought of something.

Guo Tiande smiled coldly and said, "Wang Xiaohui, you've come to the elder to save you."

"You moved your hands and feet on the storage bag?" Wang Xiaohui clenched his teeth, glared at Guo Tiande, and said word by word, "I know it's not your opponent, but can you let us die before we die? If there was only one Guo Tiande, he would never say such a thing. At present, Han Bin is here. In the face of such a strong man, he will never escape.

Guo Tiande's killing intention flashed in his eyes, but he didn't answer his words. Instead, he said in a cold voice, "if you want to know, go to hell and ask the king of hell!" then he flashed his sword and flew straight to Wang Xiaohui.

Wang Xiaohui seemed to have accepted his fate, closed his eyes and waited for death. At the moment when the flying sword came to him, he clapped his palm at the Dantian, and then whispered, "explosion!" in the Dantian, the huge energy suddenly exploded, producing a powerful shock wave that shook the flying sword away. At the same time, his weak Yuanying also flew out, turned into a streamer and went straight to the sky.

Han Bin started at this time. He raised his right hand and looked in the direction of Wang Xiaohui's flight. I saw a green light flying out, and quickly catch up with each other's Yuanying. Then, he heard a residual cry, and his baby fell from the sky. As soon as it fell, it collapsed, turned into a little light and dissipated in the air.

After killing Wang Xiaohui, Han Bin moved his eyebrows and suddenly felt something. He grabbed Guo Tiande and said, "let's go!"

With a flash of light in the woods, Han Bin and Guo Tiande disappeared.

They had just left for less than three seconds when three figures suddenly appeared in their place. The three men, dressed in red robes, were obviously the hunter elders. Somehow, instead of masked, they showed their original appearance. They were all middle-aged men, aged between 40 and 50. One of them had cold and ruthless eyes and murderous eyebrows.

If Han Bin is here, he must recognize this person. He is the hunter elder who used space magic to chase him.

This man's name is hunting. He stands among the three, and the two next to him are called hunting flame and hunting wind.

The hunting surname is not their original name, but a new name after becoming an elder.

Many monks don't care about names. After all, many monks have abandoned seven emotions and six desires. For them, names are just a title. Most of the hunters are evil friars. Evil friars are born with sex. They will do whatever they think, regardless of the consequences. Besides, once they achieve such accomplishments, many things will be opened up, and they won't care so much.

After the three appeared, they saw ten people next to them. They were secretly relieved. The hunter asked, "what happened just now?"

The ten people stood still like statues. Their expressions were frozen, either surprised, frightened or angry.

Hunting didn't notice the look of the ten people. Seeing that they didn't speak, he snorted coldly and looked at them. At this sight, I couldn't help staring. A layer of frost appeared outside the bodies of the ten people. There were more and more frost, and they were frozen in less than a moment. Then, a loud noise came, and ten people suddenly exploded.

The huge force generated by self explosion forms an invisible shock wave and spreads around. If it weren't for the quick response of hunting, the three would be seriously injured if the shock wave was dissolved. After the shock wave was dissolved, a flash of killing light flashed in the hunter's eyes and said coldly, "what a powerful ice magic. I can cultivate to this level. I still underestimated you."

As soon as the words came out, Lieyan asked: "what's the matter? Who did this?"

"Who else can there be?" the hunter snorted coldly and said, "no one dares to be right with our hunters except him?"

The hunting wind on one side also nodded, suddenly thought of something and said in doubt: "no, there is a divine knowledge of us in the storage bag on them. When they start, we should..."

Before he spoke, the hunter hummed coldly, "don't you see? There are only ten bodies here, and Wang Xiaohui has exploded." he said, glancing at the bodies around him.

As soon as liefeng's eyes turned, he immediately figured it out and said in surprise, "you mean Guo Tiande betrayed us?"

"That's right." Hunter said affirmatively, "I suspected Guo Tiande had a problem, but I couldn't find the evidence. He was also an elder in those years. Naturally, he knew how to remove the divine knowledge in the storage bag. If I guessed right, he not only removed these divine knowledge, but also sealed it. As for where the divine knowledge of the three of us is, I'm afraid it has fallen into the hands of the foreign monk."

Lieyan was angry. After hearing this, he roared and said, "his uncle, Guo Tiande is too much. Why did he do this?"

"Why?" Hunter Leng hum, "he either has a brain problem or is a spy sent by others. There are many families on Sirius who want to drive us out, and the latter may be better."

"Drive us out?" Lieyan disdained. "With their skills, it's good that we didn't destroy their family. We still want to drive me away."

Hunting wind suddenly thought of something and said without waiting for hunting to speak; "No, even if Guo Tiande takes a trace of our divine consciousness, what can he do? He can't work on us. Why doesn't he forcibly defeat our divine consciousness? In this case, it can also have a certain impact on our divine consciousness."

Hunting seems to have seen things through, and the analysis says: "It's not easy. He's crushing our divine sense now, which can weaken our original divine power at most, but can't hurt our foundation. Once he hands our divine sense into the hands of the foreign monk? He's very proficient in the array. He's afraid that they will use a powerful array to kill us..."

Liefeng's face sank, and a confused color flashed in his eyes. He hurriedly asked, "if so, what shall we do now?"

The hunter waved his hand, gave him a look that didn't need to worry, and said: "Although there are spells in the world that use God's knowledge to seriously hurt each other, there is no level 3 cultivation star. Even if there are, we can't use his cultivation of nine turn realm. Moreover, our cultivation is much higher than him. If he really uses such a spell, we can use this spell to bite him back. Even if we can't kill him, we can also seriously hurt him."

Hearing this, liefeng breathed a sigh of relief and said, "what shall we do now?"

The hunter thought for a moment and said, "it's extremely important. I can't decide yet. You two wait here. I'll see the elder and report the situation here to him. It's up to him to decide." after that, he reminded: "remember, gather all the hunters together, don't let them act privately, and don't happen similar things again."

Lieyan had no mind and didn't think about it. He said, "go! We're here. Don't worry!"

At this time, he was afraid that when he left, the other party would come out and do it. However, in the twinkling of an eye, the other party was not his opponent. Although Lieyan and liefeng were only in the early stage of transforming God, after all, there were two people. No matter how powerful the other party was, they could not kill them.

These thoughts flashed through the hunter's mind. He threw a fist at them and flew away.

Snow peak, in the cave where Han Bin is located.

Guo Tiande looked around and exclaimed, "we tried our best to find you, but unexpectedly, you hid here." speaking of this, he paused and continued: "I really want to know how you guessed that I led you here, and how do you know I would betray the hunter organization?"

Han Bin didn't answer him, but said, "if I can't guess this, I'm afraid you won't find an ally!"

As soon as he said this, Guo Tiande suddenly looked surprised and said: "It's awesome. It's worthy of being a friar who makes the hunter organization want to kill. Your plan is beyond my imagination. In recent years, Sirius hunters have issued hunting orders only three times. The first two times were all powerful and distinguished. I was surprised when you issued the hunting order. Now it seems that I underestimated you."

"I admire you too." Han Bin said slowly. "You've been hiding in the hunter organization for so many years, but you haven't exposed your identity. It's not simple."

Guo Tiande's eyes coagulated and said, "how do you see it?"

Han Bin smiled and said: "It's very simple. The leader of each team organized by the hunter is a nine turn state, but you are a friar in the early days of turning God. Also, when you led the team to the woods, I found that your eyes were wrong when you talked, so I noticed that there was no array to hide divine consciousness in their storage bag. Later, you found out My position, I sensed your breath and found that you are not a nine turn monk... "

"Although your breath is well hidden, there is still a faint breath around your body." Han Bin said here, stopped and turned his eyes on Guo Tiande.

After Guo Tiande stopped, he kept nodding. When Han Bin finished, he laughed, clapped his hands and said, "OK, good! I've been in the hunter organization for 800 years, and they didn't see through my identity. Unexpectedly, you can see so thoroughly in this short moment." he paused for a moment and went back to business: "Since you see through my identity, I'll tell you the truth! I want to cooperate with you and become an ally. Are you willing?"

"Let's talk about the benefits first!" Han Bin won't do things without benefits. He doesn't have time to meddle in these things.

Guo Tiande was stunned and then said with a smile, "I just like a straightforward person like you. Similarly, I won't do anything without benefits." he turned his words and continued: "As for the forces behind me, I can't say more here. Just know that we also want to remove the hunter organization from this planet. If you help me kill them, all the things in the hunter organization belong to you. I just want one thing, how about it?"