In succession, nine Japanese samurai died. Each of them was asked the first sentence by Lin Mu. After answering a few words, they died completely. Even their souls disappeared under the toxin of hegemony.

At the beginning, Lin Mu tried to save the soul of the next Japanese warrior. Even if he couldn't stop them from dying, he had to keep his soul for a while. The secret method of searching for the soul can also be used by Lin Mu. However, after the death of one Japanese warrior after another, Lin Mu was disappointed with this method.

Obviously, Baqi snake had taken this into consideration when it put down the soul toxin, so the soul could not be preserved at all. As soon as the toxin broke out, it would immediately lead to the extinction of the soul.

However, Lin Mu couldn't give up because of continuous failures. These Japanese warriors are an excellent breakthrough. If they can't get the news of Baqi snake from these people, other ways are almost impossible.

After the soul of the ninth Japanese warrior was destroyed, Lin Mu finally found the location of Baqi snake's spiritual attachment. It was in the memory area of the souls of these Japanese warriors. Once these memories were triggered and wanted to speak out, the hidden toxin in the soul would attack instantly and dissipate the soul directly.

Just when Lin Mu racked his brains to think about how to deal with the eight Qi snake's spiritual control, an idea suddenly flashed through his mind, making his eyes suddenly bright.

At the beginning, Frank's brain was forbidden by the divine control powers, which limited the memory of a certain area of the brain. As long as the memory of this area was activated, the prohibition would immediately destroy Frank's brain and prevent Frank from speaking those memories.

Thinking of this situation, Lin Mu suddenly realized that there are two parts of human memory, one in the soul and the other in the body. Of course, the memory in the body exists in specific areas of the brain. Modern science of the earth has confirmed that, and through a series of experiments, the memory storage location of the brain has been confirmed.

The memory in the soul is naturally more secure, because the practitioners can change their bodies, seize other people's bodies by means of giving up, and then assimilate them to completely fit their own soul with another body.

In this process, the memory carried by the owner of the original body will also be acquired by the person who gives up. Obviously, the memory in the brain means that the person who is given up has gone through the whole process. This situation is not uncommon, and Lin Mu himself has a deep understanding of it, because in a sense, he has given up, even though the owner of the body has died at the time of giving up.

However, he still got most of the memory in his body, just pretending that he didn't respond. Thinking of this, an idea suddenly came to Lin Mu's mind.

Although Baqi snake is very well prepared for the souls of these Japanese warriors, it does not necessarily notice the memory in these people's brains. It is very likely that wise people will lose everything when they worry about it.

Through the neuron signal released from the nerve synapse, Lin Mu can perfectly simulate that signal, so as to reproduce the memory situation in the brain as picture or sound, which is the ability of the human body itself and the source of memory.

Thinking of this, Lin Mu immediately began to act. He casually found a Japanese warrior who was still alive. His thoughts immediately penetrated into each other's mind. He was familiar with the brain area responsible for memory. In the memory area, there were memories of the Japanese warrior's life. Although many memories could not be recalled, they still existed in the brain.

Because memories are all stored in one area, but there is no distinction between those things, it takes a lot of energy for Lin Mu to find them. However, compared with asking questions, the other person's soul will collapse and die. This method is very good, at least it is possible to get some information.

Through a complete search of the Japanese warrior's mind, after filtering out a lot of useless information, Lin Mu finally found some useful clues. While browsing the memory in the other person's brain, his hand swiped back and forth on the mobile phone screen and drew images.

These images include mountains and waters, overlapping peaks and precipitous peaks. Although the name of Yunluo mountain is in my memory, these Japanese warriors have no idea where Baqi snake is, but they have seen these places in their memory. So Lin Mu quickly restored these images and sent them to Enzo for investigation.

The powerful power of soul made the search speed of Lin Mu very fast. The first Japanese warrior to be searched in the brain area only spent less than half an hour. After filtering out a lot of useless information, he finally searched all his memories. Except for some pictures in memory, most of them were memory of performing tasks.

Except for the middle-aged man, all the living Japanese warriors were checked by Lin Mu. The information he got was very limited, but Lin Mu was not discouraged. At least this is a good start. There is another Japanese warrior leader who has not been checked. I believe he can get more information.

After meditation restored the lost soul power, Lin Mu officially began to search the memory of the middle-aged man. This method does not involve any martial arts. It is pure science. By restoring the signals released by the brain nerve synapses, the memory that has been changed into brain electrical signals is restored to images or sounds.

The middle-aged people have much more information in their minds than these Japanese warriors. They have a lot of memories about the big snake of Baqi. Even in the depth of their memory, there is a very vague picture. It is in a dark cave, with eight huge snake heads slanting in the East and West. The style of the picture is dead and there is no breath of life“ eureka! Sure enough, some of these people have seen the existence of Baqi snake with their own eyes. This middle-aged man is one of them. In the Japanese samurai organization, this middle-aged man can't be the top commander. That means that there are other people who may keep closer contact with Baqi snake. If they can catch those people, they may be able to obtain extremely detailed information! " The search for the middle-aged man's brain lasted about an hour. After Lin Mu cut off his reading, he murmured to himself in a low voice. From the memory of the middle-aged man, when looking for Baqi snake, he needs to go through a teleportation array. However, this teleportation array can not be opened at any time. Instead, there is a strict time limit. The teleportation array can only be opened on September 1 every year. He also followed other Japanese warriors of higher level to enter that teleportation array. Strange to say, this middle-aged man has no memory of other Japanese samurai leaders, at least no clear image memory, only a few names. It seems that Japanese samurai not only keeps secrets to outsiders, but also keeps great mystery to their own people. Another key point is that the middle-aged people often have the concept of "deep" in their memory of Baqi snake. After some thinking, Lin Mu thinks that "deep" must refer to geographical location, not other things. It shows that Baqi snake may be hidden in a deep underground space, but not on the surface, so it is easy to be found by accident. Now the technology is also very developed, and the search work on the surface has been very perfect for a long time. Only by hiding in the deep underground can we better maintain calm cultivation. After sorting out the information from the middle-aged man's mind, Lin Mu left the laboratory. Except for the nine Japanese warriors who had died, the rest of them had been abandoned. Although they had saved one life, they had already been destroyed because the memory area of the brain had been searched by Lin Mu, When I wake up, I'm just an idiot. Lin Mucai is too lazy to deal with these Japanese warriors. He also disdains to kill some people who have no resistance. Anyway, these people have a feud with the CHIODO family. It's better to leave them to the CHIODO family. I believe they will deal with them very well. In addition, the follow-up plan also needs the cooperation of the chiyodai family, because Lin Mu needs to bring in more powerful Japanese warriors. The real experts in this organization don't give a hand. If there are no experts in xuanjing in an organization with Baqi snake as its backer, Lin Mu thinks it's really a ghost. The master of tongxuan realm is not worth mentioning to the practitioners. As long as Baqi snake is willing, he can cultivate the master of tongxuan realm. After all, he needs these people to constantly capture his soul. Without strong cultivation, the Japanese warrior organization has long been destroyed by other Japanese families. It's been a whole day and a night since Lin Mu entered the lab for interrogation. There have been people from the thousand generation family waiting outside the lab. when Lin Mu came out, he immediately led the way to find the thousand generation Ye Yun“ Mr. Yun, you are out. " Chiyodai Yeyun and Luo Bingyun naturally did not leave the factory. The former is to preside over the restoration of the factory, while the latter is to wait for Lin Mu. They have their own ideas, so they stay together. At this time, they are saying this in an underground room, as if discussing the follow-up cooperation. When they see Lin Mu coming in, they stop talking together“ Other Japanese warriors, it seems that you have solved the problem. Now I need to have a look at that piece of wood. " Lin Mu didn't talk much nonsense, so he put forward the previous request directly.